WEIRD HEADCANON on going list

Mar 26, 2011 02:48

Why Prussia (in my opinion)  is good at washing hair

  • He owns/is around/ birds a lot of the time. Any one who owns a bird knows how fragile they are. While Prussia is a reckless idiot, having birds has shown him how to be gentle. Time as a field hospital in his childhood has also taught him how to treat people gently.

  • He knows Poland, Hungary, and France. All of which have long hair. Head canon for me is as Poland's vassal, he was forced more than once to help him bathe. Poland to me seems like the type to be super sensitive. CAN'T UNSEE HIM  hitting Duchy hard each time he was too rough with his hair. As for Hungary, her hair would get tangled in all kinds of crap, and teuton would help her comb it out once in a while. If he was too rough, he got a bloody nose. France HATES seeing people with gross hair, so he would force Prussia to let him wash it every once in a while. Learning first hand is the best way to learn!
  • Germania literally beat a healthy respect of other people's hair into him.
  • He has a lot of experience from bathing little Germany
  • He likes petting people!

How is Prussia like when he cries

It varies with him! But when Prussia cries, EVERYONE and their mom knows that Prussia is crying. It's like being in a classroom and the class clown is upset. THE ENTIRE ATMOSPHERE OF THE ROOM JUST CHANGES.

When he's lonely/sad about himself, his crying is like in the Christmas strips. Silent with him mumbling things to himself. Maybe loud obnoxious sniffling if he's trying to guilt someone.

When it's angry or upset crying/he's whining or tantruming/Hungary is busting his balls, he'll be literally WAILING loud and proud at whoever he thinks is at fault.

I don't see him as liking to cry, or crying easily. He might be a bit manipulative about his tears, He can easily fake it. HE USES THEM AGAINST WEST, with mixed results. I think he would only hide his tears if people were depending on his strength. But as soon as things go to shit, he's the first one visibly upset. (i.e: that one strip as teutonic knight where Poland and liet are chasing him and he looks scared shitless)


When it was the new cool thing to do, Prussia was allll up on it. He picked up tobacco when Fritz did, but cigarettes he picked up around the early 1920's. HE WAS NEVER ADDICTED....Or atleast that's what he says. He smoked when he was really stressed and with friends. Prussia was a soldier and that's how they managed the stress. It was really social. When they lighted up after a victory, Prussia lighted up with them. Germany picked it up around the first World War too but mainly only did it as a social thing. Not wanting to be the uptight man who wouldn't light up. Germany dropped the habit as soon as the first signs of it causing poor health showed up.

Prussia always thought Germany looked cool with a cigarette but it wasn't something he encouraged Germany to do.  If Prussia was in the social circle and they were smoking, 8/10 times he would be there stealing his brother's smoke and hassling the other men for giving his Brother a bad habit.

Prussia dropped it in the 80's. Germany was really pressuring it. During his time in GDR, Prussia's days revolved around his cigarette rations lol. Getting by until he could light up again.

When he finally quit, It was more of a fade out from smoking thing, by the 90's he was completely over it. But every now and then he feels the urge to smoke. 
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