Cool sites yo!

Jun 16, 2004 17:05

check out these sites.  They're funny and/or cool.

Microsoft sounds remix


Breakfast song

Don't blame me if you hate them with all of your soul.  That's your problem.

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Comments 5

cinnamonpunk June 16 2004, 23:20:41 UTC
THOSE ARE SO AWESOME! That made my day! Thank you! I love the breakfast song the most. Wow! Thank you!


climbonmysteed June 17 2004, 01:42:41 UTC updated ::shocked face::


naturalrhythm June 17 2004, 02:17:57 UTC
The first one was so cool. That's the crappy program I use for my recordings! lol. The second one was random and funny. Annnnd the third one was amusing and those guys were hot (but they looked like they knew they were hot, making them slightly arrogant... ya I'm weird.)


april89 June 18 2004, 19:39:44 UTC
the first one's really cool, i love all the sounds
the second one's just plain weird, the little kid was cute though
the third one's hilarious...milk & cereal!
that's just my opinion :)


april89 June 18 2004, 19:41:50 UTC
p.s. im glad u finally updated!


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