I probably won't, because that would be silly, but I could. Get used to what? To life not sucking constantly.
Work is going fairly well. Always more to do than there is time for, but I'm staying close enough to being caught up that I'm not in a panic.
And I have vacation coming up this next week - my annual 3 days of working comic-con for those wonderful folks at Mysterious Galaxy. We do have fun there! (And we sell oodles of books).
And, since I'm out of debt, and have a bit to stash or spend, I got a nice laptop to use during the con, and after, for various nefarious purposes. And it wasn't horribly expensive.
Music is going pretty well, overall. The Wednesday night band is still up in the air, mostly because some of our players are just gigging so much they can't make every rehearsal. If you play trombone or piano, and want to play in a pretty damn good Big Band, drop me a line!
Playing quite a lot of Tuba in the La Jolla Brass, but am looking forward to getting back to trumpet there - it's still my favorite instrument, even if I do get more trombone calls. There are just too many great trumpet players in town to be able to compete.
I could comment on pollitics, but right now that whole arena is in flux. The sins of the GOP are coming home to roost, but the dems really don't have any inspiring candidates. So November will likely be a contest of the mundane vs. the insane.
But at least it will be interesting to watch.