Apr 30, 2008 23:16

Player's Name: Alex
Player LJ: Demonicfangs
AIM or Email: AIM - Shiroishiroi E-mail - Alzz13[@]hotmail[dot]com
Timezone: Eastern
Other Characters Played: Amber [Original] (letsdo_timewarp)

Character: Lloyd Irving
Series/Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Original or Template version: Original

Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: He likes Colette.

Appearance: He really lacks any sense in fashion. But you know what, most heroes don't these days. Anyways, he has brown eyes and brown spiked up hair. (No gel or unnatural products used) An obnoxiously red long sleeved shirt, which causes him to be constantly known as the kid in red by his enemies. On the shirt are 11? large white buttons on the front and 4? large white POINTLESS buttons on both sleeves. On the back of the shirt wrapping around from most of the collar are two white long thin pieces of fabric that once again make absolutely NO SENSE but I imagine it is fun to tug on. He's got red buckled boots and dark blue pants with suspenders. Why yes, he does stick out like a sore thumb! He also wears red gloves that go up to about his mid lower arm. On one of the gloves is his exsphere and key crest. I'll explain that in detail later. He also is a double swordsman so he always has two swords with him. The sword sheaths are attached to two separate belts that cross his waist. Also~ It is said in the game a few times that he looks a bit young for his age. ... He looks seventeen to me but you know these Tales games! Anyways, according to Raine he's barely appeared to age since she first met him when he was about 12. We blame Kratos? Hmn. Washtubs?

Personality: Lloyd is the classic/cliche hero of the WORLD! He is persistent! He is optimistic to boot! He is brave! He is strong! He's actually pretty annoying! Well, to me he is. Anywho Lloyd is one of those guys who want a better future for everyone. He hates seeing turmoil or innocent people dying. It's just wrong and UNJUST. No one deserves to be killed or sacrificed for any reason! There's always a way to save everyone, you just have to look for it. And when I say look for it, I don't mean where's Waldo. We're talking hunting through two different worlds and a separate planet. Regardless though, he never gave up and he held his determination to find a new and better way. As they title him in the game, he is very idealistic in that sense.

Another comment about Lloyd is how he is able to learn from his mistakes. Many things that he does aren't always the most wise and he does screw up big time. He's naive in a lot of ways and much too trusting of people. But no matter what he tends to bring out the good in people and help them realize their wrongs as he fixes the messes he brings upon others at times. He tends to act before thinking. Brute force over a well devised strategy. So he jumps into situations and often has it backfire at his face. Not so pretty, huh? When it comes to sticky situations Lloyd is quick to figure out what to do. Though normally a Dammit or two is involved ahead of time, he does manage to fair decently. As is stated at the Asgard Ranch, and I know I'm off on this quote but whatever, the gears in his head start turning in those situations.

Lloyd is NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact, he's much more like a spoon. His best subjects in school were PE and Art, I think that says something. (Fun fact!: The reason why Lloyd uses two swords is because during a math lesson with Raine he was taught that 1+1=2. So if he used two swords, he'd be twice as strong! ... Good job Lloyd. So that day he went home and asked papa Dirk to make him TWO swords and explained his magical math lesson. Dirk laughs.) Along with that, Lloyd kind of has A.D.D. Or something awfully similar. Anytime something new is involved he is ecstatic! But 5 min. later he's bored out of his mind and complaining about everything that amused him 5 min. prior. He also is teased by Genis a ton for his lack of intelligence. Lloyd knows this, he doesn't need Genis reminding him and being an ass. But these guys are friends! So Lloyd just tells him to shut up on occasion and normally Genis complies after seeing that it annoys Lloyd. But really, that's the only time Lloyd is short tempered with his friends. Any other time it's because they give up on living or think dying is okay. Stop being emo guys, it's not cool. That's basically what he's saying. But they don't always take the hint and wind up being self sacrificing... again. ...Ahemcoletteyoufailahem.

This guy is pretty easy to talk to, he'll listen to whatever you have to say! Just don't use big words or he'll get lost instantly. He's willing to listen to any problems, most of the time, and make sure everyone's doing okay. He's pretty damn dense but he can at least tell when someone's frowning. Sadly though, if they say everything is okay, he'll buy it. Unless! It's serious ... or Colette. He knows Colette very, very well. He can tell pretty easily when she's upset or lying about something. They've been pals for a long time and Colette's pretty much a spoon, too so of course she's an easy read to him.

DWARVEN VOWS! He attempts to go by them, they're pretty useful. But Lloyd normally uses them as an excuse more than anything. Or he'll throw one in during an explanation of what is JUST! He tends to do this rather often mind you. I call them JUSTICE SPEECHES, basically where he goes off about what's good and bad about the world. Along with that he's got a good sense of what's right from wrong. But he's only human and he does break the rules on occasion, though normally it's for someone's own good. He would NEVER lie to hurt someone or trick someone if it meant them being hurt in anyway. That's just not Lloydie. But he can be sarcastic at times. Especially with Zelos and his little antics or when Genis decides to be a butt about something.

This kid goes through a bunch and throughout the whole time he tries to be as understanding as possible. He looks, or ATTEMPTS to look at the whys or the hows behind others' actions. He kinda has this belief that everyone's good somewhere along the lines. Trust me, despite god knows how many Desians he kills or whoever else, he looks before he decapitates his enemy. Unless your Kvar. In that case - that motha fucka is going DOWN. Kratos agrees with this. >:|

He sees things rather simplistically and is never afraid to add his say into a conversation. Even if his idea is completely obscure and waaay out there, he at least tries to help? Lloyd's never been one to sit back and watch things happen, even conversations. Sometimes, though, the simplicity that he knows is just what everyone was looking for. He's also a little bit full of himself when it comes to his sword skills. He knows he has a long way to go before he's super skilled and you can never stop learning something new, he does not mind comments. In fact he takes compliments very well, and by that I mean he'll go “Yeah, I guess I'm not so bad.” He likes these comments. But same goes for when something bad is said about him. He'll argue that they might be exaggerating a little but he's never that afraid to say he isn't strong enough or doesn't need more practice. That's his huge strong point.

If I missed anything... I'll be VERY surprised.

Abilities/Strengths: I'll say this a lot (Because it seriously annoys me to NO end) but, Lloyd is a god-moder. He is a double sword wielding melee fighter. Magic is NOT his thing. He's human, he couldn't bother with magic even if he wanted to. But that doesn't mean he lacks a punch! His attacks are fast and powerful, do not mess with this kid. The only thing he actually doesn't have mastered is defense and strategy. That's pretty big if you think about it but not if you're a button smasher. (Whoops, 4th wall went splat.)

He's also got a decent range of techniques. Of course all of them have to do with his sword abilities but that's okay. Those little techniques can range from a bit of a variety though. There's the classical demon fang which sends a powerful light thingy at the opponent and can travel quite the distance. There's also Sonic Thrust which can be a little awkward if you think about it. Beast, Rising Falcon, Sword Rain, Tiger Blade, Tempest and a ton more advanced skills that elaborate more on the basics.

Of course, normal people don't manage all this. After all, how can someone do all these fancy techniques, constantly be walking everywhere, eat Raine's food and still survive? It's not like they sleep for very long. Well this may come as a surprise to you but pretty much everyone in their group has these little enhancing thingies. Okay, they aren't called that, they're called exspheres. Really what they do is strengthen the user's abilities and make them all around a lot stronger on several different levels and aspects. Lloyd's exsphere is even MORE SPECIAL and makes him even stronger than someone with a regular run off the mill exsphere. So he is UBER powerful or what have you. Which explains why he can get away with wearing bright red clothing and making really stupid mistakes.

Besides physical strength he also has a few other knacks up his sleeve. Growing up with pap Dirk the dwarf really pays off when your battling evil. Why? Well, for several reason. (Besides the handy dandy Dwarven Vows) but probably one of the most useful would be the fact that Lloyd knows how to carve spells into inhibitor ore in order to make key crests. Sure he can't process the ore, but he can at least make the pretty designs in them so they work. Key crests, by the way, allow the exsphere to be used by the one wielding it. Without this thing the exsphere becomes a parasite and literally feeds off of the body it's attached to. So obviously with a group full of exsphere users, this guy is pretty handy.

Lloyd is also pretty good at picking locks. But only when it's deemed necessary. Most doors and chests he can't pick for some STRANGE reason. I think he's just taunting us. But that's just me. Otherwise, he's pretty good and does get the group out of a few problems that way.

Weaknesses: This kid is SUCH a god-moder. At least, combat wise. He is impossible to deal with. Because he is able to attack so fast and with such great force, it really leaves little time or room to hit him back. But IF you manage to hit him it does quite the blow. Despite all that power he's got shitty defense and is not the smartest at blocking. Even when he does manage to block, the damage is still relatively high.

Besides combat weaknesses his other weaknesses would probably be his friends and his occasional temper. His friends and those close to him are VERY important and he will go out on a limb for these guys. Actually a few limbs. He's one of those people that would stop everything he was doing in order to make sure a pal was safe or that people in general were safe. That along with how gullible he is? He's an easy target for some evil plot. Put a friend in a bad place, make him trust and believe that the wrong direction is the way to go and BOOM. Why didn't Cruxis or the Grand Cardinals think of this earlier? Beats me. Another thing would just be his temper. He tends to get all RAWR when injustice is involved and ... he acts pretty much on instinct. In other words, he makes mistakes because he has a HORRIBLE habit of charging into battle before looking or thinking things through. This often leads to some not so happy situations. BUT HE'S THE HERO GUYS. So everything is fixed and is worked out in the end.


Pre Game: Lloyd's parents were a rather interesting couple. Lloyd's mother, Anna grew up in Luin, a nice little town in Sylvarant that was sadly under constant fear of the nearby Asgard Ranch. Lloyd's father, Kratos, on the other hand, was from a noble family in Meltokio and a trained knight who served under the king. Although, that was 4,000 years prior to the game. Thanks to Kratos' amazing Cruxis Crystal he stopped aging and this little rock made it impossible for him to die. Therefor! 4028 year old Angel dude (A.K.A. Lloyd's father). So 4,000 years after Kratos had fought along with his buddies in the Kharlan War, and they decided that two worlds were better than one, Kratos met Anna. Now Kratos was a very obedient little minion to Mithos Yggdrasil, his old buddy. Kratos was a good boy and fought for Mithos' absurd goals which caused several people to be sacrificed and die. Well, you know how it is after 4,000 years you just stop caring and go with the flow. Why fight back? It wouldn't make a difference. And Kratos really thought Mithos was right about his ideals.

But all of that changed after Kratos met Anna. Though I am not by any means positive on how exactly the events played out and they're probably WAY out of order, but they're all facts! I promise. So prior to meeting Anna Kratos was this little puppet. But somehow, I swear it either had to be love at first sight or something, Kratos met Anna and they magically fell in love. Now, honestly? It took Kratos long enough. But that's not the point! Sadly, despite their wondrous meeting Anna was part of a Cruxis experiment called the Angelus Project. Now, I don't know this for a fact but either Kratos met Anna after Anna became a guinea pig or she became the guinea pig because Kratos was acting funny and Mithos said no. I have NO IDEA!! But it happened. So Anna, more or less, showed Kratos what the hell he and his buddies were doing wrong. Wow, what a shocker. She was basically a new motivation for him to fix his act and start rebelling against Mithos. Problem was, Mithos had people, lot's of minion like people. So the two were forced to run. Somewhere along the running Lloyd came into the picture. Which must have sucked timing wise, but oh well. (Like I said the order of events are probably off but whatever.)

So one day while the couple and now 3 year old kid were still running amok and trying to find a way to get the Desians off their trail something went a little wrong. While near by the Iselia Ranch, Anna's exsphere came off and since she didn't have a key crest she turned into a monster. Because of this Anna lost her sense of self and had no actual self control of sorts and began attacking Lloyd. He was three guys, no epic powers yet, so he was pretty much helpless. Meanwhile Kratos just stood and watched, not having any idea what to do or how to stop Anna without hurting her in the process. Lucky for both Lloyd and Kratos, NOISHE TO THE RESCUE. So Noishe jumped in the way and got hit, really hard by monster!Anna. Hence why Noishe is so scared of monsters in the game. Blame Anna. After Noishe was hit he couldn't really do much else to protect Lloyd. Meanwhile Kratos was still standing there, watching like some idiot. Fortunately Anna gained back some rational momentarily and ordered Kratos to kill her so she wouldn't hurt their son. Meanwhile Kratos was still standing there, watching like some idiot. Sadly though, Anna lost her sense of self again and was about to attack Lloyd when DUDUDUDUDUUUUDUUUDUUUUU! Kratos finally moves and cuts down Anna causing her, Noishe, and Lloyd to go falling down a cliff. Nice going Kratos. But there was a larger issue at hand. After Kratos attacked Anna, finally, the Desians decided to attack as well. Actually, they were probably waiting for Kratos to get her so they wouldn't have to worry about ouchies. Anyways! Kratos finally made it down the cliff and only came to find Lloyd's little shoe and a whole lot of dead Desian bodies. Immediate Kratos Conclusion: They were all eaten by wild buffalo. KIDDING!! Real Kratos Conclusion: The Desians took the bodies and they are all totally dead now. Sure, Kratos looked a little but it didn't work out that well. After that he decided to give up the whole rebellion idea and go back to work with Cruxis and attempt to get back on Mithos' good side.

But where would the whole game go if Lloyd had been abducted by Desians and killed? No, actually a dwarf that lived nearby found them while Anna was still slightly conscious. She told the dwarf man that Lloyd was a special little kid and had to stay safe or whatever. Dwarf man was baffled but respected the woman's dying wish and quickly grabbed all three, Anna, Noishe, and Lloyd after hearing yelling and footsteps (A.K.A. Kratos) and took them back to his house. Needless to say, Anna died and Lloyd woke up to a rather weird situation. His first thought of the dwarf man, or Dirk was OH GOD IT'S A BEAR. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! I wish I was kidding about that one. It took Lloyd a while to get used to Dirk and he cried for quite some time. Luckily Noishe is soft, furry, lovable and familiar and Lloyd eventually warmed up to Dirk and moved on with life.

Lloyd grew up with Dirk as a father and they lived pretty good all things considered. Dirk even taught Lloyd a few tricks concerning craftsmanship and the DWARVEN VOWS. So he pretty much treated Lloyd as his own.

When Lloyd was about eleven or twelveish he started going to school in the near by town Iselia. There he met Raine, Genis and the next Chosen, Colette. Raine was the school teacher and Genis' older sister. She was super smart and threw things at people when they slept in class or did something stupid. (A.K.A. Hi Lloyd) Colette was the ditz of the class but respected figure as the Chosen. In fact, most people only referred to her as the Chosen, since that's all they saw her as but Lloyd was a bit different. He didn't really consider her the Chosen at all, just a friend, so these two got along really well. Genis, well, Lloyd just picked up friends easily and often sat with people at lunch who were by themselves. Isn't he the SWEETEST? So Genis and him became good friends too. :D

But sadly after all that time, Lloyd kind of forgot about his parents, or at least what they looked like. Well, he was THREE when it happened so that's pretty understandable. As time went on though and Lloyd got older he decided he wanted to learn how to fight. Dwarves don't do well with swords so Lloyd taught himself, Dirk just made the swords he could use for practice. He kind of needed some skill, after all, he had to go through a monster infested forest to get to school everyday. Eventually Dirk gave Lloyd the exsphere he had found with his mother when she died. Lloyd never got all the details to her death but if he was told the exsphere would make him stronger then he'd take it in an instant. Lloyd like being strong and having the ability to help people too. But he wasn't allowed to show off the exsphere to anyone, sadly. It was supposed to be a secret. :x

Game plot: So the game starts on Colette's 16th birthday. Everyone is being taught by the almighty Raine about their general philosophies concerning the Kharlan War, the heroes, Desians, and world regeneration! Everything is going hunky dorry and Lloyd is failing at class when suddenly a light appears! Which obviously means the Oracle wants Colette now. So Raine heads out and orders the class to study.

... Did she honestly trust everyone? So Lloyd decides to screw that shit, it's totally for research ANYWAYS! So he takes Colette and Genis with him to where the Oracle is. They get there with few scratches but, oh no! The “DESIANS” are attacking and are killing priests. That's not cool. Lloyd, Colette, and Genis fight off the mean “Desians” but sort of fail. Luckily a guy in purple spandex pops out of no where to save the day. He seems really knowledgeable, really good at fighting and appears to be pretty intelligent. Of course that means Lloyd already dislikes this guy even though he just saved their little butts.

Since the priests all died and such the purple spandex guy introduces himself as a traveling mercenary named Kratos. Phaidra, Colette's grammy who was there in some corner the whole time, agrees to pay Kratos if he helps escort Colette to the Oracle. Lloyd really dislikes this idea! He wants to go too and after some whining he gets his wish and they all head to the Oracle.

After a lot of pointless battles, finding the sorcerers ring, and more pointless battles, the group arrives at the Oracle. Some angel guy comes down and blesses Colette, yippee! He gives her a Cruxis Crystal and displays the Tower of Salvation for them to see. But HA!! It's really halfway across the world. Lame! Anyways, before this guy leaves to return to his boring angelic life he also claims he's Colette's REAL father. Well, that's messed up. But now the real fun begins! Colette's REAL father told her to go on a life threatening, your probably going to die, quest to save the world. So what does she do? GO, OF COURSE. We believe those kinds of caring parents any day. (These kinds of things make Kratos look GOOD)

The group all heads home and the Mayor decides that Kratos and Raine are going with Colette on her magical journey. Lloyd dislikes this. But ha! He's just a kid. People IGNORE kids. So Lloyd and Genis head towards Lloyd's house after Genis gives Colette her birthday cookies! Lloyd forgot her birthday because he's an idiot and promised to give her the present later. So on the way Genis stops by the Iselia Human Ranch. Why? Totally because he has a dog friend or something. No, actually one of the old prisoners there is a friend of his. They chat, they get caught, Lloyd fights them and Genis heads home. After the epic battle Lloyd returns to his own home, Dirk and him argue about stuff and Lloyd finds out his mother, who supposedly died in an accident, was really killed by Desians! Lloyd dislikes this and pouts out of the home.

He doesn't pout very far though because Colette and the others decided to say BYE to him. Colette and Lloyd have a little chit chat and Colette says to Lloyd, “Sure! You can come along” but of course, it's a lie and by the time Lloyd gets to the village the next day, Colette had already left hours ago.

But of course, bad stuff happens and the Desians want revenge for Lloyd and Genis' little visit the day before. They attack Iselia and Lloyd and Genis have to fight some huge ugly monster thing, whom is actually Genis' friend. WHAT? Anyways, the Mayor is pissed and exiles the two for being so stupid. Phaidra and Frank, Colette's “father”, tell Lloyd and Genis to go catch up to Colette since they have nothing better to do with their lives now.

The two head out and after their own little adventures (Lloyd gets caught by the Renegades and they want his exsphere, rawr) they finally meet up with Kratos, Raine, and Colette. YAY! After Genis explains things to Raine, the two are allowed to tag along. So now the whole world's hope of survival is rested upon a mercenary, a school teacher, and three country bumpkin kids. Hoooo boy guys. Oh. And Noishe, Lloyd's dog...thing.

The group goes about the world releasing seals, blowing up Desians, the usual. Along the way they encounter this really clumsy and annoying assassin who's trying to kill Colette. They totally don't get why but eventually the chick, Sheena, joins the party and helps them after they agree to help her get back at some Desians for destroying Luin. The base that they destroy, by the way, is Kvar's place. He's a mean and really ugly half elf who is one of the FIVE GRAND CARDINALS. They kill him, of course, but before they do Lloyd finds out a bit more about his parents and how exspheres are made. Basically all of it comes down to his father was the one who killed his mother and that the exsphere he currently possesses is the reason for it all and was basically a parasite gnawing on his mom at one point. LOVELY.

But as they go along Lloyd notices something funky about Colette. She's been acting suuuuper weird since their little journey started and eventually, after 2 or 3 seals, he confirms that Colette isn't doing so fantastic. She's losing parts of her that make her human. Lloyd REALLY dislikes this but they both are idiots and figure that this is what's supposed to happen when a Chosen regenerates the world and they say nothing to the others. At the 4th seal Colette loses her voice. Obviously, everyone knows something is up by then! So Sheena decides to add to the nonsense and tell the group ho shit guys, there are two worlds and I'm from the other one. But I totally come in peace... now. :D Besides a lot of brain breakage the group starts getting a bit suspicious of things but life goes on! By that time, anyways, it's time for the magical tower of Salvation, yippee!

Colette and Kratos head out a little earlier than the others and by the time Genis, Raine, Lloyd and Sheena get there it's a bit too late. Colette has REGENERATED THE WORLD, kind of, and has turned into a lifeless, boring, red-eyed, emotionless angel, WITH PRETTY WINGS! Now, some really funky shit goes down. Lloyd didn't realize Colette would pretty much die because of all of this and really wants her back. Kratos pretty much is like, bitch please you wanted this you dumbass. But with less cursing and more intelligence. Also at this time Remiel, that angel guy who claimed to be Colette's father gets killed after the group gets pissed. After that battle Kratos reveals who he really is! An angel of Cruxis, A.K.A. a bad guy. The group fights Kratos (Wtf? 25K HP? Thanks a lot, Namco. I still hate you for that. >\) and gets their butt whooped, then the leader of Cruxis, Yggdrasil, pays them a visit. Thus more fighting and the group gets their butts kicked again. BUT! Renegades to the rescue! These guys were the “Desians” from the beginning and they're lead by this guy named Yuan who is also an Angel of Cruxis but this guy actually gets it and disagrees with Yggdrasil. HOWEVER~ He's a wimp and won't tell it to Yggy's face. So anyways, the Renegades save them and try to explain to the group what just went down. Then they try to cause wank and Lloyd says NO and the group steals some flying stuff called Rheairds and fly to Tethe'alla, that other world Sheena's from.

While in the other world they get a few new people into their party including the Chosen from that world, a little girl that fights with an axe twice her size, and a convict. Wow, these guys attract the WEIRDEST people. Eventually Colette is cured and is back to her normal happy, optimistic, special self. But now Lloyd and the others have figured out the horrible cycle that Cruxis started to keep up with the two worlds. Lloyd is convinced there is a better way where no more Chosens have to die AND keep the world in tact. So that Sheena chick is a summoner and the group figures out that if they make a pact with all the summon spirits in both worlds then they can make everything good again. Meanwhile, Kratos pops in every now and then and scolds them. Naturally these guys REALLY dislike Kratos right now so they ignore him and listen to Yuan instead.

The first summon spirit gained in Tethe'alla doesn't really go so well. The summon spirits are actually all pretty pissed because of their last pact so the group has a hard time. But the first guy, Volt, is a real bitch and a half. He has a temper “...” (Translation: I HATE YOU ALL, RAWR RAWR RAWR) and attacks the group pretty much right off the bat. Sheena, who has dealt with this guy before, is terrified of this and panics. Volt goes in for another attack but Corrine, Sheena's little man-made summon spirit buddy, blocks the attack and dies. Sheena becomes even more panicked and freaks out further. More attacks fire and Lloyd talks her into not letting Corrine's death go to waste. After that they kick Volt's ass they spend a huge fucking amount of time finding and fighting other summon spirits all for the sake of gaining their pacts.

What they forgot was that Kratos has a brain, despite whatever belief they gained. So the world gets fucked up and the Seed that's holding the two worlds together goes WHACK. As a result Palmacosta, a port city in Sylvarant, is DEMOLISHED and many die. Kratos basically says NICE GOING GUYS, GUESS I HAVE TO HELP YOU. So he does and you have like 9 people in your party for a while. Naturally everyone sticks the 3 swordsmen and Raine together. But that really has nothing to do with anything. After that little fiasco, Forcystus, the last of the Five Grand Cardinals, is killed and a Mana Cannon is launched to sort of counter act the seed that had too much mana sugar or whatever. More crap happens to Colette, but that's nothing new. So they have to fix that eventually, too. Or well, Colette turns into some rock of sorts. Great!

DISC 2~!!!

Anyways, the world is still an issue. Because of the seed going freaking whacko the only way to fix stuff is to combine the two worlds at this point. They eventually figure out that they need this sword that Yggdrasil has so that they can combine the worlds. Catch is, only half elves can use it, they need to get a pact from yet another summon spirit, collect a few more items and yeah, stuff.

But before that happens the group is at Altessa's house. He's the only dwarf living in Tethe'alla and used to work for Cruxis. He's been housing these guys every now and then. Anywho, one night the group is staying there, and this little kid they picked up along the way named Mithos. WELL, AIN'T THAT A COINCYDINK? Mithos is a half elf, by the way, so him and Genis are best of paaaaals.

To continue! While the group is staying at Altessa's Lloyd gets this weird little visit from Yuan. He basically is threatening him into going outside to meet his father. Lloyd totally doesn't get it since, 1. this is Tethe'alla, why would his dad be there? 2. His dad is dead, right? 3. It's the middle of the night he probably can't even process this much so why is Yuan pestering him? Lloyd finally makes his way outside only to have weapons pointed at his throat. Well, he's awake now guys. All there is outside is Yuan, a bunch of Renegades, and Kratos. Yuan then starts ordering Kratos to break the seal with Origin so he can get the sword Yggy has or his son's going to get it. This is where a lot of fans lost a brain cell or two. That or they yelled at the T.V. Screen saying I TOLD YOU SO. ... 'Kay guys.

Well, Kratos keeps his trap shut and then it hits Lloyd. Cue mental breakage! In short: DENIAL~!! We can only imagine that Kratos was 1. kind of saddened by that and 2. NOT SURPRISED. So then Yggy drops in and starts kicking ass. Kratos hops in the way to save Lloyd (Awe, he really does care~ Well, clearly now.) Pretty much everyone there gets their butt kicked and later Altessa and Tabatha, a doll that helps Altessa but is actually one of the failed Chosen, come out only to get their butts kicked too. Yggdrasil is revealed to be that little squirt that the party took care of, Mithos. Buuut Lloyd doesn't care about that right now he's still in denial.

All the little angels leave and things go back to normal the next morning except Altessa broke so Lloyd and the others have to go find a doctor that lives in Flanoir. They travel to Flanoir and have to pay the damn greedy asshole to come and take care of Altessa. That night while they're staying at the local Flanoir Inn, Lloyd gets a lot of annoying visitors. He wants to SLEEP so he ignores them and eventually just goes outside on his own. Yay, pretty snow. AND OH GOD, IT'S A KRATOS? The two of them talk, mostly it's just Kratos repeating how he lost Lloyd and his mother. Lloyd gets angry and reaaaaally doesn't want to hear it. But for once, KRATOS DOESN'T SHUT UP. Lloyd cools his jets and they talk a little more then Kratos poofs again and claims he'll rejoin the group when the time is right. Just not... now. (AHAHHAHAHAHAH. <3)

So life goes on, Zelos, the Chosen of Tethe'alla betrays everyone (surprise, surprise) and they kill him. They also kill Yggdrasil, FINALLY. So then they have to release Origin's seal. The group heads to Heimdall's Torent Forest and bump into Kratos. Lloyd and him fight one on one and you kick his little spandex ass. Yippee! So the issue is, to break the seal Kratos has to release all the mana in his body - meaning die. He does it but is saved by YUAN! WHOA, HE'S ACTUALLY USEFUL? Even though Kratos gets his but saved he goes on whining about how he wishes he could have died earlier and he keeps fucking failing and blah blah angsty blah blah. Lloyd basically tells him to stfu and Kratos magically sees a new light.

Origin pops up, you fight him. Yada yada yada. Kratos stays in your party...

To make this really awfully long story - I'm getting really bored and tired of this - They get the magical sword, Eternal Sword. They beat up Yggy again after he stays dormant in the little Cruxis Crystal of his. The world comes together, Kratos decides to angst on his very own planet and ditch Lloyd again, and the great seed is named GONZALES! Actually, I'm not kidding about that part. (Manga is funny) But Martel was like Uhhh, no. Try again, guys. And it was named Yggdrasil. YEYEYEYYEYEYEY.


application, ooc

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