Well, I didn't really paid that much attention to a certain aspect of this 40k thing, until someone(te la comes!) told me that it would take me like 1 year of posting 110 questions every single day, and since I' not doing that, well, let's stay that this pet project of mine should last me quite a while. No matter, it's not like my other personal projects(*cough Winter cough*) are going to be shorter.
So, here we are, this are the first of the 40,000 questions. And since I'm starting this thing, I suppose that it might be a good idea to start this covering some FAQ-style questions, so. Let's begin!
1-¿So, what's the purpose of this thing?
I don't know why, but I like how that word sounds. Purrrrrrrrpose. The purpose(there it is again!) Its to answer 40,000 questions during the life of this blog
2-¿What kind of questions?
Anything that crosses my mind mostly. I can do anything from the phylosophical to the most regular-joe thing in the planet. Whatever catches my attention
3-That sounds very vague, so ¿you can post and answer any question you like?
Yep, that's pretty much the gist of this thing
4-¿Can I post questions?
Sure thing, specially since you are that non-existent entity that helps me do this posts
5-Well thank you, I didn't know I meant that much to you. ¿So, if I ask something will you answer?
You're welcome. I will try, obviously there are some things that I don't even have a clue as of where to begin, so if the question is too hard/weird I might save it for later.
6-¿Can anyone submit questions?
Yes, that is part of this experiment. I hope that readers of this blog will come up with questions of their own, and I will try my best to answer them(yes, even if they are about things that I don't have a clue about) But I will also ask you to be reasonable, It won't be possible to me for example, to write a dissertation about the works of Plato using only haikus(as much as I would like to try that) in one week. Some questions might take me a while to answer, but I will try.
7-¿Any restrictions in the kind of questions anyone can submit?
There is a limit to my abilities(yes, yes, stop gasping with obvious sarcasm). So if it's something completely above what I can do, I mean, if you ask me about how it feels to touch a supernova, obviously I'm going to ignore the question and then I will hunt you down until your face meets my shovel. Seriously, I know where you live
8-¿You do? I don't believe you
Yes I do know
9-Nah, ¿really?
Really. Specially you, non-existent entity
10- But I'm non-existent, ¿How can you know where I live if I don't exist?
You are talking/writting/helping me here, ¿don't you?
11- Yeah...I guess so, ¿So?
Since you are doing something, that means to me that you really aren't non-existant, you influece something in this world, so you exist. And if you exist then I can punch you
12-¿But I don't have a physical body, how can you punch me?
Mental punching
13-That does sound painful
It is, and that wasn't a question.
13-Fine, ¿Anything you want to add?
Well, this just ocurred to me: I think that I might let someone else write guest questions. Meaning if someone out there wants to try something like this sometime in the future, well, give me a shout and we shall see what happens after that
14-¿When are you going to do the shameless plug thing?
What is that shameless thing that you are talking about? Well, I think that is all for this post, join me next time when...
15- Wait, wait, wait, you said something about bear punching at the beggining, ¿Where is the bear punching?
It's not bear punching, but POLAR bear punching:
Ah Ennis. Nothing like the classics