Sketchdump post here - most of these done with the tablet. :>
Well, Molly, you are an honorary Belmont, if Trevor's got anything to say about it. :|a
CRAAAAAACK. idek where this came from, but it was good practice to work on Soma, I guess. :|a
Okay, context on this next one: I have both Madsen siblings at
runenvonasgard .
There is also a Dean Winchester.
I use Jensen Ackles as a PB for Jake.
We were discussing one day how to tell the difference between the two, and the suggestion came up that they should both take off their shirts [Jake has a scar on his side from getting hit with JESUS BEAMS from Kresoveer, and Dean has his handprint from Cas and the anti-possession tattoo.
Needless to say, little sis wasn't too impressed with the suggestion.