WEll today was fun, tim came over and we jammed then i found out katie was goin to north point so we met her up there and hung out with her and mark*from the depotts* then we met sebastian whos really cool and katie pierced his ears with a safety pin for him. it was awesome, then we walked around and bugged the hell out of mark
i had to get a tetnis and a tuberculosis test shot today, and with the tb one im not allowed to put like lax pads on the arm it was on so i couldnt go to practice... >.<
i feel like really crappy for no reason, not like physically crappy but like sad crappy....i dont know why its just fucking random i guess
aaahhhh we took some of the most hilarious pictures at billys yesterday and put them on the site but it got messed up! ack oh well hopefully he'll fix em
woot i got jack shit for sleep last night so my mom let me sleep in and go to scool at 11!! GO MOM
and i put a groupie page on the site and shitface is the first one on it...woo
the above quote is ann yelling at her boyfriend...ahh that was fucking hilarious, they were trying to plan to hang out and they just started yelling at each other over the phone...ahh it was great
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