mbv, NEST HQ and the back country of West Virginia, Two Rescues

Jan 06, 2010 01:11

Rachel:  *hurrying into the medical ward as fast as she can limp*  Merlin, they've found somebody, but it's not Kup.

Merlin: *startles, was checking Sharpshot's vitals despite the fact that the femme hasn't awoken yet* Oh my...

Rachel:  *nearly falls, but catches herself on Sharpshot's table*  *quietly*  It's Kia.

Merlin: ... *Transforms quickly, moves to hurry out of the medical ward*

Rachel:  *winces as something in her back twinges, and then pulls herself up to sit on the table as she waits for him to come back*

Joe:  *walking beside Jack and Patrick, helping a dazed looking and rather junked little femme down the hall*

Perceptor: *startles again as he nearly runs into the group* Oh!!!

Joe:  Ack!  *protective arm in front of the femme*

Kia:  *blinks and gives Perceptor a bewildered look*

Perceptor: My apologies... Rachel informed me of our newest arrival... *wringing his hands slightly*

Patrick: *small frown as he notices the hand wringing* Perceptor, would you assist Rachel and Dr. House in preparing the medical ward?

Kia:  *starts*  Per... cept... tor?  *broken little emotionless voice, but it's the first thing she's said since they found her*

Perceptor: *slight wibble, nods*

Kia:  Per... cep... tor.

Joe:  *gently*  Yes.  That's Perceptor.  He's going to get things ready to take care of you.

Kia:  *bows head wearily*

Perceptor: *another nod, then he's hurrying back to the medbay*

Joe:  *looks at Patrick*  ...They know each other?

Patrick: The way Perceptor's behaving... I wouldn't be surprised if they do.

Jack: *soft chuckle* They were crechmates back home... and lab buddies to boot.

Joe:  So they're friends.

Jack: *small nod, chuckle* In a sense....

Joe:  What do you mean?

Kia:  *bit of a tug*  Perceptor.

Jack: *pings Joe's comm* //Bones had a bit of interest in our guest at one point... and going by his actions earlier, I think it's still there.//

Patrick: *Gently* We're almost to the medical ward, Kia... You'll be able to see Perceptor soon.

Kia:  *shaky sigh, then she lowers her head doggedly and continues putting one foot in front of the other*

Joe:  ...Are you sure you wouldn't like me to carry you?

Kia:  Yes.

back in the medical ward

Rachel:  *has had to lay down by Sharpshot by time Merlin gets back*

Dr. House:  *getting diagnostic equipment ready*  *turns to look at Perceptor as he comes in*  What are we looking at, Professor Percia?

Perceptor: ... *hand to mouth* Oh my stars... I didn't scan her.... I'm not sure what damages Miss Kia has obtained...

Rachel:  *lifts her head and gives him a concerned look*  Percy, are you going to be able to take care of this?

Perceptor: *cycles air for a few moments, before shaking his head* Miss Kia... is my crechmate... *pinching the bridge of his nose, startles when Jack enters the medbay and holds the doors open*

Rachel:  Yeah.  I know that.  I just don't know how well I'm going to be able to get around.  I fell asleep in my chair last night, and I think my transportation apparatus just quit on me.

Jack: *Giving Rachel a slightly stern Look* Rachel, you didn't tell me that...

Rachel:  Uh, we didn't talk yet today, Jack.

Jack: *soft sigh, headshake, moves to pick Rachel up*

Rachel:  *hand up*  Hey, sport.  I'm fine right here.  But Kia needs help and I don't think Perceptor's going to be able to do it.

Jack: *gently* You sure? *worried word-mate is worried*

Rachel:  *nods*  Sharpshot's nice and warm against my back.

Jack: Alright... *grabs a blanket drapes it over Rachel and Sharpshot* *quietly* She's still not waking up, is she?

Rachel:  *quietly*  No.   Not yet.

Kia:  Perceptor!  *gently trying to push Joe's hands away*

Joe:  *trying to keep her on her feet*

Perceptor: *comes over, clicks quietly to Kia* Shhhh.... I am here...

Kia:  *reaches a hand toward him*  You... are... al... right.

Perceptor: *gently holds Kia's hand* Yes... I am unharmed... *clicks, moving to support her*

Kia:  *puts her arms around him and clings with all her slight and shaking strength*

Perceptor: *Gently rubs her back, clicking soothingly and talking quietly in Cybertronian* [Shhhh.... You are safe now, Kia.]

Kia:  *very quietly*  [I love you.]

Joe:  ...0.o.

Rachel:  *blinks*

Perceptor: ... *frozen in shock*

Patrick: ...

Jack: ... o.O

Dr.  House:  *comes out of the storeroom and looks at all the shocked expressions*  ...What did I miss?

Jack: *moves to poke Perceptor* ... *facepalm* His processor crashed.

Dr.  House:  0_0  Do we need medical equipment?

Jack: Nah... He'll reboot soon. Let's get him 'n Kia laying down on a table.

Dr.  House:  ...The same one?  *looks at the pair, gears turning in his mind even as he moves to help*

Patrick: I think that'd probably be best... *bemused* I don't think Kia wants to let go of Perceptor...

Rachel:  *to Dr. House's look* No.  They're not married.

Jack: *going to try to gently coax Kia into letting go of Perceptor*

Kia:  *gives him an unhappy look, but reluctantly lets go*  ...Poor... Perceptor.

Jack: Joe, if you'd get Percy onto a table, I'll help Kia onto one...

Joe:  Yes, sir.  *carefully moves to pick the scientist up and do so*

Jack: *Gently* You can cuddle with him later, Kia... *moving to help the femme onto a table*

Kia:  *shutters optics and concentrates, then quietly*  Re... pair... first.

Rachel:  *frowning as she scans as best she can from that distance*  She's rational.

Jack: One of her wires was cut somehow... She was in a junkyard...

Rachel:  *frown deepens*  Which wire?

Jack: *tells Rachel the wire that was cut* The processor to motor control interface wire.

Rachel:  *winces*  Slag....  Did it look like she'd been there awhile?

Dr.  House:  *helping Joe and talking quietly to Kia, who is rusty and filthy dirty*

Jack: *Quietly* Yeah... She's covered in rust and dirt....

Rachel:  Well, that much dirt can come from one fight.  But I see the rust now.  Was she in stasis lock?

Jack: Yeah... The only thing keeping her outta it is electrical tape...

Rachel:  *wince*  Do what you can, okay?  I should be able to get around again by tomorrow.

Dr.  House:  *gives her a surprised and doubtful look*  You guys heal that fast?

Jack: *nods* Self repair can handle some things really quick-like....

Rachel:  And this isn't really damage.  It's just the equivalent of what you'd call a muscle cramp or a cold in the muscle.

Dr.  House:  ...Those can take days to get over unless you have the right painkillers and heat packs.

Jack: Maybe for humans... but like I said... Self repair. Granted, it can't handle major injuries, but for minor stuff, it's the best bet.

Dr.  House:  Okay.  So.... What do we need to do for these guys?

Rachel:  Where's Moofy?

Joe:  *looks around for the drone*

Patrick: Last I saw of him, he was making a lot of noise and crawling into someone's dufflebag...

Rachel:  *concerned.  Whistles for Moofy*

Jack: *to Dr. House* Once Percy's finished rebooting, we just need to keep him calm and quiet while we work on Kia... *begins explaining the femme's injuries and what needs to be done to get her back to fully functioning*

Moofy: *Deedles as one of the soldiers brings in the dufflebag he crawled into*

Rachel:  Poor Moofy, did they go the wrong direction?

Moofy: *Beeps! Loudly!*

Patrick: Right before we picked up on Kia's spark... he had a confirmed lock on Kup.

Rachel:  *looks over to where her husband's talking with Dr. House as they work on Kia, then back to her commander*  Shouldn't we be sending someone to get him?

Patrick: We'll get another team formed.... Should we inform Tracks that Kup has been located?

Rachel:  Well, you should let Rodney know.  Tracks might be too busy helping Raoul take apart that old engine Mike gave the kid for Christmas.  ...Or using the wax he got.

Patrick: *Chuckles* Has Lisa seen his alt-mode yet?

Rachel:  I don't think so.  He seems to think it's rude to wear it inside.

Patrick: *soft chuckle, headshakes and clicks to Moofy, who beeps at him*

Rachel:  *quietly*  I can find some way to go along, if Russell's still not up to it.

Patrick: I think he would be... if I knew where to find him...

Rachel:  He and Serenity sleep in room 132.

Patrick: Emi checked there just a little while ago... They're not there, and I spoke with some of the soldiers... They saw them earlier today, but not since.

Rachel:  *pulls out her cellphone and presses Russell's speed dial number*

Russell's phone: *goes straight to voicemail*

Rachel:  Russell, they found Kup.  But they found Kia too and Jack's taking care of her and Merlin.  If you get this message in the next minute or so call me back.  *closes phone with a frown*  Alright, Chief.  Find someone willing to carry me.

Patrick: On it... *and moments later, Lisa and Emi both arrive in the medical ward*

Petra: *Brings up the rear*

Rachel:  *lifts her eyebrows and sighs*  Are you guys up to an off road carry?

Lisa: *nods, grinning*

Petra: If we carry you in a camping chair, that may be easier...

Rachel:  *nods, biting her lip with embarrassment at all the fuss she's causing when she should just be walking out with the team*  Yeah, that would probably work.

Emi: Think you can lean on me until we get the chair, Rachel?

Rachel:  I can try.  *Moving to turn and sit up without getting tangled in the blanket*

Emi: *nods to Lisa, and both women are over to help Rachel*

Petra: I'll go get the camp chair then. *about face, heads off to do so*

Patrick: *trying to coax Moofy out of the dufflebag*

Rachel:  *using her hands to move her legs off the table*  Moofy?  We're going to find Kup now.

Moofy: *happy chirrup, beetles out of the bag and over to Rachel*

Patrick: ... *Sighs and mumbles something about going to talk to some of the soldiers*

Solder whose bag Moofy hijacked: *deepish alto chuckle*

Rachel:  *legs down, ready to try and get up*

Lisa: Here... *gently puts Rachel's arm over her own shoulders, while Emi does the same on Rachel's other side*

Soldier: *coming over to help as well* *has a very noticable drawl to her voice* On three?

Rachel:  Make it four, Denver.

Denver: *Chuckles* Alraght...

Rachel:  *bracing herself and ready*  Watch out, Moofy.

Moofy: *Deedles, climbs up Denver's back to perch on the soldier's shoulder*

Rachel:  And remember, you're supposed to ask about that, sport.

Denver: Ah don' mahnd. 'E's cute, 'n a lot friendlier th'n th' otha one...

Rachel:  *chuckles quietly* Nearly everything's friendlier than Fluffy.

Denver: *soft snerk* Don' Ah know it... Readeh?

Rachel:  Ready.  *grits teeth and tenses*

Emi, Lisa, Denver: *help Rachel to her feet*

Rachel:  *up, but biting her lip in earnest now as pain radiates up and down the spinal relays in her lower back*

Emi: Easy... Hey, Jack? Dr. House? Do either of you have pain overrides?

Dr.  House:  *looks at Jack, and then reaches into the box of supplies they were working with*  Which ones do we need, Jack?

Jack: *looks up from what he's working on to watch Rachel for a few moments* Medium strength ones... the light ones probably won't do much of anything, but the heavy ones'd leave her too loopy to focus on anything.

Dr. House:  *takes out one of the appropriate strength and offers it to Emilia, his expression showing his concern for Rachel*

Emi: *gently applies the tab as Petra returns carrying a folded-up camping chair*

Rachel:  *sighs and shivers as the pain fades just enough to make it livable*  Thanks.  *looks toward the chair

Denver: *waits till Petra unfolds the chair before moving to pick Rachel up carefully*

Rachel:  Wait!

Denver: Wh't?

Moofy: *Chirrup*

Rachel:  *quietly*  I don't like having my legs touched.

Denver: *apologetic* Sorreh... Ah di'n' know...

Rachel:  I know.  It's okay.  *grins just a bit*

Lisa: *Small frown, clicks worriedly*

Rachel:  *manages to wind up in chair and gets self settled*  Alright.  Lisa, stop worrying.

Emi: *patpats the younger woman's arm gently* C'mon... the sooner we get out to whatever vehicle is taking us, the better.

Moofy: *climbs down to settle in Rachel's lap*

Rachel:  *arm around him as her other hand holds onto the chair*

Denver: *Helps Emi, Petra, and Lisa carefully and slowly lift the chair* Ah'll see 'f Ah c'n be th' one drahvin', jes t' make sure y'all're comfortable on th' drahve out.

Tracks:  *waiting when they reach the parking lot*

Denver: *impressed whistle when she spots Tracks* Naaaaahce...

Rachel:  *facepalm*

Tracks:  Why thank you.  *opens his passenger door to show the seat moved well back so as to leave plenty of comfortable leg room*

Lisa: ... *SQUEAL! ramblyfit about how awesomely gorgeous Shelby Cobras are and about how she, Emi, and Mia just finished work on Silverstreak and about how even though Silverstreak's back to being a Thunderbird, it's still not as gorgeous as Tracks' alt mode is*

Emi: *resisting the urge to facepalm*

Rachel:  *waves her free hand*  Guys.  Guys!  Kup?

Emi: Bluestreak, calm DOWN. *yes, she's using THAT tone of voice.*

Lisa: *startles, falls silent mid-sentance*

Denver: *very slight flinch, stands at attention*

Petra: *sigh*

Emi: Let's get Rachel situated. Tracks, Raoul, you two just got recruited to help with the rescue mission. Moofy got a lock on Kup.

Tracks:  *A bit stiffly*  Actually, Elita.  I volunteered.  And Raoul's not coming.

Petra: *Sensing the impending argument* That's a good idea... We have no clue what sort of state Kup may be in.

Tracks:  Really.  You wouldn't bring a sparklet along on something like this.  Raoul's only a child.

Emi: *can't argue with that logic, though it seems she's trying to in her processor*

Denver: *helping Lisa and Petra get Rachel and Moofy situated in Tracks' seat* *quietly, to Rachel* Ah think it'd be best f'r Miss Smith t' stay put 'ere...

Rachel:  *surprised glance, and then looks at Emilia*  I think that's her call, Denver.

Emi: *small frown, sighs, heads back inside once Rachel's securely seated*

Rachel:  *long silence of shock*  Did I just get left in charge of this mission?

Petra: No. I still outrank you, though it's only slightly. *teasing glimmer in her eyes as she grins at Rachel*

Rachel:  Oh good.  *settles back in her seat*

Moofy: *Chirp! Ready to go!*

Denver: *Raised brow, even as Lisa moves to scramble into Tracks' back seat*

Tracks:  Easy on the upholstery, darling!  Prowl, are you taking the driver's seat?

Petra: Denver volunteered to drive, but that was before we knew you'd be coming with us... *eyes the tall soldier* I think it would be best if Denver sat in the driver's seat, seeing as she's taller than me.

Tracks:  Oh very well, then.  *moves the driver's seat forward a little more, urging everyone to get in*

Petra: *makes Lisa scoot over as she climbs in carefully* Thank you for doing this, Tracks.

Denver: *waiting till the others are buckled up and the seat is moved back before she gets in* Wh't year? *okay, so she's also admiring Tracks' alt mode*

Tracks:  Oh, it's a '73.  Raoul wanted me to change to something else when he found out I could, but nothing else was as stunning.

Denver: *nods* Good year, th't. Ah 'adda 'cuda fr'm th't era... hadta sell it though... saddest day'a mah lahf...

Tracks:  *sniffs*  Well, at least it was only a Barracuda.  Think of how bad it would have been if it had been something nice!

Rachel:  *face palm*  *Tracks hasn't changed*

Denver: Oy. Th't 'Cuda was mah babeh! Ah rebuilt 'er fr'm th' chassis up! *small scowl*

Petra: *Facepalming as well*

Rachel:  *quickly*  So, everyone ready?  Which way, Moofy?

Moofy: *deedles and moves to carefully climb up onto Tracks' dash so he can point the way*

Denver: *buckling up*

Lisa: *having a silent Gleefit*

Rachel:  *gently lifts Moofy down before Tracks can object, but then holds him up so that he can point*

Moofy: *points north-by-northwest* *Chirp*

Tracks:  Got it.  *pulls out of the lot, his engine a smooth growl*

Denver and Lisa: *looking like they're in heaven listening to Tracks' engine*

Rachel:  *relaying directions as Moofy gives them*

Tracks:  *operating smoothly, intent on his work and letting a little of his worry for his commander slip in his terse replies*

Petra: *Calmly* Moofy only makes the chirping sounds if he's found a living spark, correct, Rachel?

Rachel:  Yup.  He goes by spark signature.  No spark, no signature.

Moofy: *Affirmative chirrup, has been paying attention even as he provides the direction of the spark he's been tracking*

Tracks:  Oh, he's alive.  Kup is much too tough to have let a little damage keep him down.

Petra: *small nod* And if he's in any shape to do so, he may very well be ready to fight.

Tracks:  *doubt creeps into his voice*  If he could do that, and he's so close to your usual bases, wouldn't he have made contact?

Denver: Accordin' t' what Ah saw wit' th' one named Hound, those Stark $%&%$&*$^%$@#$ 'tacked... 'f it were me, Ah'd be keepin' radio silence 'till Ah knew f'r sure th't th' coast was cleah.

Tracks:  But Kup would also never have left his people with those cretins if he knew what had happened to them.

Denver: Th'n odds're th't 'e mahght be stuck somewhere where 'e can't get t' y'all....

Rachel:  Patrick said that Hound's shell said something about that.

Tracks:  *slight shudder runs through his frame, and the growl of his engine gets just a little rougher*

Lisa: *Gentle patpat for Tracks' seat* We'll find him. You'll see.

Tracks:  Please don't put finger prints on my upholstery.  *turns on the first side road leading in the last direction Moofy indicated*

Lisa: Hey! *Sulk*

Moofy: *Getting a bit excited, chirping more often now*

Tracks:  It's nothing personal, darling.  They're just the devil to get off.  *sounds absent as he concentrates on where they're going and focuses on keeping his sensors out for enemies*

Petra: *chuckles* Perhaps we should call some air support as well, just to be on the safe side.

Rachel:  *quietly*  Tell the girls not to be too obvious, and to respect flight paths.

Petra: *nods, moments later, she nods again* Susana and Sabrina are en route.

Lisa: ... But what about the others?

Petra: *soft chuckle* They're spying on Serenity and Russell while those two have lunch together.

Rachel:  And I thought Alex and Mia had lousy timing.

Petra: *small nod* The rest of the Aerialbots will join in within the next fifteen to twenty minutes. Serenity and Russell are paying their bill.

Tracks:  *pauses at a crossroad and unconsciously revs his engine in the vehicular version of a flex*

Denver: Ey, sometahm, y'u 'n me, we gotta race... Ah gotta 'vette th't Ah bet c'n put up a pretteh good faght 'gainst ya on th' strip... *grins*

Tracks:  *absently*  ...Do you know what racing does to an engine, darling?

Denver: Depends on th' engine, sugah.

Tracks:  Not with these inferior fuels that are all that's locally available.  Which way, Ratchet?

Rachel:  Rachel.  And keep going.

Tracks:  Alright.  *keeps going*

Denver: Jes how 'locally' 're ya talkin' 'bout?

Rachel:  He's talking about Earth fuel.  Alright, now turn right.

Tracks:  ...There's no road there.  *hesitates, but then sighs and drives right out onto the frozen field*

Denver and Lisa: *Both wince and mutter something about how this CAN'T be good for his suspension system*

Moofy: *really starting to get excited, is in danger of busting his speaker again*

Tracks:  *just drives.  Slowly and carefully as he tries not to jostle Rachel too much*

Petra: *keeping an eye out for any danger, and gives a small nod when she sees two small-ish fliers zip by overhead* There's Silverbolt and Skydive.

Rachel:  *looks to see if she can spot a possible place for a Transformer to be hidden*  There.  I can sense him too, now.

Denver: Sheeeeeesh... talk 'bout a real fixer-upper... *as the collapsed toolshed becomes visible. The shed's clearly seen better days, and more life in those better days than appears to have been around it recently. The walls have long since collapsed in on themselves, though there are four posts still standing, barely holding the antiqued tin roof upright. It looks as though a strong breeze could easily topple the remaining structure, and there seems to be nothing but dust and rusted nails holding what's left together*

Tracks:  *approaches it cautiously, looking for traps*

Petra: *Scanning, even as Silverbolt and Skydive land nearby*

Rachel:  He's in stasis lock.  *wince*  And his energy's nearly too low.

Lisa: Oh dear... *Wibbles and moves to unbuckle once Tracks is stopped*

Tracks:  *hits a deep pothole that had been hidden under the snow and groans as he shuts his engine down*

Denver: *winces as the seatbelt tightens* $*#&^&^#%...

Tracks:  Sorry.  *opens door*

Denver: *gently pats Tracks' dashboard as she unbuckles* Aincher fault, sugah... Ah bet th's place ain't been used f'r decades...

Rachel:  We haven't been here that long.  ...Hurry, guys.  But be careful.  Remember who it is we're here for.

Denver: *gets out carefully, and draws the small firearm she keeps on her person*

Silverbolt: *Crouched and examining something that Skydive found*

Tracks:  What did you find, ladies?  *leaving Rachel's door shut for now*

Skydive: Tripwire... No clue what it's attached to yet...

Silverbolt: Going by what the Chief told us about Kup... Probably something unpleasant...

Lisa: *getting out, with Petra close behind* Unpleasant how?

Petra: Unpleasant for anyone trying to approach head-on, more than likely... Some form of defense... *transforming after Denver declares the area 'clear'*

Rachel:  *hand on the handle of her door and frowns when Tracks won't let her out*

Moofy: *Deedles, wants out!*

Rachel:  Tracks, come on.  Open the door.

Tracks:  I don't think Wheeljack would appreciate your damaging yourself further on this barbaric terrain.

Denver: *examining the tripwire, and carefully following it back to its source* Oy, we mahght need s'me 'elp... th' wahr leads t' somethin' underneath th' walls... 'n Ah'm good f'r short lifts 'f stuff heavier th'n mah gear only...

Tracks:  Well Ratchet... Rachel will hardly be of any help with that.

Silverbolt: *already starting to move one of the walls with Lisa and Denver's help*

Prowl: *coming back over* Then perhaps you would be able to help, Tracks.

Tracks:  *quietly*  With all due respect, Prowl.  That's not a good idea.  I cracked a spring when I hit this pothole.  Shrinking down into my natural mode could snap it, and then you'd need a towtruck too.

Rachel:  0_o

Prowl: *Frown, concern clear on his face*

Lisa: *sees Prowl's expression, has Skydive trade her places, comes over* What's wrong?

Denver: *looking over her shoulder at the rest of the Autobots present*

Prowl: Tracks cracked a spring due to the pothole...

Lisa: ... Where at, and how big?

Tracks:  You won't be able to repair it out here.  And we need to focus on Kup if what Rachel said about him is true.

Lisa: *frooowwwwn, small nod* Alright, but as soon as we get back, I wanna take a look.

Tracks:  *rather gently*  I'm grateful for your concern, but I already have a mechanic, darling.

Rachel:  Whoa, whoa, whoa.  *loses hold of a Moofy*

Moofy: *beelining for the shed*

Rachel:  Somebody grab him!

Lisa: Ack! *tries to grab Moofy, fails as the little drone dives in through a small hole in the woodpile*

Rachel:  *hands over mouth, eyes wide as she waits for something to go boom*

Moofy: *Happy chirping and deedling*

Denver: *shouldering the wood aside as quickly as she's able to with the assistance of Silverbolt and Skydive*

Prowl: *examining the tripwire and how it goes into the collapsed walls of the shed* Bluestreak, do you have wire cutters?

Rachel:  *breathing again, though she's shaking and muttering thanks*

Tracks:  *rubs her back with his seat and watches the others*

Lisa: Here... *transforms and cuts the wire where Prowl instructs her to, before they're both going over to help uncover Kup*

Rachel:  *watching and praying and biting her lip*

Denver: *low whistle as something is uncovered* Th't's 'un biiig *unprintable* gun...

Tracks:  *shifts and then bites off a groan as his broken spring twinges, is otherwise as silent as Rachel as he watches and waits*

Prowl: Denver, do you think you can lift him up and carry him a short distance?

Denver: Yessir. Sh'uld be pretteh easeh t' lift...

Rachel:  *calls*  Don't jostle him too much.

Denver: Yes'm! *crisp salute as she carefully lifts Kup off of the ground*

Bluestreak: *picks Moofy up, clicking to the drone as he victoriously plays the "Intel Inside" clip over and over*

Tracks:  Where are we going to put him?

Denver: ... *CUSS*

Prowl: *Frown* Wasn't there supposed to be more NEST soldiers coming to assist?

Silverbolt:  I can sense their vehicles.  They're coming.

Tracks:  *perks at about the same time the others will hear the jeep and the ambulance approaching*

Prowl: *Transforming out of habit*

Silverbolt and Skydive: *Doing likewise*

Sabrina:  *head turns in the other direction, frown*  Oh oh.  I think the guy who owns this place has noticed us.

Bluestreak: *Meeps and transforms quickly*

Rachel:  Which one will be here first, Susie?

Susana: NEST. *has her jacket off nonetheless and is using it to wrap Kup in as well as she's able*

Tracks:  There's a blanket in my trunk.  Just please never tell Raoul you've seen his stuffed shark.

Denver: *small nod as Petra goes to retrieve the blanket*

Rachel:  *whistles for Moofy, her head turned in the direction that they expect the farmer from*

Moofy: *Wiggles in Lisa's arms, until Lisa brings the drone over*

Rachel:  *takes him and tucks him down by her feet*  Shhhh.  Hide, okay, baby?

Moofy: *chirps and transforms*

Rachel:  Good boy.  *straightens up with the help of her seatbelt*

Denver: *Finishes wrapping Kup in the blanket just as the NEST vehicles arrive*

soldiers:  *jumping out, including one of her fellow Marines*

Denver: *gives an order for the perimeter to be secured, her voice losing its customary drawl*

Rachel:  *watching the soldiers spreading out to obey the major's order*

Petra: *Sharing a "Bhuh?!" look with Lisa, Susana, and Sabrina*

Rachel:  *ordering the ambulance staff, who have the doors open and the stretcher out*

Denver: *Brings Kup over to the stretcher and carefully lays the insensate mech down on it*

Tracks:  *watching as the old mech is strapped down and slid into the vehicle, then sighs*

Rachel:  *too choked to be able to say anything.  She just started to reassure Tracks, only to have her mind flash back to the shuttle and Windcharger's reassurances*

Denver: Get back to base, and alert Mr. Anderson that his services are needed.

driver:  Yes, sir.  *pulls out carefully and turns back toward the road*

*Speaking of, guess who's calling your phone, Rachel!*

Tracks:  Rachel, your phone is starting to get annoying.  Rachel?  Pr... Petra, I think something's wrong with Rachel.

Petra: *hurrying over* Rachel!

Rachel:  *sitting silently, her eyes focused elsewhere as her phone rings*

Moofy: *Beeps*

Rachel:  *blink.  Blink!*  *picks up phone and puts it to her ear*  Rachel here.

Russell: //What's the situation? Serenity and I were just ambushed by Scarlett, Felicity, and Alicia.// *no, he doesn't sound amused*

Rachel:  *rubs her face a little*  *quietly*  We've found Kup.  And Kia.

Russell: //... What are their conditions?//

Rachel:  Kia's confused and filthy.  Kup's wavering.  Jack just got Kia out of stasis lock.  Kup's still in it.

Russell: //... Oh, bollocks... Serenity and I are returning to HQ. I'll be in the medical ward when you return.//

Rachel:  Thanks.

Russell: //Serenity wishes to speak to you when you return, Rachel...//

Rachel:  When I have time.  I'll see you when we get back.  *glances over to where Denver is talking to the farmer*  It shouldn't be too long.

Denver: *keeping her cool, and keeping the farmer from getting too close*

farmer:  *rather intimidated by all these military types and wondering what the heck kind of bomb they must have accidentally dropped on his land*

Susana: *to Tracks, quietly* Is it okay if I ride with you?

Tracks:  *just as quietly*  I don't mind if you don't mind riding in the back seat.

Susana: *Grin* Thanks.

Tracks:  You're very welcome.  *pause as he looks at the farmer getting into his vehicle*  We should be going soon, I take it?

Russell: //See you when you get back. Russell out.// *hangs up*

Denver: *Turns and gives Tracks and everyone else a quick thumbs-up*

Rachel:  *closes the phone and lays her head back against the head rest*  Let's go home.

Sabrina: *Going with the NEST guys as Lisa, Petra, and Denver move closer to Tracks*

Moofy: *Deedle*

Rachel:  *reaches the hand that's not holding the phone toward Moofy.  She doesn't open her eyes, and the weariness is plain in her face*

Tracks:  *gently massaging her back*

Moofy: *transforms and climbs onto Rachel's lap, offering snuggles as the girls carefully climb into Tracks' back seat*

Rachel:  *cuddles Moofy and manages to get her phone into her jacket pocket on the third try*

Denver: *Waits till the driver's seat is slid back into position before carefully getting in and buckling up* Le's go.

Tracks:  *proceeds to leave the field with painfully slow meticulousness*

Petra: *eyeing Denver with a bit of uncertainty*

Rachel:  *without opening her eyes*  What's wrong, Petra?

Petra: *Slight start* Er...

Denver: *Soft chuckle* Ah guess Ah f'rgot t' mention th't Ah'm not jes' a grunt soldier...

Rachel:  *mouth twitches*  Well.  'Major' McKenzie was a pretty good hint.  But my and the Chief's casual streak kinda covered that up.

Denver: *chuckles again* 'n Ah thank ya f'r it, Ma'am. *Why no, she doesn't find it hysterically funny that very few of the Autobots actually knew she holds rank*

Tracks:  Ah....  *still picking his way across the field*

Denver: *attention on Tracks, concerned* Somethin' wrong, sugah?

Tracks:  *formally*  Forgive me for my earlier familiarity, ma'am.

Denver: *patpats the steering wheel* Y'u c'n be as familiar wit' me as y'u wan, hon.

Tracks:  Not really.  I have to be a good example for Raoul.  Heaven knows the little delinquent needs all the help he can get.  *spoken in his usual slightly snooty tone, but that tone and the words can't hide his affection for the teen*

Denver: *chuckles* Ah gotta brothah back home 'bout Raoul's age... 'e c'n be a handful f'r our Pa, but 'e's a good kid... 'n so's Raoul.

Tracks:  You think so?  *tone warming a bit*  I know he's shaping up to be a first rate mechanic.

Lisa: *for once, not chattering away. Her o_o expression at the amiable conversation is mirrored twice over in Susana and Petra*

Rachel:  *slight smile in her sleep*

Back at NEST HQ, after a much longer return trip...

Denver: *watching as the others head inside with Rachel's gurney*

Tracks:  *shaky sigh*  I'm so glad that's over.  I want nothing so much as a wash and a nice hot wax.

Denver: Once y'u getcher spring fixed, Ah'm more'n willin' t' do both. *Yup, she's a car lover.*

Tracks:  *pause*  *then*  Well, I thank you for your offer, Major McKenzie.  But I already have someone on hand for that.

Denver: *small chuckle, gently patpats Tracks' door and moves to head in* Th' offer's good aneh tahm. Jes call.

Tracks:  *watches her go, then turns his sensors to the boy who's hurrying over from behind the leafless hedge*  Raoul, what have I told you about spying?

Raoul:  I wasn', man, my ball went back there.  But, Tracks!  Man, you jes' turned down an offer from a really hot chick!

Tracks:  ....  Whatever are you talking about?

Raoul:  I saw the way she was lookin' at you!  She's totally inta you!

Tracks:  *snort*  Oh don't be ridiculous, Raoul.  She's only a car fancier.  Now help me get cleaned up, will you?

Raoul:  *sighs as he goes to get the hose and some clothes*  Man, that's too bad.  Kinda think havin' a mom'd be cool.

Tracks:  *shocked speechless.  Hadn't realized his human son was feeling such a lack*

Denver: *quick glance over her shoulder, heard every word. Then she's ducking inside as though she hasn't, just in case Tracks is still watching her*

Meanwhile, in the medical ward....

Rachel:  *blinking and turning her head groggily as she and Moofy are transfered to a table*  Huh?  Oh.  I fell asleep.

Red Alert: *working on repairing Kup, with Showtime assisting*

Moofy: *Snuggles against Rachel*

Rachel:  Jack?  How are they?  *still half asleep, but fighting it*

Jack: Kia's stable. Perceptor's rebooted, but he's not saying much... *Frown, inventor/medic isn't happy about this*

Rachel:  *frowns and then screws her face up and tries to sit up, nearly knocking Moofy off the table in the process*

Moofy: *CLING, deedle*

Showtime: *Startles, looks over*

Perceptor: *has his head ducked against Kia's, is holding the femme close and shaking slightly*

Rachel:  *leaning and propping herself up with her hands as she frowns at the pair.  Lips thin slightly*  Merlin?

Perceptor: *barely lifts his head to look at Rachel, confusion clear in his optics. The poor mech has NO idea what to do now*

Rachel:  *yeah, she thought so*  Kia?

Kia:  Yes, Rat... chet?

Rachel:  How's your processor?

Kia:  Func... tion... ing bet...ter than my vo... ca... liz... er.

Rachel:  *scanning her*  *quietly*  I'll witness for you, if you want.

Kia:  *moves enough to look quizzically into Perceptor's face*

Perceptor: *even more surprised and confused*

Rachel:  *sighs and beckons to Showtime to come over by her*  Perceptor, do you love Kia?

Perceptor: *faceplates heating in a blush as he nods*

Showtime: *not too sure of what's going on herself, but comes over nonetheless*

Rachel:  *gently*  Do you want her to be your life mate?

Kia:  *mouth curving up at the corners as her tired optics light*

Perceptor: *nods*

Rachel:  Are you sure?

Perceptor: *another nod. Serious mech is serious, even if he's a bit flabbergasted right now*

Rachel:  So if you're sure of that what's glitching your processor?

Showtime: *sudden chuckle* I think I know... I bet you weren't expecting to run into the femme you have feelings for here... *Yes, she's been reading romance novels... no, they're not any of Emilia's*

Perceptor: *BLUSH, ducks head again*

Rachel:  And you never imagined she'd feel the same way.  *tired sigh*  Dork.

Showtime: *small grin, is about to go back to helping Red Alert*

Perceptor: *holds Kia close, gentle helm nuzzles are a go*

Kia:  *cuddles close, her contented and peaceful little smile still in place*

Rachel:  *there, that's better.  Turns her attention to what's going on over at the other table, absently clicking to Moofy as she does*

Moofy: *Quiet deedles*

Jack: *over helping Red Alert now, and teasing his crechemate slightly for being on a date*

Showtime: *totally IGNORING Jack's teasing, or she would be, if her doorwings weren't held at the angle that means "you're annoying the slag outta me." in 'wing speak*

Rachel:  *smirks as she picks up on the teasing*  Relax, Showtime.  Those two were crechemates.

Showtime: *small frown. Yes, she's going to sulk about the teasing for a bit*

Rachel:  *softly*  Though....  Jack, that's not really fair.  Red didn't get to tease you when we were courting.

Jack: *chuckles* That's because he didn't KNOW that we had started courting till Brawn pointed it out.

Showtime: *BLUSH, hides face in hands now, kthx*

Red: *SOOOOO not speaking to you now, Rachel*

Rachel:  *blinks, then goes a bit wide-eyed and lays down quickly.  Moofy nearly gets squished*

Moofy: *Protests this, LOUDLY*

Jack: *attention on Rachel now*

Rachel:  *distracted*  Sorry, baby, sorry.  *squeezes eyes shut*

Sharpshot: *Soft sound, doesn't move*

Jack: *going to fuss over Rachel now, kthx*

Rachel:  *startles when he touches her, and gives him a bleary look*

Jack: *Clicks quietly, worried* *softly* Rachel? What's wrong?

Rachel:  *frowns and then tells a whopper rather than admit that she thinks she's having a reaction to the painkiller*  Nothing.  I'm just tired, sport.  It's been a weird day.

Jack: *Frowns, sets to scan Rachel just to be sure* Just lemme check, alright? *yeah. He's worried like crazy. He was more than likely pacing about as soon as Kia was stable*

Rachel:  *shakes her head impatiently*  You want to have to explain to Roddy what you're doing over here when Kup needs that much help?

Jack: *frown, gently squeezes Rachel's hand, returns to helping Red Alert, but will keep a sensor focused on Rachel in the meantime*

Rachel:  *turns her head and looks over at where Perceptor and Kia are cuddled together, then turns her hazy glance to the door and wonders why that soldier's looking at her so intently.  Frowns a bit, but then shuts her eyes and drifts away under the waves of dizziness*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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