Rachel: *nearly laughing too hard to stand, but still managing to repair the connections in Mirage's shoulder* You stupid glitch head. You hahahahahaha slag processored nincompoop. You, you, you DORK. *more laughter*
Mirage: *A bit stiffly* Well, I'm glad someone finds this situation amusing.
Rachel: I can't believe you walked into that.
Mirage: *Soft huff*
Denver: *Entering the med ward now, frowning muchly*
Rachel: You know Tracks is a sneaky slagger. *mends the last circuit and then pops the arm back into place with a grunt of effort*
Denver: *Calmly* I know he's sneaky, but I wouldn't call him a slagger, Dr. Ruteger.
Mirage: *Very slight frown*
Rachel: *looks at Denver, her eyes twinkling* Wait till you hear more war stories. *and then the laughter fades as she catches herself against the table* Oh bolts.
Denver: *Strides over to offer assistance, giving Mirage a warning Look when he moves to get off the table*
Mirage: *raised brow, stays put only out of curiosity about what the Major intends to say to him*
Rachel: I didn't dismiss you, Mirage. *wincing a bit and shivering* Darnit, I shouldn't have laughed so hard.
Denver: Do you need me to call Professor Ruteger?
Rachel: He's busy calming Grimlock down. Just help me over to the other table here.
Denver: *nods and moves to do so*
Rachel: *lays back with a sigh and turns her head to look at Mirage*
Denver: *Turning her attention back to Mirage. Is silent as she approaches the mech. Then she's knocking him upside the head with an open hand* What the &@#$ is wrong with you?!
Rachel: *wince*
Mirage: *and now he's boggling at Denver. The blow didn't hurt him, but it sure as heck surprised him*
Denver: *Hands on hips, and fire in her eyes* I don't know why you feel the need to make yourself look like a complete and total idiot, but you need to get this through that thick processor of yours: You won't last long here if you don't stop treating people like they're delicate, helpless beings. When Dr. Ruteger dismisses you, Mirage, you are going to help Sgt. Madison with his duties, and tomorrow morning, when we're in the gym, I expect you to actually put some effort in when we spar.
Mirage: *Silent as he nods. This lady's scarier than Rachel!*
Rachel: And then bring the sparklets their lunch. For the next week.
Mirage: *Very slight wince that seems to escape Denver's notice*
Denver: That's a very good idea, Dr. Ruteger. One that I agree with wholeheartedly.
Rachel: Do you know what happened?
Denver: *honest and sincere smile* Not a clue... But I know Raoul and Beau were involved somehow.
Rachel: *grins and stifles more laughter* Tracks set him up in a fight against Raoul and Greg.
Denver: ... *facepalm* Okay, so I have to have words with Tracks as well.
Rachel: Well, Mirage did deserve it. Underestimating people like that is a good way for his spark to take a quick trip back to the Allspark. And mess up my nice new protoform in the process. *gives Mirage's back one of her quiet Looks*
Denver: *From behind her hand* Tracks could've waited till I got back.
Mirage: *Hunkering down a bit*
Rachel: *arches a brow at Denver*
Denver: Never mind... *sighs*
Rachel: Has that got something to do with the fact that Tracks is on the line with the florist right now?
Denver: ... Wh't?
Rachel: Something about 'which flower in the language of love means you're sorry?'.
Denver: ... *mutter* Th't mech.... *Though she does seem amused*
Rachel: Do you know anything about getting dents out?
Denver: ... *Gives Rachel a raised brow Look* Dr. Ruteger, Ah know 'ow t' get dents outta darn neah aneh metal.
Rachel: Good. You want to get those toothmarks out of Mirage while I take a nap?
Denver: Alrahght. Wh't'll Ah need t' do that?
Rachel: *points to her black bag, which is sitting on the floor* Tools.
Mirage: *looking like he wants to run for his life now*
Denver: *soft snerk, will get out a few of the tools that she knows, including a rubber-headed mallet*
Rachel: *sits up and looks toward her bed, then frowns and wonders if she's got the energy to get over there and get a blanket* //Hey, Jack, how's he doing?//
Jack: //I think we've got him understanding that he's not allowed to chase after Mirage right now...// *Sounds amused*
Rachel: //He's not upset anymore?//
Jack: //Doesn't look like it... but I'm sticking close to make absolutely sure...//
Rachel: //Try getting him some breakfast, but don't let him into the mess. All those people might get him worked up again.//
Jack: //I'll do that. How's Mirage?//
Denver: *setting to work on getting dents out*
Rachel: //I got his arm back on with no trouble, but then I needed to lay down. Denver's working on his tooth marks.//
Jack: //Ah... Want me to bring you a cinnaSeeker?//
Rachel: //Maybe send Merlin? You need to stay with Greg, and Mirage is in here.//
Russell: *quiet as he brings over what's left of the calcien mud. He and Serenity were only able to finish off about half of it*
Rachel: //Oh, Red just brought me something to eat.// *grins at her brother in law as she takes the bowl and tucks into the mineral mush*
Jack: *Chuckles* //Alright. I'll send Merlin to get something from the cafeteria for Greg.//
Rachel: //I love you, sport.// *shivers a bit and sighs*
Jack: //Love you too, Rachel.// *closes the comm line*
Rachel: Red, could I bug you for a blanket? And does the smell of my Easter candy make you sick?
Russell: I'll go get a blanket... And no... I'm fine... Serenity's alright as well... She's napping right now...
Rachel: Great, grab the basket out of the cupboard on my night table, too?
Russell: *nods* Alright. *Goes to get the requested items*
Rachel: I wonder where Steeljaw and Ravage put your baskets.
Russell: *as he returns* *a bit sheepishly* We stepped in them...
Rachel: *mouth falls open* What??
Russell: When we were hurrying here... *yes, he's embarrassed*
Rachel: *face palms, and then converses with TC over coms* TC's got them. It's a good thing we don't have to worry about germs. *shaking her head*
Russell: *puts the basket where Rachel can reach it easily and drapes the blanket over her*
Rachel: *smile* Thanks, buddy.
Russell: *nods, then hurries back to Serenity's side before he's gently smoothing her hair and talking soothingly to her*
Rachel: *adds candy to her mush and eats, and then looks up as she detects movement from the far bed. Snerks as she sees Col. Pax moving slowly and with obvious difficulty to snuggle his wife* Yup, that's an Optimus.
Maj. Dumbledore: *murmuring and cuddling, but then suddenly sitting up with a squeak and blushing right up to her ears as she looks around the med ward*
Rachel: *busy eating. Saw nothing*
Denver: *looks up from her spot on the floor where she's working on one of Mirage's armor panels, gives Maj. Dumbledore a curious look*
Maj. Dumbledore: *sees the look and squeaks, also actually manages to get redder*
Denver: *soft snerk at the squeak* Easeh. Y'u're safe 'ere.
Maj. Dumbledore: I know, it's just... uh....
Col. Pax: *sleepy eyes blink groggily as he reaches for his wife* Bea?
Maj. Dumbledore: *power blush*
Denver: *amused* *Gently* 'T's alrahght. Ain't nobodeh 'ere gonna complain 'r raise cain 'bout th't. *moving to get back to work after giving Mirage a Look that has him quickly closing his mouth*
Rachel: Most of us have lived in close quarters for too many millions of years to care if a couple want to cuddle. *still eating* But now that you're sitting up, you might want to give that poor guy a kiss and then feed him some of that breakfast on your tray. It's your supper from last night. Jack put it away for you and then fancied it up this morning.
Maj. Dumbledore: *still blushing, but then Col. Pax groans softly and she turns and kisses him on the cheek, murmuring softly about eggs Benedict*
Rachel: Right, that's what Jack's recipe's called. *eats mush and candy*
Col. Pax: *takes a moment to understand, but then smiles at his wife. He wants to try and eat*
Denver: *Already back to work on pounding out dents*
Rachel: *private com to Denver* //The chief's the same kind of suck.//
Denver: *Soft snerk*
Rachel: //Yo, Chief?//
Patrick: //Yes, Rachel?//
Rachel: //Your brother's awake. He's not up to much yet, but he's over there giving his wife the same kind of teddy bear grins that you give Elita in the morning.//
Patrick: //... Should I come down to the med ward?//
Rachel: //You need to talk to him... SUNSTREAKER, you're on public com!... for anything?//
Patrick: *Ignoring Sunstreaker's belch* //Not that I can think of at the moment.//
Denver: *sighs and continues to work*
Rachel: //Alrighty, then. Did you hear what happened in the gym?//
Patrick: //I did, only because Autumn commed me.//
Rachel: //Greg's settled down, but Jack's keeping an eye on him. And Denver's currently taking the toothmarks out of Mirage's armor now that I have his arm back on.// *switches to private* //And Tracks is buying flowers. No idea where Raoul, Beau, and Magnus are.//
Patrick: *Chuckles* //Should I go get Moofy then?//
Rachel: //If you can pry him away from the pen, and 'Dora' on TV.//
Patrick: //... I'll go bug Alex and Mia then.//
Rachel: *chuckle* //Sounds like a plan. Maybe you'll catch Mia working on what she's been so secretive about.//
Patrick: //Yanno, I really hope I do.//
Rachel: *more chuckle, and then sighs as she switches back to public* //Sideswipe, I heard that. Alright, Chief, I'm going to have a nap now. But you know where to find me.//
Denver: *Still working, and pretending she doesn't hear the Twins being idiots*
Patrick: //Alright. Have a good nap. Patrick out.//
Rachel: //Rachel out. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, report to Skylar now.//
Samuel and Seamus: *protest this muchly!*
Rachel: *calmly* //One.//
Skylar: *Reports that the twins have just arrived at his location, sounds smug*
Rachel: *tired chuckle* //I think they need to go on patrol.//
Skylar: //Gotcha, Rachel.//
Rachel: //Rachel out.// *sets basket and bowl onto the nearby tray, and then rubs her eyes*
Denver: *Finishes the piece of armor she was working on, before getting started on the next one* Git s'me sleep, Dr. Ruteger. Ah'll be 'ere f'r 'whal.
Mirage: *isn't sulking. You can't prove it.*
Rachel: *laying down and getting her blanket settled* James should be here soon. *yawn*
Denver: *Soft chuckle, nods, gets back to work*
Rachel: *scans the med ward, and then sleeps*
Later that day...
Tracks: *going in search of Denver once the flowers have finally been delivered. He's saddened as he thinks of how much flowers are starting to cost as even the heated greenhouses get shut down due to energy costs*
Denver: *wandering the halls at a leisurely pace, is searching for Tracks after having left the medbay. She's already alerted Sgt. Madison that he'd be having help with his duties for awhile, and now she's just got one thing on her mind.*
Tracks: *rounds the corner ahead of her, his eyes on the dainty nosegay of violets in its silver filigree holder*
Denver: *slight pause, before she's hailing Tracks and moving to approach him*
Tracks: *stops and looks up, his smirk half smug and half guilty* There you are, darling.
Denver: Mirage's dents're gone... *chuckles* 'E's gonna be 'elpin' Roy f'r 'whal, 'mong otha' duties...
Tracks: *smug triumphs over guilty as he holds out the violets*
Denver: *expression softens a bit as she accepts the flowers*
Tracks: *regretfully* They didn't have any roses, and the boorish clerk knew nothing of the language of love in flowers.
Denver: *soft chuckle as she reaches for his hand* Th't's alrahght... 'pology 'cepted...
Tracks: Mirage needed that. *takes her hand and kisses her fingers, then draws her close*
Denver: *more chuckling, has a slightly smug glimmer in her eye* Ah don' th'nk 'e'll be gettin' outta lahn aneh tahm soon...
Tracks: *whispers roguishly as he puts his head next to hers* Especially not with Sandra waiting her turn for a shot at him.
Denver: ... *gives him a O_O look, before she's cracking up*
Tracks: *smug squared*
WJ: *is that long-haired kid peeking out of one of the broom closets* *blink blink, clicks. Something's funny?*
Tracks: *looks over there and chuckles, then beckons to his youngest son with one hand while keeping the other arm around Denver*
WJ: *scoots out of the closet, laptop held close to his chest as he approaches*
Denver: *has to wipe her eyes because she's laughing so hard*
Tracks: *catches WakeJumper under the arm and boosts him up to his hip, and then hugs him too* And just what were you doing in there, young man?
WJ: *Ducks his head a bit* *Quietly* Hiding from Moofy... 'n playin' on a game...
Tracks: Really? Your pink game?
WJ: *headshake* Purple one.
Tracks: Did Sean make another? *looks at Denver, his eyes twinkling*
WJ: *headshake* Found it by googling...
Denver: *small smile as she leans against Tracks*
Tracks: Well now, I think Mama and I would like to see your new game. Should we find somewhere to sit?
WJ: *nods*
Denver: Th't sounds lahk a good ahdeah...
Tracks: *kisses her on the forehead, and then lets her go, though he takes her hand*
Denver: *Gently squeezes his hand*
WJ: *Clicks quietly, will go where Tracks and Denver go*
Tracks: *settles WakeJumper more firmly on his hip and then turns toward the lobby and its battered but comfortable old couches and its mounted animal heads*
Denver: *chuckles as she spots Alex looking in a storage closet*
WJ: *Ducks against Tracks a bit and goes silent*
Tracks: Oh please. Raoul and Beau would never be that stupid. Raoul survived on his own on the streets.
Alex: *gives Tracks a Look* I'm running out of places to check.
Denver: *Soft snerk*
Tracks: *smug cubed* Of course.
Denver: Th'y ain't gonna be found 'f th'y don' wanna be found, Alex... *amused*
Alex: Well, I still have to try and find them.
Tracks: *turns to go on down the hall* Have fun with that.
Denver: *amused chuckle as Alex grumbles something and continues on his way*
Beau: *is lounging on one of the couches in the lobby when they arrive, laptop open and a homework assignment on his screen*
Tracks: *settles next to him* Good boy.
Beau: Darn rahght. *focusing on his work, but he's smirking* Raoul's s'mewh're... Dunno wh're though...
WJ: *grinning a bit as Denver settles next to Tracks*
Denver: *Teasingly* Tracks, y'u're a terrible influence. *yet she's leaning against him again*
Tracks: *kisses her hair, and then gets Beau in a headlock and kisses his too before letting him go*
Beau: *Acks at being in a headlock, but doesn't put up too much of a fight*
WJ: *Clicks and gets his laptop open before navigating to the game site he was playing on*
Tracks: *grinning as he sits back and watches what WakeJumper's doing*
WJ: *Clicking to himself as he logs into a game site that has adorable cartoon characters*
Tracks: *reading the text and smiling* Is it fun? *reads further* Would you like some money for it?
WJ: *nods, before showing Tracks what his character can do* Is a fun game.
Tracks: *cuddling the little guy as he watches the tiny character move around, then asks him to call up the screen for buying credits*
WJ: *nods and does so*
Denver: *Soft chuckle as she watches*
Tracks: *reaches around the little guy and types in his credit card information, then presses what he needs to to complete the transaction* There you are.
WJ: *small grin as he thanks Tracks*
Tracks: *kisses his hair* You're quite welcome, WakeJumper. Just don't hit too many people with that boxing glove.
WJ: *nods and snuggles against Tracks before resuming game play*
Tracks: *settles back, one arm around Denver, and the other around WakeJumper as he watches the youngling play*
Denver: *leans against Tracks, feeling quite content with the way things are going right now*
Patrick: *chuckling and telling Mia that he thinks Sarah will love the resin doll that Mia is making from a kit, just before he's ushered out of the room that the tracker is using as her workshop for the time being*
Raoul: *peering around a door jam a few doors down the hall. Has been stalking Patrick since the fight this morning*
Patrick: *more chuckling, turns to head down the hall, startles* Oh! Raoul... *clearly wasn't expecting to see the teen there*
Raoul: *snerk*
Patrick: *Conversationally* Does Tracks know you're here?
Raoul: He knows my general vicinity. *cheeky grin*
Patrick: Alright. *trusts that Tracks would come looking for the teen if he were worried* Any particular reason you're giving Alex a hard time? *no, that's not amusement you're hearing from the Prime, Raoul, oh no. No amusement here!*
Raoul: *shrug* 'Cause I can.
Patrick: *Snerks* Well, Alex is currently checking over near the lobby... and Moofy's currently chasing Bubba around the Grand Prix, according to Jack, so WakeJumper's hiding spot is safe.
Raoul: Oh, Wake's with Tracks 'n Major Mac.
Patrick: *chuckles* Well, it's still safe, if he decides to hide from Moofy again.
Raoul: *grins* Yessir.
Patrick: *more chuckle* Carry on. *heads off to get Soli from the creche*
Raoul: *goes to stalk Alex*
Back in the lobby...
Alex: *flabbergasted. He had come back to the lobby to let Tracks and Denver know that he couldn't find WakeJumper or Beau in any of the closets, only to find that they were in the lobby the entire time!*
Beau: *focused entirely on his homework, doesn't even know that Alex is there*
Denver: *doing her best not to snicker at Alex's befuddled look*
Tracks: *ignoring Alex, is suggesting to Beau the name of a website that Raoul once found which is run by a history buff*
Beau: *will check that site then*
WJ: *clicking to himself quietly as he decorates his island*
Alex: *sighs and goes to try and track down Raoul*
Tracks: *smirk*
Raoul: *trots out of the other hall and flops down on the other side of Denver*
Denver: *Snerks*
Beau: *smirks and states a time*
WJ: *giggles*
Raoul: I was followin' Mr. Oberson around. *leans back with hands behind head* Oh, and I got my lessons done.
Denver: *Chuckles*
Beau: Mr. Irving di'n't fahnd us till aftah we got 'ere. *still working on that report, but he is looking over the top of his laptop and smirking*
Raoul: *rotten chuckle* We the man!
Tracks: You're terrible little hoodlums. *smirking*
Raoul: That too. *as he gets his computer out*
WJ: *More giggling*
Denver: *to Tracks* 'N y'u're a 'orrible influence. *chuckles*
Tracks: *turns his head to look at her, his icy eyes smiling* For teaching the boys skills that will come in handy later in their lives?
Denver: *chuckles* F'r not lettin' Magnus warn 'Raj 'bout me. *She's kidding.*
Tracks: *sets his nose to hers* I have to protect my brother from his own stupidity.
Denver: *more chuckling* Ah spent ovah 'n 'our bangin' out dents 'n 'Raj's armor... Aftah Ah knocked s'me sense int' th't 'ead'a 'is.
Tracks: *softly, still smiling* Have I told you you're wonderful, darling?
Raoul: Hey, Tracks, since WakeJumper's playin' a game, can I, too?
Tracks: *doesn't turn his head* Oh of course.
Raoul: *grins and calls up the game Sean gave him to beta*
Denver: *very faint blush as she reaches to take Tracks' hand and gently squeeze it again*
Alex: *displeased exclamation as he pauses to check the lobby again. Seems someone's just realized he's been out-witted by a pair of teenagers and a youngling*
Patrick: *Is that voice that's cracking up just a bit further down the hall*
Tracks: *turns his head, one brow arching in a supercilious manner* Do you want something, Alex?
Alex: *A bit sullenly* No...
Tracks: Alright, then. *turns back to WakeJumper's game*
WJ: *ducking his head a bit and clicking to cover what might be a snicker*
Beau: *shoulders shaking a bit*
Raoul: *utterly focused on making his character find the stuff for keeping an egg warm. That wasn't a snerk you heard! It was... a fart!*
Denver: *biting her lip a bit to keep from laughing at the look on Alex's face*
Patrick: *Has Soli in his arms, walks past* Alex, why don't you go help Mia with that project she's working on?
Alex: *sullenly* Yessir. *gone*
Patrick: *dirty rotten chuckle* He's going to be mulling this over for awhile.
Tracks: *sigh. Languidly, without looking away from WakeJumper's game* He's as bad as Mirage.
Denver: *bluntly* 'Raj' 's worse.
Patrick: *can't help the snerk that escapes*
Tracks: Only because Mia's beaten some sense into Alex's thick skull.
Denver: 'N 'e don' trah t' 'old back durin' sparrin'.
Tracks: Only because Mia's already beaten some sense into his thick skull.
Patrick: *Chuckles and shakes his head as he gently bounces Soli* Do you guys need anything from the cafeteria?
Tracks: *looks at the boys*
Raoul: *shaking his head, intent on his game* No, sir.
Beau: *headshake, is focusing on research for his report*
WJ: *headshake*
Denver: Ah'm fahn.
Tracks: *quietly to Beau and WakeJumper, but not mockingly or hurtfully* He can't hear your brains rattle.
WJ: *blink blink, makes an 'ewwww' face at the idea of rattling brains*
Patrick: *soft chuckle at the face WakeJumper's making*
Beau: No, sir. *type type type*
WJ: *clicks and shakes his head again*
Patrick: *more chuckling* Alright. *heads off to the cafeteria*
Tracks: *firmly, but with affection clear in his voice* I want you boys to understand that you have to respect the Prime.
Raoul: Yeah, whatever. *grins and plays*
WJ: ... *looks up from his game. Hadn't realized the guy with the glasses and the yelling baby was the Prime*
Beau: *looks up from his work to give Tracks a curious look* Th' Prahme?
Denver: 'E's th' leader 'f th' Autobots.
Beau: ... *quietly* Oh. Di'nt know th't....
Tracks: *lips thin slightly* Patrick really should have thought of that. Yes. He's Optimus Prime, our Commander in Chief. The bearer of the Matrix.
Denver: *stretching a bit* 'S sorta lahk 'ow Petra 'n th' otha gals di'nt know Ah'm a Major wh'n th'y first met me. Mah guess 's th't 'e'd rahtha be thought 'f 'n treated lahk 'e's jes' a regular gah.
Tracks: We should still show a little respect. *which means you're going to now, right, Tracks?*
Denver: *gives him a slight Look, one that's mixed with fondness and amusement*
Tracks: *just looks back, innocently unaware of the irony of his words*
Denver: *soft chuckle*
Tracks: *quizzical expression*
Raoul: YES! I got the toughest egg!
WJ: *Perks, clicking rapidly*
Tracks: *leaning to see around Denver as Raoul continues to bounce with glee* Is that a good thing?
WJ: *more clicking, before he's putting his laptop on Denver's lap and moving to try and get a good look*
Raoul: *scoots forward on the couch and puts his legs down, then turns the screen so that WakeJumper and Tracks can see the big leathery egg that his character is carefully burying in the warming herbs* Yeah, it's good. It means my guy's really strong.
WJ: *approving clicks*
Raoul: And I even got extra bedding for it, so it'll be warm enough for sure.
Tracks: *thinking about what Autumn told him about the level of difficulty involved in the herb gathering part of the game. Feels quietly proud of Raoul for persevering to reach his goal* Oh, very nice. What comes out of that?
Raoul: *calls up a smaller window and shows a huge scaly beast* This. Only it won't look like that at first.
WJ: Oooo, cool!
Raoul: *happy grin. Looks at Denver for her opinion*
Denver: *Chuckles* Wh't're y'u gonna name 't?
Raoul: I dunno yet. But I don't gotta do it right away. *turns the screen to grin at it, feeling elated and looking forward to showing Sean*
Denver: *nods, smiling* Good job.
Raoul: Thanks, Major Mac. ^_^
Private Halcomb: *knocks on the door jam* E-Excuse me, Major MacKenzie?
Denver:*attention going to the door* Hm?
Tracks: *also looking across the lobby and past the fake plants in the center 'island' planter to give the young soldier a quizzical look*
Private Halcomb: Th-The mail arrived.... And this was in the mail for Beau... *holding a box from a computer company*
Beau: *looks up when he hears his name* Huh?
Denver: *raised brow, carefully sets WakeJumper's laptop on the coffee table before she gets up* Wh't 'n Earth...
Tracks: *watches her*
Raoul: *watching over the top of his screen without seeming to*
Private Halcomb: *Carefully handing Denver the box, looks like he's close to being a nervous wreck*
Denver: *dismisses the private and brings the box over to the couch* Wait, Ah r'member th' Col. sayin' s'meth'n' 'bout gettin' Beau s'meth'n'... *chuckles and offers Beau the box*
Beau: *Raised eyebrow as he sits up to accept it*
Tracks: ...Is he always like that? *still staring after Pr. Halcomb*
Denver: Rylee? 'E's usualleh 'lot worse 'round me...
Tracks: Ahhhh. I see. *sniffs and settles back, holding out a hand to WakeJumper*
WJ: *moves to pounce on Tracks*
Tracks: *chuckles and cuddles the dark-haired youngling, then looks toward Beau*
Beau: *grins and shows Tracks the laptop that was in the box*
Tracks: Oh, very nice.
Denver: *chuckles* Y'u'll 'afta transfer all y'ur fahls....
Beau: *nods* Ah know. *More grin and moves to get up carefully* Ah gotta go th'nk Uncle Mahk f'rst.
Raoul: *watches Beau go, and then snerks as he realizes Mirage is standing in the door to the halls*
Mirage: *slight frown, has a tray with lunch for the boys on it*
Tracks: Is something the matter, 'Raj? *wow, he's actually not smirking*
Mirage: *almost unnoticeable scowl for Tracks, before he's moving to set the tray on the coffee table once Denver's moved WakeJumper's laptop*
Ravage: *biddies up behind Mirage and strops against his ankle* M'mur.
Tracks: *watching brother and waiting for an answer. Does not look insufferably smug. Only insufferable*
Mirage: *very slight huff, is ignoring you, Tracks. See him ignore you? He will offer gentle scritches for Ravage though*
Tracks: Do you know who that is?
Mirage: *cooly, is still miffed about this morning* I do not.
Tracks: *slight smirk as he gets a plate of food for WakeJumper* Why don't you ask her?
Mirage: *more scowl for Tracks, glances down at Ravage, though he's not expecting an answer* Who are you?
WJ: *curious chirrup as he examines what's for lunch today*
Ravage: M'mu? //Unit Mirage failure to recognize unit Ravage?//
Mirage: ... *and now he's introducing the floor to his butt*
Denver: *coughs to hide her snicker*
Ravage: *small sound of surprise* //Unit Mirage bears damage?//
Tracks: *languidly as he pokes at WakeJumper's canned spaghetti-Os* No, I think he's just recalling all the times you tried to chew his arms and legs off.
Mirage: *giving Ravage a wide-eyed, almost fearful, look*
Denver: C'mere, Ravage. *Pats her lap* Wh're's Steeljaw?
Ravage: *tail goes up, and then she's leaping for Denver's knees and winding up hanging by her front paws* *small scared sound*
Denver: *Will help Ravage onto her lap, and commence with the scritches*
Ravage: *sings her bitty love song, eyes closed with bliss*
Mirage: ....
Ravage: //Unit Steeljaw is roosting.//
Denver: *chuckles* Wh're 't?
Ravage: //Kitchen.// *sing sing love*
Denver: *more chuckling and scritching*
Mirage: *looking positively brain-broken now*
Tracks: *stirs the spaghetti-Os and offers WakeJumper the spoon, handle first, then reaches for a grilled cheese sandwich to offer him* *glances at Mirage* She's also Steeljaw's mate.
WJ: *happy clicks before he works on eating his lunch*
Mirage: ..... *Has to reboot. Will be with you shortly*
Denver: *Snerk* n00b.
Tracks: *shakes head and sighs* I really hadn't realized he was so narrow minded.
Denver: Prolly w'sn't expectin' th't 'n enemeh c'ld become 'n allah.
Tracks: *cheek on WakeJumper's head* Anything seems to be possible, these days.
Ravage: *sticking nose over. Sammich?*
WJ: *breaks off a piece of his sandwich to offer to Ravage*
Ravage: *sings and noms daintily*
Denver: *Chuckles* Y'u sh'ld'a seen 'im aftah th' dressin' down Ah gave 'im 'n th' med ward...
Tracks: I'd rather leave him some dignity. *if only to keep from giving Raoul ideas*
Denver: *Snerk* Unlahk Magnus? *Yes, she knows all about the sharpie mustache that Mirage woke up with this morning*
WJ: *giggles quietly*
Raoul: *playing game with sammich sticking out mouth* *muffled* So he's m' uncle?
Tracks: *just smirks at Denver's question, then glances at Raoul and rolls his eyes* Of course. Please try to eat in a civilized manner.
Raoul: *crosses eyes and takes sandwich into his hand*
WJ: *Clicking rapidly. Papa and brother are being silly!*
Mirage: *blinks a bit as he finishes rebooting*
Tracks: *cuddling WakeJumper and elbowing Raoul, who just gave him a dig in the side with his own elbow*
Denver: *Fondly* Alrahght y'u two...
WJ: *Clicking and trying to save his lunch*
Tracks: *quick hand for the bowl of pasta and sauce as he clicks apologetically*
Raoul: Sorry, man. *grins and sets his laptop aside to get some spaghetti-Os of his own. Eats happily, dipping his sandwich in it*
WJ: *clicks more, before poking a bite of spaghetti-Os at Tracks' mouth*
Tracks: *winces, but clicks encouragingly to the little one and eats without hesitation* Thank you, WakeJumper.
Denver: *Didn't miss that wince, gives Tracks a concerned look*
Tracks: *just gives her a rueful look. Yes, eating dead organic life still makes him slightly queasy, but he's not about to make WakeJumper feel bad by not sharing the youngster's lunch*
Denver: *reaches to gently pat his hand*
Tracks: *turns his hand and gently squeezes hers, and then smirks at Raoul as the teen pokes him in the side with a thumb*
WJ: *more clicks and then he's poking a bite of his lunch at Denver's mouth as well*
Denver: *quiet chuckle, thanks WakeJumper, and eats the offered bite*
Tracks: *smiling as he watches this, and there's a look in his eyes that Mirage will have never seen in them before. It is soft, and it is happy. Even without his wings, and faced with fuel that nauseates him, Tracks is at peace*
Mirage: ... *Has never seen Tracks like this. Slips away as silently as he can, intends to go and ponder these strange changes in his creche brother*
((co-written with