Thank you for your presents. I am very grateful, and in return I have prepared the gift of self-knowledge. This is a psychology test, which I have found exceedingly accurate.
Name the people you associate with these types of clothing (1 or more persons).
1) tie
2) socks
3) gloves
4) dress shirt
5) boxer shorts
6) shoes
7) boots
1) tie = someone you have a cordial, superficial relationship with
2) socks = someone you are mildly uncomfortable with, secretly
3) gloves = someone you would not want to see on holiday
4) dress shirt = someone you would like to confide your woes to
5) boxer shorts = someone you can be very open and immature with
6) shoes = someone you find reliable and trustworthy
7) boots = someone you want to get intimate with
When you have experienced various epiphanies about your psyche, do remember to share your findings. I am every bit as curious as you.