Title: ...
Pairing: GhiraLink
Rating: G?
Notes: Fanart of the fanfic
Ascent by UnspeakableHorror. Also, I was listening to
this song when I drew a good portion of it. Check both of those things out. :D
i might put in the design of the platform under their feet. but i really don't feel like it at the moment. because it means messing with perspective even MORE and i already struggled so much with perspective in this piece.
i also really don't want to dick around with the lines of this piece anymore.
i've been psyching myself up about doing the coloring. which will probably take at least a month considering my snail's crawl pace. How did I ever get anything done on time for
also, i've been looking forward to doing other lines for other projects. but didn't feel right working on them with this in a state of limbo...
Actually, I do have a Ghirahim doodle I've more or less finished during the time my computer was out of commission. That will be posted up next.