I did it because I was bored

Sep 30, 2007 19:14


Nickname: Nori, Surge

Hair Color: Electric Blue, straight from a bottle

How many freckles do you have on your hands?: Two, last I saw about five years ago.

Age: 18

Birthday: April

Who is your best friend?: David and Jeffery

Can you roll your tongue?: Yes

Were you a straight A student in school?: Heck no.


Shower daily?: I try, fucking hard to do.

Think that you are good looking?: I never cared to think about it.

Have any piercing, if so what?: Ears

Want more piercing’s?: Yes

Have any tattoos, if so what?: Yes. A lightning bolt and a heart.

Want more tattoos?: Yes.

Have selective hearing?: Yes

Live with your parents?: Hell no

Have any siblings?: Yes, Keitaro

Think turtles are cute?: No

Like drama?: No

Ever feel like you're going crazy?: Sometimes


Gotten a speeding ticket?: No, they can’t catch me

Gotten a parking ticket?: Don’t drive

Crashed your car?: No car

Driven drunk?: Don’t drink much, don’t drive

Smoked pot?: …

Done cocaine?: Maybe…

Done any other harder drugs?: Maybe…

Swam in a lake or a river?: Before This happened, yes

Gone mudding?: No

Skipped school?: Occasionally

Lived on a dirt road?: No

Been to a bonfire party?: Yes

Rode a horse?: Once

Rode a 4 wheeler?: No

Gone fishing?: No

Been on a hay ride?: No

Wondered if there truly is a Mr./Mrs. Right?: Never really cared


When was the last time you were a visitor at a zoo?: Never

How do you want to be remembered when you die?: Not as that chick who shoots things with electricity

Spell your name without using vowels: Nrk Shd [what the fuck was that for?]

Which TV family would you like to join?: I don’t


Season?: Fall

Color?: Cyan

Clothing Line?: Like I care

Ice Cream?: Cherry Garcia

Food?: Sushi

Flavor of jelly?: None

Quote?: None

Place to go?: My room well, it’s really Reno’s, but I like to think it’s mine

TV show?: House is good, though with him here it’s awkard

Restaurant?: Never really gone out

Alcoholic drink?: Smirnoff

Regular drink?: Coke

Bed time story?: None

Type of cereal?: Honey Nut Cheerio’s

Holiday?: New Years, not that it’s a big thing here

Movie?: None

Family tradition?: Fight crime

Smell?: The training room back at Xavier’s and Reno’s shampoo

Childhood toy and do you still have it?: I had a fire engine once, but I don’t have it.


Put out on the first date?: Usually no

Give a homeless person money?: Yes. Been there, done that, it sucks.

Stand up for what you believe in?: Since I have, yes.


MySpace or ice cream?: Ice cream

Hunger or thirst?: Thirst

Bud or Coors?: Coors

Jack Daniels or Rum?: Rum

Three suitcases or one carry-on?: Carry-on

The movie, the book or the Cliffs Notes?: Depends on the piece itself

To hot or to cold?: Hot


Name one thing you cannot live without: Gauntlets

What are you grateful for?: Living through M

what do you think of love?: I hurts

What do you think it means to be human?: To be equal

What’s your opinion of life?: Mutants are superior, but we still need to work together

What came first the chicken...or the egg?: I really don’t care

Do you say “Fixin’ to”?: No

Think back five years ago. Where were you?: Japan

What changes have happened since then?: Got my ‘gift,’ and got here after going to school for about a year…

If you could spend the day with the 5 year old version of you, what would you do?: No

and before the day ends, what is a piece of advice you'd tell him/her?: Leave home before your parents can hate you

Are you single or taken?: Not really sure. The men here are confusing, but last I checked I was single

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened while you were with your boy/girlfriend?: I crashed, hard.

Would you leave him/her for another?: I miss him, but yeah I think I would

How close are you to them?: We had sex, is that close enough for you?

Do you finish each others sentences?: No

Do you trust him/her?: With my life

How long have you known each other?: A few years.

How long have you been together?: I don’t remember, we broke the fuck up

Do they make you smile?: Yeah

Could this person be replaced?: Yes


Done with school?: Technically

A random person?: No

Gullible?: I’d like to think not


Cartoons do u like?: Do you know you spelled you wrong?

Age do you expect to get married?: I don’t expect

Super power would you want to possess? Why?: You want me to think of a super power I wish I could have? Who the hell came up with this shit?

Was your favorite subject in school? Why?: Training

Is one thing do you want most in this world?: To go home

Do you fear most?: Reno taking his bed back

Is or was your high school mascot?: I don’t think we had one

Is your education level?: Xaviers didn’t really have a set up like that

Is your biggest pet peeve?: This fucking quiz

Is something that you will NEVER compromise on?: …

Is the time right now?: 7:14 PM
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