♫ Here comes the rain again, raining in my head like a tragedy ♫

Dec 08, 2010 11:25

Sketchdump post here - most of these done with the tablet. :>

Well, Molly, you are an honorary Belmont, if Trevor's got anything to say about it. :|a

CRAAAAAACK. idek where this came from, but it was good practice to work on Soma, I guess. :|a

Okay, context on this next one: I have both Madsen siblings at runenvonasgard .

There is also a Dean Winchester.
I use Jensen Ackles as a PB for Jake.

We were discussing one day how to tell the difference between the two, and the suggestion came up that they should both take off their shirts [Jake has a scar on his side from getting hit with JESUS BEAMS from Kresoveer, and Dean has his handprint from Cas and the anti-possession tattoo.

Needless to say, little sis wasn't too impressed with the suggestion.

the more you know, picspam go~!, dork dork dork, oooh shiny, i regret nothing, the madsen siblings are sam and dean, about damn time woman, it's hardcore bitches, castlevania, supernatural, crossover crack, 'sup bitches, the cute it burns, they could be twins!, tabletop gaming, brb being badass, bitch get me my fightin' gloves, revive drawing muses nao?, academy of hart, just stop lii, moving along now, kung-fu geeks unite!, my ocs have too many parallels, what the shit is this shit, oh my life, yay drawings, lii = ichigo kurosaki in the academy

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