So, I was trying for ways to procrastinate.

May 04, 2009 01:22

As everyone who would even know about this LJ, I am pretty much the Gawd Of Procrastination. It's true. I registered at some Pantheyawn somewhere.

So, I'm set to take the nurse licensure exam (so I'll be a RN in the US as well as in the RP) on May 19th. That's weeks away. Days. Not even a month.

And clearly, I have to go try to study as much as I can. But I suck at this, so during my attempt to study (I managed to do a little bit of it) I decided hey, I'll read a Harry Potter fanfic. Because I read Harry Potter fanfics. No, actually, I don't. Not usually. I think I have had enough of Harry Potter. But since I was looking for something to do other than solitaire (the procrastinator's ever handy companion - yes, I procrastinate even on procrastinating, though it might please people to know I now put socks on speedily these days) I decided to read said fanfic.

Is this long enough that I should LJ Cut? Meh, I rarely ever post, so you'll have to be fine with it. I read that particular one, Vincet by Nos Tres Reges on since I hang out in the same IRC channel as they do (IRC or Internet Relay... Coelecanth, because it might as well be a living fossil.)

Anyway, so long story short, I decided "Hey, maybe I can procrastinate by trying to draw again." Which I did. And, while looking for references to what chapter headings usually looked like, I found Gold-Seven on deviantart, and her drawings made me think "Hey, I want to try drawing that way, because it's awesome.

And so...

Maybe I should have done an LJ cut... Ok, I'll LJ Cut the explanation out. If I don't, it's because I forgot how.

lj cut! drei posts again... why?

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