simoneeeeee!!!!oh_miii_lordMarch 13 2010, 10:57:33 UTC
dam truee, there isnt anything like a dream!
speaking of which, i loooved seeing u the other day, i know its a horrible thing 2 say, but im happy as larry that ur using again! i missed my simone. i missed my fellow stoner lolzz! loove u. see u 2nihhht! [=
awhh my silver :) :)deranged_dreamMarch 13 2010, 11:13:31 UTC
i dont know if im better off or not, im more closed off, so thats better, right? so im happy im using again too i think, not sure, feel like the past year has been one wierd journey, without using i was someone else, and she failed at everything, EPICALLY!
Comments 2
speaking of which, i loooved seeing u the other day, i know its a horrible thing 2 say, but im happy as larry that ur using again! i missed my simone. i missed my fellow stoner lolzz! loove u. see u 2nihhht! [=
see youu tonight bubs x
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