Title: The Woman with Sad Green Eyes
Characters: Laurence Dominic; hints of DeWitt/Dominic
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for 1x09
Word Count: 350
Disclaimer: Nope, don’t own Dollhouse.
Summary: They say that everyone sent to the Attic will go mad. But he’s not like everyone.
Author’s Notes: This idea came to me before I went to bed and I quickly wrote it down. Originally, it’s a little over 100 words, but when I started typing it, it ballooned to 350. Also, this is the second fic I wrote for Dollhouse. I haven’t posted the first one because I’m still not done tweaking it.
He keeps seeing the same woman in his dreams. The woman with green eyes.
He doesn’t know what her name is, but he knows he knows it. He just cannot remember. And he knows that he feels something strongly for her, but he cannot remember what that feeling is. It’s strange. He can remember a woman, he could remember that he has strong feelings for her, but he cannot remember his name-although frankly, he doesn’t really care about that.
(He is Laurence Dominic, a government agent. Why he’s dreaming of Adelle DeWitt, he doesn’t know. He hates her, he respects her and he probably loves her.)
What he cares about is knowing why she’s sad every time he sees her.
He’s in the attic, the place where glitching dolls and erring employees end up. A place where everyone wants to remember - who they are, who they left behind - but cannot. A place where everyone who’s sent there goes insane from trying to remember.
But not him.
Every day, in his little white cell, he thinks about her and her green eyes. He hasn’t screamed nonsense, hasn’t gone pacing in his cell with a lost look in his eyes. He’s lucid; he doesn’t babble, talks in sentences, and can look anyone straight in the eye. He hasn’t gone insane because he can think of something that doesn’t remind him to desperately remember who he is.
(It will take a few months, but he will be able remember everything. After all, he is part of a clandestine organization with little government oversight. The NSA didn’t pick him to be the mole just because he was available for the job.)
When he gets out of this place, he will look for her. He’ll ask her why she’s sad. And he’ll try to make her smile. He doesn’t want to remember her sad. He wants her to be happy.
(And he’ll be able to escape the Attic so that he can bring this place, and everyone involved with it, down.)
But for now, the woman with sad green eyes is keeping him sane.