Title: The Forgotten Memories
dephiPairing: RyoDa
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer : I don't own any of them of course, I wish i have themm..
Summary: Ueda has some problem with his memory which were connected to Ryo....
A/N : Last chapter, finally. Beta-ed by
redturtleotaku and dedicated to
hanny2luv (
Last chapter )
Comments 35
I was unsure on how it would end, I've read this story as a whole, and I must say I didn't think it'd end this way, nor what happened with the whole Ryo being in hospital and Uchi being implicated. That was awesome anyway, thank you very much.
You know, I didn't want to read it at first, I've seen this title a couple of weeks ago on jent, but it seemed like a sad story with a sad ending. That's why I try not totrust so much in the summaries. Then, I happen to A-DO-RE "Fake" and some others fics from you, and I decided to try this one. I don't regret, it made me happy in the end.
I feel so happy that you read this... :DDD
This is my first fic, so I'm a bit worried for this one.. Lol...
This is indeed so sad, right? I mean, angst.
I've planned everything, I mean the appearances, etc from the start, but the ending... Well honestly, this was supposed to have a character death.. Lol.. But for some reason, I changed my mind.
And that's how the ending is. I can't really say that this is a happy ending, nor that it's a sad one, but I guess this one is the best ending for this one, well, maybe. But I'm not that satisfied by this actually... :DDD
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
I love angst too, A LOT!
Most of my fics are angst.. Or actually, only 2 I guess, which aren't angst.. :P
What a great fic ne.. u makes me cry.. i'm touching!
And actually, I'm kind of embarrassed by this, since this was my first fic and the writing style is kinds messy. On the otehr hand, there's this sentimental feeling I have towards this fic. lol~
Nevertheless, I'm so happy!
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
thanks for sharing the love~~
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
thank you so much for sharing this great fic
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