stolen from nessaniel

Apr 21, 2013 13:27

Go to Wikipedia and look up your birthday (excluding the year). List three neat facts, two births and one death in your journal, including the year.

Three Facts
655 - Battle of the Winwaed: Penda of Mercia is defeated by Oswiu of Northumbria.

1806 - Pike expedition: Lieutenant Zebulon Pike sees a distant mountain peak while near the Colorado foothills of the Rocky Mountains (it is later named Pikes Peak)
Because hell yes, he saw a distant mountain peak! That's the stuff!

1859 - The first modern revival of the Olympic Games takes place in Athens, Greece.

...Sadly, the English version withhelds this gem:
1953 - In Deutschland wird auf den Zuckerstreuer ein Patent erteilt.

Two Births
1887 - Georgia O'Keeffe, American painter

1993 - Ash Ketchum, Japanese actor/pokemon master
And that's a fact. Apparently.

One Death
1630 - Johannes Kepler, German astronomer and mathematician


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