Making Marriage A Goal

Oct 29, 2007 17:40

I feel like I've been drifting for quite a while and part of the problem was that I didn't have a written plan and set of goals. So I've started drafting up one. While mulling over some goals, my ever marriage minded mother suggested I make getting married one of them. It's a strange idea but it's up there in my list of goals now. I'm trying to figure out how best to market myself in the "meat"..ahemm "marriage" market.

To hedge against this un-married state by the age of 30, I've adopted another male friend's idea of a "backup spouse". It looks like I might have found myself one with a relatively long time friend...

"you wanted to buy the call option on us getting married, didn't you?"

"is that a naked or covered option? so what's the strike price and the premium?"

"well, the worth is based on how married you are at expiry"

"there is a range? from not married to very married?"

"{0,1} is a range"

"but it's a gap/discrete range"

"isn't that like from the simpsons?

Newspaper Tour Guide: And each paper contains a certain percentage of recycled paper.
Lisa: What percentage is that?
Newspaper Tour Guide: Zero. Zero is a percent, isn't it?"

"Binary option. okay, so if you're nonmarriedness is >=1 then we'll say it's in the money"


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