Name: SK.
Age: 17.
Character Stamped As: Ichabod Crane. So please don't vote for him, as it'd be strange to be paired with myself. I recently made this statement's font larger and underlined it so people could hopefully see my request. :D Thank you.
Relationship Crap
1) What do you look for in a significant other? Commitment (won't run off and find another person), dedication (we'd look out for each other, and it wouldn't be just him looking out for me, as I am not helpless), intelligence/logic (I can deal with stupid people for only a short amount of time), openess (he wouldn't be secretive, and we'd trust each other with almost anything), in-between introverted/extroverted (extro enough to open me up, but not too much as that would make me feel uncomfortable), not boring or too quiet (otherwise we'd never have any conversations, as I'm usually that person).
2) 3 major turn-ons? Respect, knows priorities, witty.
3) 3 major turn-offs? Stupidity, bad hygiene, rudeness.
4) What would your ideal significant other look like? Tall, bangs, glassses (heh, yeah, a fetish).
5) Describe your ideal date Eh, we'd probably have dinner and a movie then hang at one of our houses and play video games/talk about our interests. I'm not much of a romantic.
Love or sex? Love, I guess.
Marriage or no? I'm choosy of partners, so it'd be nice if the first person I date would be the one I marry. But hell, I know it ususally doesn't work out that way, so I doubt it.
Looks or brains? Brains.
Money or personality? Personality.
Grilled cheese or caviar? Grilled cheese.
Your turn!
7) What is your biggest personality flaw? I'm pretty withdrawn and prefer not to make contact with other people unless I know them very well.
8) What really good trait could you bring to a relationship? I'm a witty person, so I suppose if you actually see that side of me, then it could count as "charming"?
9) What are your definitions of “attraction” and “love?” Look it up in the dictionary. That's what I use.
10)What would you consider your main interests or hobbies? Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, CDs, my friends and family, working alone, music, dragons, trenchcoats, chocolate, popcorn, internet, roleplaying, money, swords, Japan, icon-making, movies, cosplay, video games, glasses, control over things/power, cartoons, tea, winning, orchestra, violin, track (sprinting), strategic games, Pirates of the Caribbean, the British, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright for DS, DDR, karaoke/singing, yaoi/shonen-ai, yuri/shojo-ai, hentai, cats, Tales of games, RPGs, acting. I also like teasing/scaring/joking with people and being sarcastic.