Title: The Forgotten Memories
Pairing: Ryoda, hinted though, a bit Ueda-cen
dephiWords: 408
Summary: Well, I couldn't make one, so just read if you like..
Note : Well, It's my fist fanfic ever, and i think It's really sucks... Anyway, I don't even know why I made it... Well, I'm not saying that this will be the only fic I make but I'm not really sure whether I can make another in the future... Please give any comments if you have the time...^^
Ahhh... Also for my bad Englishh.... English isn't my first language...
EDIT : Beta-ed by
hikaru_maxwell. Thank you so much....♥♥
Why did my heart feel so painful?
What’s making it so painful?
What is it that keeps bothering me?
Why can’t I let it go…??
Ueda woke up late that day in his own apartment. Everything felt so strange for him..
WWhy do I feel so strange? It’s my own apartment yet it feels like it’s not mine. It seems like there is someone else trace here.
It was bugging him so much that he didn’t move for some while until he heard something,
‘Love, kimi no mirai…’
“Ahh moshi-moshi, Uebo?”
“Maru!!! What is it?!?!?”
“Well, I’ve been wondering, it’s already 11 o’clock in the morning and we’re supposed to have a practice at 10.30, right? I was so shocked when I heard someone hasn’t come when I am always the last to arrive…”
“Oh My Goshh! I totally forgot it. Wait for a sec ok.”
But just when Ueda wanted to cut the line, Nakamaru suddenly said,
“Ne Uebo, do you remember it?”
“It? What are you talking about, Maru??”
“Ah never mind, it’s just a silly thought of mine.”
“Ah, I see… Well, I've gotta end this call or I'll be SUPER late, you know. See you later…”
Ahh, it hurts again. What is going on with me actually? Would you tell me, nee Ryo~
Huh?? Ueda felt so strange.. What had he thought just now? Since he couldn’t find the answer and he was already so late, Ueda decided to leave it be and rush away to work..
““Doctor, what had happened to Uebo?” Maru said.
“Yeah Sensei, Tat-chan will be all right, won’t he?” Jin said.
The doctor replied, “Please relax both of you.. It seems like Ueda san has been working too much until he was exhausted and collapsed. He’ll be okay, but let him rest for a few days. It’s just..”
“It’s just what , sensei?” Maru asked.
“Well, I suggest you to bring him to a specialist. I think he was having something which has been bothering him all this time and it put him to a stressed condition and unfortunately, seems like he lost some of his memories, especially the ones connected to what has bothering him…”replied the doctor.
The doctor smiled a bit and left the two of them be. Jin was the first one who started their conversation.
“Ne Maru, do you think what I think?
“I ‘m afraid yes Akanishi… It must be because of him….”
Damn you Ryo…