Part I 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.
Jane's face when she asks Maura out for drinks (without gold flakes in them)!
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#2 :D
Longer "I want you to be my guest." OMG, Maura just asked Jane out... to a memorial.
She's worried about embarrassing her girlfriend.
are they wearing matching booties?
you know, one thing I was thinking throughout this whole scene was, "The clutch looks like it's glued to Angie Harmon's arm."
In sync again!
lol. She should just take a drink from Maura's glass/flute.
her little burp! >_<
She's not afraid of bad guys but she's scared of a little, harmless, cooked fish?
"Well, this is how we do it in my family." Stabbing fish?
Jane's just like a child sometimes. Prodding/stabbing food she doesn't like.
"No kidding."
"Oh, what do you got? We love facts."
Sweetie. Sweetie. *dies of happiness*
Jane sure looks happy and smug here. Happy that she's apprehending her girlfriend's ex?
Maura, on the other hand, doesn't look too happy.
"That's 'cause you haven't drank my beer." *raises brow* that sounds like some kind of innuendo or euphemism.
Comments are ♥
Credit not necessary, so feel free to snag!