It was strange, Beau decided. Pulling up to the dark and quiet house in Quantico after spending a couple of months at the lodge. Strange... and oddly lonely. He could only imagine what Denver was going through as she shut the engine of the sedan off and turned to regard him with eyes so similar to his own. "Beau... Wh't w'ld y'u say 'f Ah tol' y'u th't Ah wanna move?" Beau blinked a bit, unsure if he had heard his older sister correctly.
"D'pends... Wh're're y'u wantin' t' move t'?" He wouldn't get his hopes up... After all, she might not want to move where he was wanting to...
"Ah dunno... Ah 'eard Blacksburg's a pretteh nahce town..." Okay, so maybe she was on the same wavelength he was after all.
"'Ow soon c'n we git moved?"
Had that been only yesterday? It felt like a lifetime ago. In a matter of hours from that conversation, the entire world had gone to hell.
-"Th' realtor'll be bah 'round 'leven t'morrah, t' look 'round... Th'nk goodness th' 'ouse w's 'n a good state wh'n th' 'ole th'ng started..." Denver looked pleased, even as she moved to head up to her bedroom to begin sorting through clothes. "'F we ship most'a our clothes, th't'll save s'me tahm 'n th' long run..."
"Ah'll git stahted 'n box'n up th' kitchen stuff, Sis." At Denver's nod, Beau had gone to get one of the empty boxes that Denver kept for boxing things up to go to storage. It was as he was coming back, box in hand, that he noticed an all-too-familiar pickup parked in the driveway. "Denver! We've gotta git outta 'ere! Now!!!" That had been enough to get Denver running down the stairs, gun coming out of its holster.
She had reached the bottom of the stairs as Beau was moving to run for the garage, and right as the front door had gotten kicked open. Everything seemed to slow down, Denver running to meet the threat that was their father, the flashlight in his hand being swung and connecting with Denver's face, Denver being knocked aside like she was a rag doll, her gun falling from her hand as she hit the floor and didn't move to get up.
Everything after that was a blur. Beau didn't remember tackling Jethro MacKenzie, didn't remember wrestling the flashlight from the older man's hand, or even hearing the sickening sound of his cellphone being smashed to pieces during the struggle. All he remembered was that someone was screaming, and that Denver wasn't moving... And then someone was pulling him off of Jethro... Someone was picking Denver up and carrying her away from him...-
That had been the other evening... The sherriff had come to the hospital to get his statement, and to see how Denver was doing. She had been sedated earlier in the night, after going into hysterics because Tracks wasn't there. It was early morning, and after Denver was released, he would bring her to Blacksburg. He would bring her home... To Tracks, Raoul, Dion, and WakeJumper.
"'Scuse me, miss... Ah'm trah'n t' get t' Blacksburg... 'S th's th' road th't leads th're?" Beau gave the clerk at the counter of the gas station his best 'charming' grin, hoping that she wouldn't give him bogus directions.
"Yeah... You're actually really close to where you need to get off, truth be told... When you get to the exit for State Route 603, you'll need to take that exit in the west-bound direction. That'll take ya straight into town." The girl nodded a bit, sounding quite sure about what she had just said.
"Th'nk y'u kahndleh, Miss." With that, Beau finished paying for the tank of gas he had put into the car, and headed back out. Denver, thankfully, was still asleep in the passenger seat, or he was sure he'd have to try to get through the fog of painkillers to explain that he was just bringing her to Tracks. Even then, there might not be a guarantee that she'd understand him...
Someone had crossed out the name "Bennington" on the sign he was looking at... And replaced it with "Garcia". He had to hope that the farm he had pulled up the drive of was still owned by the petite blonde he remembered...