That's very astute of you, sir.

Jan 02, 2008 23:56


Name: SK.
Nickname(s): Well, "SK" IS my nick, but I have many others.
Age: 17.
Location: On my bed.
Three positive adjectives that describe who you are: Logical, protecting, really-is-caring-deep-down (even if not always shown, haha).
Three negative adjectives that describe who you are: Obsessive, stubborn, withdrawn.
Pick a line from a song that you think describes you: I have a full song, actually. It reminds me of how I try to close myself off from others and am secretive most of the time, since I have trust issues. Even so, there are a select few I open up to (but don't ever spill everything out, as I'm still a paranoid person) who can say "But I, I know who you really are".
Favourite quote I never can choose a favorite, so I looked up a few I found amusing. Why these quotes? Because they make me chuckle lightly, as bad as some may be.

"Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence."
- Ashleigh Brilliant

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
- Mark Twain

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours."

"Reading this gives me brief control of your mind."

Hobbies/Interests/Likes: Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, CDs, my friends and family, working alone, music, dragons, trenchcoats, chocolate, popcorn, internet, roleplaying, money, swords, Japan, icon-making, movies, cosplay, video games, glasses, control over things/power, cartoons, tea, winning, orchestra, violin, track (sprinting), strategic games, Pirates of the Caribbean, the British, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright for DS, DDR, karaoke/singing, yaoi/shonen-ai, yuri/shojo-ai, hentai, cats, Tales of games, RPGs, acting. I also like teasing/scaring/joking with people and being sarcastic.
Dislikes: I hate it when I'm incorrect. I also dislike it when I don't know something, because I have this silly urge to know everything. I also hate it when people bug me, especially if I'm working, or when people think my work or whatever the hell I'm doing isn't good enough when I think it is. I also dislike being ignored purposely. List of other things I dislike: Celery, people who insult my beliefs or condescend me, annoying people, stress, insects (especially bees), loud noises, harsh lights, bad grades, aches, illnesses, people suffering, whiners, liars, boredom, overly "happy" songs, crowds, IDEALISTS.

Either Or...

Bravery or Revenge: Bravery, if it's not foolhardy. Even so, emotions can get to me if family or friends are involved and there is a time limit...but I prefer to think before making actions whenever possible and try to control my emotions. I may take revenge if the blow was great enough, although, like I said before, it'd have to be related to my close friends or family, as I am very protective.
Social or Anti-social: Anti-social leaning towards the middle area. I'm certainly not social.
Brilliance or Imagination: Brilliance, although a little imagination doesn't hurt.
Street smart or Book smart: Either, I guess.
Pessimist or Optimist Pessimist.
Night or Day Night.
Leader or Follower I can be both, depending on the situation or if I choose to step up to the plate or not, because I am capable of being a leader. But sometimes I just do things on my own.
Laid-Back or Tense Depends on the situation, although I am told to be quite tense by others.
Realist or Dreamer Realist.


Movies Non-Depp ones? Hmm. I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Books Harry Potter, random manga, Chronicles of Narnia.
Music Evanescence, "emo" rock, alternative rock, reg rock, contemporary Christian, anime, J-pop.
Artist (optional) In music? Evanescence.
Color Blue and black.

Would you attempt the impossible, even if you were told it couldn't be done? If I believed it couldn't be done, then no. If I believed it could be done, then yes.
Would you do what you thought was right, even without the help or support of others? Yes.
Are you dependable? Yes. I'm told that, anyway, and believe it to be true.
Who or What would you lay in front of a tank for? What a strange question. I suppose my close friends and family, but only if they were in severe danger, as I am not stupid and would not lay in the path of a tank for small, unimportant reasons.

The Movies and Characters-

Favorite Johnny character and why?: Jack Sparrow and Sweeney Todd are tied. Funny that, eh? They're both very different characters...but I feel that the first is played well comedically and the second is played well emotionally.
Which character do you relate to most and why?: I won't say, as you're supposed to figure that out, right?
Favorite scene from with a Johnny character in it? When Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Jack Davenport (♥) are fighting on the wheel in Pirates of the Caribbean 2.
Favorite quotes by Johnny characters (no more then three):
"Smells like piss. Looks like piss. This is piss. Piss with ink." -Sweeney Todd (referring to Pirelli's magical elixir)

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment...that was it." -Jack Sparrow (talking to Will)
Favorite Johnny Character movie, and why?: Pirates of the Caribbean. I can watch it over and over again and never get bored due to the great music, acting, and action throughout the movie. I also enjoyed Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride and Sleepy Hollow.

stamped: ichabod crane

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