OOC Information:
Name: Lauren
Age: 28
AIM: jesterwinged
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E-MAIL: unheard.rain (at) gmail [dot] com
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IC Information:
Name: Tavros Nitram
Fandom: Homestuck
Timeline: the Veil - time of death
Age: about 13 (6 solar sweeps)
Appearance: He's a troll, meaning he has gray skin, dark hair, yellow eyes with gray pupils, and orange horns. His horns resemble that of longhorn cattle, and the hair around the sides of his head is shaved because of this.
Abilities: Physically, he's no stronger than any other troll. He has metal legs which means they may be more durable in some areas than others, but there are plenty of cons to having them too. The biggest strength of his is his ability to commune with creatures. This doesn't seem to work on anything humanoid (such as humans and trolls), but it does work on imps and even powerful beasts like Bec. He's able to tell them what to do and have them obey his commands.
His weapon of choice is a javelin, or a lance, which works well when he's riding something but not quite as well when he's walking around on two legs. Like most trolls and humans in the series, he has a sylladex for keeping things in.
Personality: Tavros is somewhat unique among the trolls, and not just because of his physical issues. He's still a troll, and thus jaded to some aspects of death and violence, but he's one of the more gentle trolls. Like some of the others in his session, he enjoys FLARPing (LARPing). Unlike Vriska and Terezi, who take on characters resembling their ancestors, Tavros dresses up like Pupa Pan. That and his lusus Tinkerbull begin the reference to Peter Pan. He loves animals (though is allergic to cats), which probably has a lot to do with his animal communing capabilities, and plays card games that seem similar to Pokemon. When talking with Nepeta, he's also one of the few that will actually roleplay back without the intent of teasing her.
He's very hesitant to kill, communing with the imps that showed up after SGRUB started rather than taking them out. (Though in retrospect this would mean he had little money for building on his hive, so we can probably assume Vriska took the same route Rose did and dropped the occasional bit of furniture on them.) He couldn't get himself to kill Vriska later on when she was making god tier either, even when she was asking him to in order to make her death quicker and less painful. However, once his self-esteem receives a boost later on, he does attempt to go after her and take her out. This unfortunately results in his own death instead. Given that he also killed Jade's grandfather thinking he was a villain, it's clear that he's not opposed to killing if he thinks it's absolutely necessary for the greater good.
Tavros is just the sort of character who would rather talk things out first before going through extreme measures. While all the other trolls fight and kill their denizens (something like the final boss monster for each of their realms), it's said that Tavros spoke with his instead. This is something that will later be repeated with the John of a Davesprite's doomed timeline, as well as Jade.
This is a troll with some self-esteem issues, something that's easily demonstrated in his complicated relationship with Vriska. She seems to use him mostly for her own amusement, yet he continues to talk with her and let her boss him around even when he's not happy with it. He's just not all that good at standing up for himself, though given how Vriska can just take mental control of him it might be more resignation than anything. To combat this, with little success, he's taken Kanaya's advice and created an imaginary manifestation of his confidence that he's named Rufio. This is directly modeled after the character from Hook (further Peter Pan references), though it's later shown that his ancestor dressed similarly. Although he speaks to him and calls on him for inspiration, he's well aware that Rufio isn't real.
After failing to kill Vriska the first time, Tavros turns to escapism in the form of his dream self. On Prospit, he still has his legs, after all. That whole experience was rather traumatizing for him, especially as Vriska refused to force him into doing it but still had him write out her commands in her own blood.
Most of his relationships in general have worked out poorly. The mess with Vriska goes without saying, but he also developed an interest in Jade only to be politely turned down. Then there's Gamzee, who apparently had a thing for him. It's unclear whether or not any of that interest is returned, though Tavros clearly never expected it.
Self-esteem issues. He has them. Granted, I'll be taking him from a later point in time where he's gotten a large confidence boost, but that doesn't make things much better. He tends to go overboard with things, and Jade had to reproach him for it. Not really knowing how to be confident, he ends up coming across as just cocky and arrogant, which is something he'd be working on not doing. Finding a happy balance, given the friends he has, might prove to be difficult.
He also has more patience than many others, as proven by his desire to go through and solve all the puzzles in the ruins of his world, learning the lore before facing his denizen.
History: Tavros has known several of the other trolls since before the session came together, FLARPing with a couple. Unfortunately, it was through one of these sessions that he became paralyzed from the waist down, as Vriska mind-controlled him into hopping off a cliff, later using the excuse that it was to make him a stronger individual.
When they join the session - SGRUB, the troll version of the game SBURB that the kids play - Vriska is his server player, meaning she can move things around in his environment, while he is the server player for Gamzee. (Sadly, we never get to see any of the latter shenanigans.) Eventually, he and Vriska team up. She creates (alchemizes) a rocket chair for him and shoes for herself so that they can travel around Skaia without having to worry about his inability to walk.
Later, karma would come back to bite Vriska in the ass in the form of Aradiabot (the robot version of another troll she was responsible for the death of). They fight, and Vriska is left bleeding to death. Tavros takes her to her quest bed/cocoon, but refuses to make her death quicker as asked and instead flees. Vriska ascends to God Tier, as dying on the quest bed makes this possible, but the two of them are at odds after this and he spends a great deal of time asleep and in the dream world of Prospit to avoid her.
Their session is eventually ruined just as they were about to win it by events occurring in the kid's session, causing them to flee to an asteroid belt known as the Veil. There, Tavros has his legs replaced with artificial ones by Equius (though he had to have them sawed off by Kanaya first). Just as he's gaining confidence in himself because of these new appendages, his conflict with Vriska comes to a head and he reaches the conclusion that he needs to kill her for good. In the confrontation that follows, Vriska easily disarms and kills him instead.
Some time while they're in the Veil and watching the kid's sessions, Tavros peeks in one Jade as she's younger and stops her from accidentally shooting herself with a gun by taking control of her guardian dog Bec and redirecting the bullet at her Grandfather. He thinks he's done a good thing because he believed the man was of a villainous nature, but Jade makes sure to sadface at him an tell him this isn't the case.
Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here.
Being a troll, Tavros types in quirked courier like all the others.
Overall Info
Rating: G - R.
Death: Discuss beforehand please
Smut: No. He's the equivalent of 13.
Yaoi - Het - Yuri: Trolls don't make a distinction.