mbv, NEST HQ and a Greyhound Station, Babies and Brothers...

Mar 03, 2010 22:58

Rachel: *sitting in the office with Col. Franklin, Patrick, and Petra*

Patrick: *frowning slightly, though that may be due to the sedative Emilia had slipped him the night before*

Petra: *Resisting the urge to pace*

Rachel: Thundersong's healthy and strong, though a little premature. Give her a couple days and she'll be raising as much hell as the other kids. *slight chuckle*

Patrick: I just wish someone would have woken me up when they arrived...

Rachel: You needed that sleep, Chief. *frowns at him*

Petra: *okay, has to pace. She needs to move.* And what of Nullfire?

Rachel: *frown fades as she leans her elbows on the desk that's been set up for Patrick's use and buries her face in her hands* He's a drone. There's no trace of spark energy that I can detect, but enough of his personality is left to keep driving him on. And he's JUST as insistent as Brawn was about staying.

Col. Franklin: *sitting and frowning as he listens*

Petra: *As she paces* Skylar is not going to be happy about that... *sighs*

Rachel: And you think I am?

Petra: *Flatly* You're not a Seeker.

Rachel: *stink eye* I'm a medic.

Col. Franklin: *interjects quietly* I've assigned Major MacKenzie to maternity leave so that she can spend time with her new family. *rubs his chin thoughtfully* Do Cybertronians often form families that quickly?

Petra: *Stops short in her pacing to give Colonel Franklin a puzzled look*

Rachel: *looks up* Oh. Millions of years of war, Mike. You fit yourself in where you can. But yeah... even before I think we were always the kind to just fall in with the people we resonate with best.

Patrick: *quiet chuckle* I bet we'll be hearing about it from Denver once she gets the news...

Col. Franklin: *calmly* That's why I've ordered 2nd Lt. Havoc to bring her the news.

Rachel: 0.o You're evil.

Petra: ... Poor Jean.

Col. Franklin: He needs something to do now that Lt. Darby's been airlifted out of state.

Petra: ... I just hope he can out-run Major MacKenzie.

Rachel: Oh, he's safe. Trying to kill him would scare the bolts out of WakeJumper. *slight frown*

Patrick: *nods, expression somber*

Rachel: Oh yeah. Sean Robertson's finally fully out of danger.

Petra: *small smile* That's good...

Rachel: *nods* And Soli Oberson's shell is strong enough to take regular contact. I think she'll be able to spend some time in the creche now.

Col. Franklin: *smiling at this, his eyes going to Patrick*

Patrick: *grinning*

Petra: *expression going serious as she thinks of something* What about Softshoulder?

Rachel: Alive. Skittish, and still not the brightest light on the tree. But he's alive and healthy except for the memory loss.

Petra: *small nod*

Rachel: I asked the Aerialbots to keep an eye on him. *wry twist to her mouth*

Patrick: *Nods* Between the five of them, if there's trouble, they'll be able to handle it.

Rachel: *quietly* And having someone to fuss over will keep them out of trouble. *brow quirk* I know exactly who TP'd the trees by the deck, Chief.

Patrick: *sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose* I'll have a word with Alicia and Scarlett.

Rachel: And it should also keep them from mobbing their baby sister now that she's strong enough to socialize.

Col. Franklin: Baby sister? *looks to Patrick quizzically* They're your daughters?

Patrick: *nods*

Petra: He and Emi built their shells together. *quiet chuckle. Knows that the pair had intended for the shells to have sparks after they had bonded fully*

Rachel: And then Megatron decided to make himself a family, so we asked Vector Sigma for the girls to give us a bit more balance in numbers. Only we weren't expecting girls at the time.

Col. Franklin: They're fine young women, and I'm sure they're a credit to their people.

Rachel: *chuckle* Keep thinking that.

Patrick: Oh, Rachel... How are Steeljaw and Ravage? I haven't seen them around lately....

Rachel: Oh, their bond's straightening out nicely. I think it's a deep one. *absently rubs her chest, and then gives Col. Franklin's phone a look a moment before it rings*

Patrick: *eyes the phone*

Col. Franklin: *apologizes and picks it up, then blinks and speaks to the person at the other end, asking them where they are, and then firmly stating that he's sending someone to pick them up*

Petra: ... *shares a confused look with Patrick*

Col. Franklin: *hangs up and then makes another call and orders Captain Blume to take two people and go pick up Denver's younger brother*

Rachel: *brows shoot toward her hairline*

Patrick: ...Denver has a younger brother?

Rachel: *nods* I've heard her and her team mention him. His name's Beau.

Petra: *Frown* Why would he be coming here?

Col. Franklin: *sets down the phone and sighs* Because something's come up and staying with his father's no longer an option. *rubs his eyes* That's all I can say.

Patrick: ... Denver's going to be in a mood.... *sighs*

Rachel: *frowning with concern, but then bows her head as a wave of weariness and vertigo hits* Erk....

Col. Franklin: Rachel?

Petra: *also frowning and calling Jack and Russell*

Rachel: I.... *just crashed*

Patrick: *moves to catch Rachel*

Petra: *Yelling over comms for Jack and Russell to get here NOW*

Col. Franklin: *wincing and adjusting the volume on his ear radio* What happened?

Patrick: I'm not sure... *looks to the door as Jack and Russell hurry in*

Rachel: *starting to move slightly, her face full of confusion*

Col. Franklin: *watching tensely*

Jack: *over by his wife's side now, making soothing sounds* Easy Rachel... Just stay still till Russ tells us what's going on...

Russell: *Scanning Rachel*

Rachel: *hands clenching into fists as another wave of vertigo and nausea hit* Hnnnnn. What?

Russell: *eyes wide* *quietly* Ratchet... Your spark has budded...

Jack: *falls on his butt*

Rachel: *convulsive start of surprise* No.... Ugh. Not.... Nnnnn *hides face on Patrick's chest*

Russell: *quietly* I know... But it has, and it's a femme...

Jack: *gaping at Russell*

Patrick: *quietly* Rachel... You're on maternity leave. No arguing about it.

Rachel: *shaking slightly, her usual stoicism in the face of pain and discomfort absent for the moment*

Col. Franklin: Is she in labor? *concerned, risen half out of his chair with his hands on his desk as he frowns at the CMO with concern*

Russell: *headshake* She's not quite that far along yet...

Jack: ... *looking a bit wobbly himself now*

Rachel: *very small whisper, so as to not aggravate anything* Yellow tab. And red/blue.

Russell: *nods and runs to go get those tabs*

Col. Franklin: Is there anything I can do?

Petra: *moving to carefully help Rachel lay down* Let's get her laying down...

Col. Franklin: *can see he'd be in the way with that, since Patrick's holding her and Petra's right there* Should I order a gurney?

Patrick: That'd help... *soothing clicks to the CMO*

Jack: ... *tips over backwards as his processor decides to crash and reboot*

Col. Franklin: ...Two gurneys?

Petra: *nods*

Col. Franklin: *orders them, still watching the couple*

Russell: *is back with the tabs* ...

Rachel: *just concentrating on staying as calm and quiet as possible despite the cold sweat on her forehead*

Russell: *will apply the tabs now*

Rachel: *wincing at the sting of the red and blue tab*

gurneys: *arriving in the hall outside*

Patrick: *Soothing sounds, will carefully lift Rachel, while Russell moves to lift Jack with Petra's help*

Rachel: *small sound, but she's starting to relax and blink as she tries to get her thoughts straightened out*

Russell: *Scanning Jack to make sure his condition isn't aggravated*

Rachel: *quietly* Not... slaggin'... possible.

Russell: Run a self-diagnostic.

Rachel: I just did. *rubs her face* There must have been some of the altered code left from when I made the twins' sparks.

Russell: *raised brow*

Rachel: *squints at him* What?

Russell: I take it you mean Sarah's brothers?

Rachel: Yeah. They're spark twins just like our resident dorks.

Russell: You made them from your own spark?

Rachel: *tiredly* Yup. It was all I had to work with at the time.

Russell: *soft sound, nods* Just making sure I'm on the same page.... And Jack should be rebooting shortly...

Jack: *is indeed rebooting*

Rachel: *turns her head to look toward him, still a bit blurry despite the tabs*

Jack: *Soft, confused sound*

Rachel: Jack, snap out of it. C'mon.

Jack: *frowning and trying to sit up, though he's quickly pushed back down onto the gurney by Petra*

Rachel: *trying to scan him* ...I think he's okay, Petra.

Petra: *Small nod, will let Jack sit up now*

Russell: *nods in agreement to Rachel's words, clearly looking relieved*

Col. Franklin: *looks from face to face* Was there a danger something could be wrong with him?

Rachel: *closes her eyes* Spark condition.

Patrick: ...

Col. Franklin: I don't understand. *looks from Patrick to Russell*

Jack: *small sigh* I was born with a defect in my spark... *seriousness in his eyes* I wasn't expected to live longer than a vorn.

Russell: *lips pressed thin as he nods*

Patrick: So, that time last summer... after Sarah was born....

Fluffy: Crash, bang, nearly down the tubes. *leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest*

Jack: *Wincing at Fluffy's choice in words*

Rachel: *considering throwing her pillow at the drone*

Russell: *quietly* Hearing from the creche guardians that my best friend probably wouldn't live long enough to go after his dreams is what helped me decide to become a medic...

Col. Franklin: I see. *sobered by Jack's revelation*

Rachel: *groans* So not going to be able to keep up with the kids like this.

Jack: *Reaches and gently pats Rachel's hand*

Russell: *quietly* Rachel... Jack... I think it would be best if we got you both back to your quarters to rest.

Rachel: Yeah... probably best. Femme? ...How the slag did I pull that off?

Jack: *Chuckles* Probably the same way I did with Sarah...

Rachel: *after saying good bye to Col. Franklin. As her gurney is pushed from the office* Nnnno. No, sport. I specifically coded for boys when I made Simon and Greg's sparks.

Jack: *quiet chuckle, will gently pat Rachel's hand*

Rachel: *frowns as her leg circuits complain again, as they had earlier in the snow* The kids're going to be over the moon.

Russell: Autumn will be beside herself with glee... You know how she is around newsparks... *Fond chuckle at the thought of the creche guardian's likely reaction to the news*

Rachel: *chuckles, and then makes a face* Great, more seam lines on my chest skin.

Jack: I'll fix that once the little one is in her own shell...

Rachel: *slight shiver* I'm still not looking forward to that part. This synthetic flesh hurts when you mess it up.

Russell: I'll see what I can do to counter that...

Jack: If you hurt yourself, after Serenity's done kicking your butt, I'm next in line.

Rachel: And Greg will take my turn.

Ravage: *trotting down the hall a little loopily, her tail in the air*

Jack: *there's that slightly mischievious glimmer in his eye* And then I'll sic Sarah and Destiny on you.... Hey now... *and now Petra's making him lean on the gurney while she bends to gently lift Ravage*

Steeljaw: *trotting after Ravage, and making fussing sounds. Wasn't done snuggling, Ravage!*

Ravage: *touches her nose to Petra's jaw in greeting, and then looks curiously at Rachel and Jack* M'mu?

Petra: *gently sets Ravage on the gurney next to Rachel, before bending to lift Steeljaw so she can deposit him on the gurney as well*

Rachel: *puts her arm around the little black cat as Fluffy puts his head up to look over the foot of the gurney at them* Guess what, guys?

Steeljaw: *headtilt* Mrrrpt?

Ravage: *looks at Rachel and then chirps softly before laying her head on the femme's chest*

Rachel: Yeah. That.

Steeljaw: *Surprised kitty is surprised*

Rachel: *slight grin and then lifts her other hand to rub her eyes* I think I'm going to need more help with the kids and drones, Steeljaw.

Steeljaw: *nods, tailswish* Mrrroww.....

Ravage: Mrtprt. M'mu.

Jack: *gently scritches Ravage's ears*

Ravage: *bitty purr as little black paws flex happily*

Steeljaw: *curls up where he won't be sitting on any of Rachel's injuries, thunderpurrrs*

Rachel: Ohhhhh. Steeljaw? I.... *turns pale as the thunderpurring vibrates things that would rather be left alone right now*

Jack: *fusses*

Steeljaw: *pauses in the thunderpurr when Jack fusses* Mrrrpt?

Rachel: Bad vibrations.

Steeljaw: *Apologetic, will come up and gently nuzzle your cheek now*

Rachel: *gives him a tired, slightly strained smile, then sighs and shuts her eyes* Just wanna curl up on the folded down couch and sleep.

Jack: *reaches to gently smooth her hair* We'll do that when we get back to the room...

Rachel: *there's that eyebrow* What're we waiting for?

Fluffy: *plays the sound of a gremlin sniggering*

Russell: *Chuckles as Petra moves to help support Jack again*

Steeljaw: *Razzes Fluffy*

Fluffy: *snorts at Steeljaw and gives his tail a yank*

Steeljaw: *Baps Fluffy*

Fluffy: *starts up a cuss track....* *and then hits the floor as Rachel boots him gently but unexpectedly. Sits there and looks up with rare concern on his small face*

Steeljaw: *jumping down and moving to grab Fluffy*

Fluffy: *growling and swatting him on the head*

Steeljaw: *will grab you by the scruff, Fluffy. If you're not careful, you're gonna get a shake*

Fluffy: *grouching up a storm as the gurney gets pushed away from them*

Steeljaw: *trotting after the gurney now*

Fluffy: >:\

Steeljaw: *Tailswish, will wait as Jack gets the door to the room open*

Fred: *looks around from where he's laying with his crossword puzzle book on the second floor of the Kittywalk tipi in the corner* *beeps with concern*

Rachel: Gurney's not gonna fit, guys.

Petra: *helping Jack to the folded down couch bed* That's why Russell and I are here, Rachel.

Rachel: Yeah. *moves slightly* There was a doll tea party in the middle of the floor this morning.

Russell: *soft chuckle, will move to carefully lift Rachel as Petra clears a path*

Rachel: *sigh of relief as she feels the firm comfort of the couch bed under her back, but she has to just grip the hem of her sweater and wait for the room to stop spinning before she can do anything else*

Ravage: *making tiny concerned chirps as she looks at the CMO's face*

Jack: *moving to carefully lay beside Rachel, hoping that he doesn't jostle her too much*

Lyra: *Concerned deedle from the first floor of the tipi*

Fluffy: *starts playing a country song about a bun in the oven*

Steeljaw: *will carry Fluffy over to the Grand Prix now, kthx*

Fluffy: *suddenly fighting with everything he's worth to avoid being put into the pen with Bubba and Moofy*

Moofy: *Deedles*

Bubba: *Chirping happily, running around the Grand Prix again*

Fluffy: *starts yelling. Beeping shrilly. He does NOT want to be in THAT cage!*

Alice: *looks up from where she's trying to coax Frenzy into eating*

Rewind: *Pips at Fluffy*

Fluffy: *gets louder!*

Rachel: *slight growl and lifts her head* Steeljaw, that's not his pen.

Frenzy: *blinking listlessly in the direction of the beeping*

Steeljaw: *looks at Rachel* //Then where should I put him, Boss?//

Rachel: Tipi.

Fred: *trying to get the tipi door open to let his noisy brother in.*

Steeljaw: *About face, carries Fluffy to the tipi*

Lyra: *moves to help Fred*

Fred: *beeps and tilts his head hopefully at Russell, his mannerism saying 'help us?'*

Russell: *opens the door to the tipi* Now none of you are going to try and make a break for it, are you?

Lyra: *headshake, deedles*

Fred: *looks at the medic oddly. Why would he want to come out of his house? That's Fluffy's thing*

Russell: *chuckles as Steeljaw moves to drop Fluffy inside the tipi*

Fluffy: *plays a comment about coonskin hats in the voice of the old Disney Davey Crockett, and then scrambles up to the very top most small floor of the tipi*

Fred: *beeps softly, looking at Rachel and Jack*

Steeljaw: *Snorts at Fluffy, will go join Rachel and Jack on the bed*

Rachel: *hugging Ravage as she snuggles with her head on Jack's shoulder* Wonder why I'm so sick so suddenly? I haven't been pushing myself that much?

Jack: *Smoothing Rachel's hair a bit* I'm sure we'll figure it out...

Fred:  *quizzical beeping.  What is wrong with Mama?*

Lyra: *Deedle*

Jack: *Soothing clicks. Mama will be alright*

Fred:  *but what is wrong?  Looks up toward Fluffy's roost in the loft, wondering why his brother is playing the song about buns in the oven*

Jack: *Quietly, to Rachel* I think we'd better tell them...

Rachel:  Hmm?  Oh, well yeah.  *tries to get her eyes open and then sighs*  You do it?

Jack: *nods, still smoothing Rachel's hair* Okay... *looks to the tipi* Fred, Lyra... Mama is going to be having a baby.

Fred:  *stops short, optics blinking*  *then deedles and points to the bed the sisters sleep on, because the sisters are the newest ones.  Like that? he's asking*

Jack: *nods as Lyra deedles and chirps*

Fred:  *settles down on his butt*  *if Mama's been spending too much time working on building someone... he needs to be quiet, right?*

Russell: *over comms, to Rachel* //I'll get started on preparations... Are there any specifics you wish to incorperate into the design, Crusher?//

Rachel:  *blinks and snuzzles between Ravage's ears*  She's got to be big, to keep up with the others.

Russell: *small nod* Anything else?

Petra: *moving to drape a blanket over Rachel*

Rachel:  *quietly*  She's a Dinobot.

Russell: *blink blink, nods* I'll see what I can do... *moves to head out, taking Petra with him*

Rachel:  *sighs and shuts her eyes again, sleepily clicking to the drones for a moment even after she's sunk into slumber*

Jack: *keeping watch*


Tracks:  *looks across the room to where Sky is cracking up at the splotch of bright orange that just appeared on her mate's forehead*  Oh, that's just your colour, Sunstreaker.  It really is.

Raoul:  *standing up slightly in his place by Denver to razz Grimlock, who is sitting at the next table with the rest of the creche*

Samuel: Oh yeah?! *loading up a spoon with carrots*

Denver: 'F y'u get aneh 'a th't in mah coffee, latrine duty'll be th' least'a y'ur worrehs, Robertson.

Tracks:  *evenly, as he munches rose plaster*  Not to mention if you scare WakeJumper.

WakeJumper: *looks up from nomming to click at Tracks and Denver*

2nd Lt. Havoc: *Slowing as he approaches the table*

Tracks:  *clicks back gently and offers the youngling a bit of his energon plaster*

WJ: *quiet murmur of thanks, will nom the bit of plaster now*

Denver: *small smile as she watches this, before her attention goes to Havoc*

2nd Lt. Havoc: *crisp salute* Colonel Franklin sent me to inform you that Beau will be arriving here within the next few hours.

Denver: ... Wh't?! *on her feet now*

WJ: *Flinches*

Tracks:  *frowning*  Is that where Cpt. Blume, Lt. Ross, and WO Caine just went with Optimus' twin with the ridiculous name?

2nd Lt. Havoc: *nods* Yessir...

Raoul:  *arm around WJ's shoulders as he frowns and looks back and forth between the adults*

2nd Lt. Havoc: *swallows nervously* He also said to inform you that you are now on maternity leave, Major... *backing up a few steps*

Tracks:  *blinks*  Maternity leave?

Raoul:  :o

Denver: ... *and now she's going to go and have a word with Colonel Franklin*

WJ: *wibble* [Mama....]

Denver: *slows just before the door*

Tracks:  [Shhhh, WakeJumper.  It's alright.  Mama will come back soon.]

Raoul:  She'll be back soon, man.  Don't worry.  *encouraging grin for his new brother*

WJ: *clicks quietly*

2nd Lt. Havoc: ... *quiet chuckle, heads off since he's pretty sure he's been dismissed*

Tracks:  *calls to Denver*  I'll keep your piece of pie, darling.

Denver: *nods and heads out the door*

Several hours later, at a greyhound bus stop in another part of Virginia.

blue and red semi truck with no trailer:  *pulls up in front of the gas station/bus stop*

Lt. Ross: Beau should be waiting inside...

Cpt. Blume:  Should be, but he's right there.  *nods toward a figure standing alone in the freezing dark by a duffle bag*

Lt. Ross: ... *face.palm* I keep forgetting that he and the Major are related.

Cpt. Blume:  *slight smile, and then leans forward to look at Caine*  Let her out, Gavin.  Beau likes her best.

Lt. Ross: *makes a face at her CO*

Cpt. Blume:  *just gives Lt. Ross one of his soft puppy looks, concern for the boy they've come to get clear in his dark eyes*

WO Caine:  *nods and gently pats the door, which swings open.  He then hops out and puts up his hands to offer to jump Ross down*

Lt. Ross: ... You're evil, sir. *moves to get down with Caine's help*

truck:  *rocks gently on its wheels as she exits*

WO Caine:  *will walk by Lt. Ross as she goes to Beau*

truck door:  *closes on its own behind them*

Lt. Ross: *heads for the tall blond* Beau!

Beau: *turns to look for the person calling his name, a slow grin coming to his face, despite what looks like an impressive shiner* Lieutenant Ross! Warrent Officer Caine! *bends to grab his duffle bag* Ah w'ld'a been jes' fahn 'eadin' t' Denver's place, but Uncle Mahke insisted....

WO Caine:  *puts a hand on the boy's shoulder, his eyes twinkling with knowledge of a good secret as they meet Beau's*

Beau: 'Ow mad's Denver? *yup, it's a shiner... one that's made his right eye swell shut*

WO Caine:  *makes a so-so gesture with his hand, the indication seems to be that she's madder about something else*

Lt. Ross: Worry about that later... Let's get you back to the lodge... *why no, not so she can fuss over the teen and mother him*

Beau: Anehthin' intrestin' 'appen since summah break? *will go where Caine and Ross guide him*

WO Caine:  *surprises everyone with a deep, quiet chuckle*

Beau: ... *raised brow* Wh't'd Ah miss?

Lt. Ross: You'll see when we get back... or maybe sooner.... *Gently urging the teen towards the red and blue semi*

truck:  *swings door open as they approach*

Beau: ... *raised brow climbs even higher* 'Ow come th're's a truck th's tahm? *not that he's not going to climb inside, since Ross is being insistant in her usual mothering way*

Cpt. Blume:  *mildly as Beau is squished against him*  He volunteered.  And all the SUVs are kinda frozen in.

Beau: ... *Blink blink* ... 'He'?

Cpt. Blume:  *nods as the door closes after Caine*  Yeah.  Beau, meet Joe Convoy.  Joe, this's Major MacKenzie's little brother Beau.

Joe:  *young male voice from a speaker on the dash next to the screen with the red mask on it*  Pleased to meet you, Beau.

Beau: ... *nods* 'S nahce t' meet y'u 's well, Joe.

Lt. Ross: Let's get going... The sooner we get back, the sooner Dr. House can get a look at your eye, Beau...

Beau: 'M fahn, Lt. Ross... 'E onleh 'it me once... But th' son 'f a &#$^@ made 't count...

Blume:  *is busy looking out the side window, his hands nowhere near the steering wheel as the truck pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road*  ...I was right.  Laserbeak did follow us.

Beau: ... *attention going to Blume* Who's Lasahbeak?

Cpt. Blume:  *nods as a raven flies across the road ahead of them, showing briefly in the light of Joe's headlights* Her.

Beau: ... *perks up* D'd Uncle Mahke fahnd th' people 'e w's lookin' f'r, th'n?

Cpt. Blume:  *mild look of curiosity for the boy*  What makes you ask that?

Beau: *giving Blume a Look as well as he's able to at the moment* Ah asked th't th' last tahm Ah w's visitin' Denver.

Cpt. Blume:  *pats the steering wheel and says simply*  Joe wasn't talking to us over a radio.

Beau: ... *GRIN*

Joe:  *breaking and rolling down the passenger window*  She says she's cold.

Beau: *acks*

Laserbeak:  *flies right in and lands in Lt. Ross' lap, then turns her head to watch as the window goes back up.  Floofs feathers and mutters*

Joe:  *continues on their way*

WO Caine:  *gentle tug on the raven's tail*

Laserbeak:  *turns and pecks at his hand, snassing softly*

Lt. Ross: *Soothing sounds*

Beau: ... *Quiet for a little while, then* So, 'ow maneh 'f y'ur people're 'ere, Joe?

Joe:  *quietly*  Of my people... well, there's only me.  Of Cybertronians in general?  There are around forty, including the new babies.

Laserbeak:  *peck peck peck at Beau's coat*

Beau: Ack! Hey! *will try and protect his coat*

Laserbeak:  Hold still, stupid.  You've got burrs.

Beau: ... Ah ain't stupid. *no, but he will sulk a bit*

Cpt. Blume:  Don't mind her.  That's just how she is.  You should hear her talk to her brother.

Laserbeak:  *snort*

Beau: *quiet for a few more moments* ... 'N jes' wh't's goin' on wit' Denver? Ah ain't 'eard a dang th'ng since summah....

WO Caine:  *another deep, quiet chuckle*

Lt. Ross: *grinning a bit*

Laserbeak:  *looks up at Beau, then up at Lt. Ross*  It's a secret?

Lt. Ross: Well.. I dont' think Major MacKenzie would like it if we told Beau before she had a chance to....

Laserbeak:  Humans are freakin' weird.

Beau: 'Ey now...

Laserbeak:  *yawns and then tucks her beak under her wing*  *long pause*  *fart sound*

Beau: ... *resisting the urge to facepalm, because he's pretty sure that he'd hit the part of his face that's hurting right now*

Cpt. Blume:  Try'n get some sleep, Beau.  We've got a ways to go.

Laserbeak:  ...Thrrpt thrrpt *poot*

Beau: Alrahght... *sighs and leans back a bit, closing the eye that's not swollen shut*

Laserbeak:  *....braaap*

Later, during the wee small hours of the morning

WO Caine:  *leading Beau down the halls to Denver and Tracks' two rooms, his eyes twinkling worse than ever as he carries the teen's bag in one hand*

Beau: *following, and keeping the ice pack that Lt. Ross got for him on his eye*

WO Caine:  *stops in front of a door and gives it a gentle tap, mindful of the nervous youngster that lives on the other side of it now*

Raoul:  *jerks the door open and looks at the burly blond guy, then snaps his attention over to the other blond guy, the one nearer his age* You're late, man.

Beau: *raised brow* Ah ain't 'zactleh in charge'a th' busses...

Raoul:  Yeah, whatever.  Get in here... but be quiet.  Wake's jumpy.  *snags the bag from WO Caine and thanks him respectfully, then nods to Beau and leads him past the bathroom door and the hall closet*

Beau: *following Raoul, a slight frown on his face*

Raoul:  *settles the dufflebag on the floor by the corner and then looks over at the nearer bed, which holds Denver and Tracks as they curl to either side of WakeJumper, who is sucking his thumb in his recharge*  I hate wakin' anybody up, but Mom'll have a cow if I don't.

Beau: *small nod, will ask about the 'Mom' thing some other time* ... *raised brow when he sees how Denver is laying... and the huskey slippers she's wearing*

Raoul:  *gentle hand on Denver's foot, and then wiggles the foot a bit.  He's well-versed in how to gently wake a combat-trained individual*

Tracks:  *grunts and lifts his head to squint down at Raoul, then blinks as he sees the other boy*  Oh my.  Denver, darling, you'd better wake up.

Denver: *soft sound, moving to sit up* 'M gettin' th're....

Raoul:  C'mon, Major Mac.  Your kid brother's here.

Denver: *sitting up fully now, and rubbing the sleep from her eyes* ... *frowns when she's gotten a good look at Beau, and then she's moving to get up and fuss*

Beau: Aww, sis, Ah'm fahn... Lt. Ross alreadeh got me 'n ahce pack...

Raoul:  *standing by Denver with his arms folded over his chest.  Yes, he's being territorial and possessive*

Tracks:  *clicking softly to WakeJumper and making sure he's alright.  Also adjusting his blanket covering*

WJ: *soft sound, moves to snuggle closer to Tracks*

Beau: *letting Denver get a good look at his shiner, since he knows it's no use trying to fight it* Aunt Dixie got me t' th' bus station in Birmingham.... Dad's gone nuts...

Denver: *expression is unreadable as she finishes making absolutely sure that Beau's shiner isn't worse than it looks*

Tracks:  *picks WakeJumper up so that he can sit up on the bed and watch Denver's interaction with her brother.  One of the youngling's arms and his head are uncovered in the process*

Raoul:  *very serious expression*

Beau: *attention going to the orange and black form in Tracks' arms, and then his expression shifts to one of curiosity and wonder* *quietly* 'S th't... a li'l 'un?

Denver: *nods, expression still unreadable* *Quietly* 'Is name 's WakeJumper... 'E's a younglin'...

Beau: *small, gentle smile* 'E ain't verrah big yet, 's 'e.... *will go to his duffle now and dig through it*

Raoul:  ...You know about the Autobots?

Beau: *looks up* Autobots? Ah jes' know th't Uncle Mahke w's lookin' f'r th' robot people th't th' person who saved 'is lahf yeahs 'go w's... 'n th't th'y're called Cybertronians...

Denver: Ah take 't y'u've met Joe?

Beau: *nods and resumes digging through his duffle for a few moments more, before standing, a bulldog stuffie held in his hands*

Denver: *small nod, looks to Tracks as Beau moves to approach the bed* Th's 's Tracks... *small smile*

Beau: ... *and now he's starting to put two and two together*

Raoul:  He's'n Autobot too.

Tracks:  *nods a greeting, his icy blue eyes studying the boy with a friendly, but wary light*

Beau: *sizing up Tracks as well as he's able to with one eye swollen shut, small nod, offers the bulldog stuffie so Tracks can tuck it in with WakeJumper*

Tracks:  Are you sure you want to do that?

Beau: *puzzled look* Huh?

Tracks:  *slight smile*  I'm guessing that's an old friend.  WakeJumper tends to hold onto things rather tenaciously.

Beau: 'M sure. 'T least Ah know Mutt'll be goin' t' s'me'un who'll love 'im.... 'Sahds... Ah got 'im f'r sellin' frozen food 'n th' last fundraiser th' choir 'ad, back 't th' beginnin' 'a th' school yeah... *small smile that proves that he is indeed related to Denver, despite their wildy differing appearances*

Tracks:  Alright, then.  *takes the toy and tucks it into the blankets with the little bot, then clicks softly to WakeJumper as he thinks he feels the youngling stir*

WJ: *is just wiggling a bit closer to you for warmth, Tracks. It's all good*

Denver: *expression softening as she moves to sit down next to Tracks and gently click to the sleeping youngling*

Tracks:  *Beau momentarily forgotten as he looks to Denver*  I think he's finally gotten over the fright of not hearing your spark.

Denver: Looks lahk 't... *slightly wry smile*

Beau: *looks to Raoul, hoping for an explanation*

Raoul:  *shrugs, still watching the other boy*  There's this freaky place people go sometimes.  For a few days Major Mac was a bot.

Beau: *raised brow* 'N she turned back t' normal earliah, th'n?

Raoul:  Yeah.  *glance at the clock on the bed table*  About two hours ago.

Beau: *slight wince* 'n WakeJumpah's used t' 'er bein' a bot, 'r met 'er wh'n she w's a bot?

Raoul:  She was a bot when he first really noticed 'er, yeah.  *frown and glance toward his guardians*  He thought she'd died at first.

Beau: *more wince*

Raoul: Anyway, I'll show you where you can sleep.  *starts toward the connecting door*

Beau: *nods and moves to follow Raoul*

Raoul:  *leads him into the room that used to be Denver's, and then used to be his, and seems like being his and Beau's now.  Points to the far bed*  You can have that one.

Beau: *nods* Th'nks... *goes to the far bed and sits down, before moving to take his shoes off*

Raoul:  *darts back into the other room*  Major Mac, Tracks... I'm gonna be sleepin' over there, okay?

Tracks:  *looks up from WakeJumper to give Raoul a knowing look*

Denver: *also looks up, concern clear in her eyes*

Raoul:  *shrugs in his usual cocky manner*  Hey, you don't want the new guy to get scared all by himself or anything?

Tracks:  *facepalms*  Raoul, stop trying to prove how tough you are and sleep on your own bed.  *points to the one next to the one he and Denver are sitting on*

Raoul:  But, Tracks... humans don't usually....

Tracks:  Raoul....

Denver: Raoul... Let 'im rest... Y'u two c'n spar 'n th' mornin'...

Raoul:  *scowling.  Doesn't want to appear weak or strange in front of the stranger*

Tracks:  *quietly*  Raoul, just go to bed.  Everyone's tired.  And I really don't think Beau cares how strong you are right now.

Denver: *quietly murmurs something about wanting to know how Beau got that shiner he's sporting*

Tracks:  *smiles slightly as Raoul nods and goes to turn the lamp between the beds off, then turns his attention to Denver*  *softly*  We'll find out tomorrow, darling.

Denver: *small nod, sighs softly and moves to lay back down*

Raoul:  *burrowing under the covers on the other bed till only his... feet, yup... stick out*

Tracks:  *notices this*  0.o

Denver: *almost inaudable murmur, gently reminds Tracks that he needs to rest as well*

Tracks:  *shakes his head at Raoul, but then leans over to kiss Denver on the forehead before settling down on his side facing her and adjusting the blankets so they're all covered*  Are you running tomorrow?

Denver: Ah prolleh sh'ld... *slight frown* Ah don' th'nk Ah'd last more th'n 'un round sparrin' Ahrnhahd 'r Chromia though...

Tracks:  *frowns in the darkness*  Please don't try.

Denver: Ah ain't gonna... Ah'll ask Skah 'f she's up f'r a round'r two though... *quiet chuckle* She'll prolleh wahp th' floor wit' me till Ah get used t' bein' 'uman 'gain...

Tracks:  *quietly*  You and she are friends now, aren't you?

Denver: *nods* Yeah...

Tracks:  I suppose it's not too surprising.  You're both warriors.

Denver: *Small smile* 'N now we've both got more th'n jes' th't in common... *quiet chuckle, moves to snuggle Tracks and WakeJumper*

Tracks:  *kisses her gently on the cheek and then rests his forehead against hers as his sensors tell him of the watcher looking around the corner near the foot of the bed*

Beau: *silent, small smile as he watches from the hallway for a few moments before ducking into the shared bathroom*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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