All Purpose Permissions Post
Player Info:
Gender: Female, but I won't bite your head off if you call me by other pronouns.
Age: I'm an old fart--born in 1969.
Location: North Carolina, United States.
Time Zone: -5 GMT/US Eastern Time
Method of Contact: PM this journal. I have a Plurk and AIM, but trying to keep those to just friends rather than as gaming tools. My commentary tends to be boring anyway, so not like there's much to see.
Player Preferences
Type of Game/PSL: All types, but definitely prefer action/adventure/horror to slice of life. I tend to get bored easily if most of what my character is doing is everyday living stuff. He's not really built for daily trips to the grocery store, even though he can fake it well.
Posting Style: Prefer prose to action spam, but that's only because HTML is a pain in the ass sometimes (like on a phone), and smaller text is getting harder to read in my 'old age'. I'll likely tailor my style to that of my partner/whatever site I'm on.
Romantic Shipping: It's not a priority for play at this point. If it happens, it happens.
Sex Shipping: I've never played Derek as the type for one night stands, I don't think he's really the type. But if the right circumstances come up during the story line, I'm not adverse. Same goes for gender preference; I've always played him as het in the past, but under the right circumstances and build up, I'm willing to try a slash pairing. One night stand slash is not likely to happen outside of some pretty unique circumstances, though, since I don't play him as identifying as bi or gay.
FTB or Post It All Out?: With new partners, I will probably try to FTB unless I'm already sure the player is okay with continuing the scene. If we've been playing for a while, I'm all for going the whole mile if you are. This tends to be a 'whatever you want, I'm good with it' type of thing for me. Just let me know what you'd like to do.
Other Shipping?: Bring it on! I'd love to get Derek into a good, solid bromance, and he doesn't mind being a big brother/household leader/whatever, at least the way I play him. Friendships based on mutual respect and situations are also always a plus.
Negative CR: I actually don't mind negative CR, although, again, I tend to play Derek as trying to get along with most folks unless they're absolute asses in his opinion. But if he doesn't get along with someone, and we can make it fun and interesting for both of us, I'm good with that.
Squicks/Don't/Etc: Seriously not into non-con or rape, animal torture, underage sexual relationships, or things like scat, watersports, vore, etc. I'm willing to RP the build up and aftermath of the first three (rape, non-con, animal torture), since those are horror staples, but prefer to FTB if it gets too graphic.
Fourth-Walling: Unless the game we're in forbids it, I actually enjoy Derek being fourth walled, both as himself AND as Jon Bon Jovi. So if the mood strikes you and rules allow, feel free.
Injury/Death/etc: If he does something stupid that gets him in trouble or in a fight, I'm perfectly fine with IC consequences and letting him get roughed up and even badly injured if the situation calls for it. Death, though, is something I tend to want to avoid, even in games where it's more of a temporary setback rather than a permanent thing. Dying too many times tends to take some of the fun of play for me, and lessens the risk for Derek, so it's not a situation I like to RP out very much (unless it's some sort of weird in game Groundhog Day event where it keeps happening because, hey, crack plot--then it's more of a comedy thing and I'm good with that). All I ask it that we keep OOC contact during the thread so that we can stay on the same page.
Mind Control/Possession/Etc: Derek is pretty strong willed, so he'd put up a hell of a fight, so there's that. If it's for a plot thing, I'm good with it, as long as we keep in contact OOC and talk things out. Otherwise, I'd prefer not to, or at least to be asked first.
Most Importantly: Just be honest with me. If you don't like where the thread is going, you're tired of interacting with me/my character on an RP level, or I'm somehow stepping over an RP or personal boundary line (hopefully not, but you never know), please just tell me. I'd rather the person I'm playing with just tell me they want to drop it instead of feeling like they have to grin and bear it out of some idea of courtesy.
Overall: If you're not sure about something, just ask me. Nine times out of ten I'll go along with whatever it is, I just want to talk it over first.
In Character Preferences:
Hugging? Sure. He'll even do bro-hugs.
Kissing? He'd probably prefer it if the kisser was 1) female 2) already close to him. Old world greeting style kisses are also all right (on the hand, cheek kissing, etc), although he might startle a little at first if the kisser is male. Unwanted kissing will probably make him push the character away. How gently depends on who's kissing him and why they're doing it.
Sex? Vampires tend to use it as a weapon in canon, so he probably won't go for it unless he's already in some sort of solid relationship with the other person, or there's an event causing people to go for the random oops sex thing. Can't be too careful, after all.
Romance: Again, vampires often use this against their victims, so he's likely to be very very hesitant to get into a relationship just because he'd be afraid the other person will get hurt/killed/infected/etc by his enemies as a way to get to him (or him being the one responsible for doing those things if he's infected himself). He'd rather go without then put someone else in that position, and the mindset is likely to stick even if he's in a 'safe' world where that's not likely to happen, at least for a decent amount of time.
Fourth Walling: You may temporarily break his brain a little if you tell him he's a character in a bad movie, but he'll recover and might even start joking about it later. If you call him Bon Jovi, he'll probably laugh (yes, he does know who that is--he's from a modern version of Earth, after all). Fangirling him will probably freak him out, though. Fangirls are nuts, especially rock band ones (no, lady, seriously, put your shirt back on...).
Fighting: He'll usually try to avoid it unless the other person just keeps pushing it or attacks first. Once it starts though, he's not likely to back down unless someone starts talking sense, whether it's him, the other guy, or a third party trying to break it up.
Killing: He will try to avoid this, again, unless the other person doesn't give him a choice, or if leaving them alive is not an option (psychotic killer, monster bent on destroying/ infecting/etc everyone in the area, an enemy soldier, and so forth). He's pragmatic, but will still try to avoid doing it. As for putting himself in that situation; if he's trying to protect someone else or winds up in a situation where death is imminent, well, so be it. Better him than the people he's trying to save.
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