Decided ot have a post woith just a bunch of random pictures from the past two days instead of writing
Physics teacher in his hot yellow sweater.....V NECK
Nakim and Gabe
Me and my lady ( I dont know what happened to the quality of this one)
Simba...who cares about him
Janice, shes so happy
Courtney when we spent our friday afternoon in Princeton Review
Ryan @ Caroline's
David molesting Strubby
Hot stuff
Carroll on the train on the way to the Fleet Center
Strub, getting ready for the CM vs. BC High game
Carroll loves his glowing shirt
RyRy is the man
Rich, hates pictures
Amy and Caroline ( don't ask what happened to that one either)
Karl...WE DID IT!!!!!
Errone at the game
CM is victourious over BC High ....3 to 1 for the trophy. his glowing shirt
Don't do it Rich
The battle between RyRy and Caroline
KAKAKAKA, Caroline is the winner....that was a sweet fight