Jan 14, 2006 08:59

God! It's a night wherein your friends look most probably the best they'd want to look so the pictures that would be taken could be proudly shown to anyone who'd be checking how made up you were and if you deserve the date you brought along, that is if you joined the hunting season. They'd all be prepped up and gorgeous with lipstick on, ready to get rubbed off on someone else's lips. The dinner would fucking taste so good after having to eat leaves for a month so you can show how you look out of a uniform and into a dress that you think only you can carry best. Having every person you'd want to be with in the table with you would make everything near perfect. The only thing that would actually suck is that the whole event would be in an area where surviellance cameras are more than electronic gadgets, they'd be teachers and nuns, scanning throught the juniors, looking for the bests and the worsts. But really, you wouldn't be thinking about that. You'd be thinking of the after party where you can do all the shit the school won't let you. You wait for the prom to be over so you can get out and really start your night. It definitely would be the highlight of this school year for some people. For others, maybe one of the freakin best nights of their life.

Sunday, then Monday comes. You'll see all your friends, each eager to tell their story because you missed it all. Yes, "YOU MISSED HALF OF YOUR LIFE."
Fuck that. How could I miss it if I wouldn't even be there? I wouldn't know what I missed.

So that's to not having my prom. Something I have to get over with.
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