Today was kind of slow. I had to stretch the time out (grrrr...) that's okay. Afternoon didn't seem to have enough time to run a simulated PCR on a gel. Had an eval workshop (need to start on evals...already), got to do laundry, yay.
Day 3 was a little too stretched out for me. I feel that I could've had more material or at least been more on it. I feel that I didn't have enough for the kids to do (which was sucky). Luckily, I thought of other things to keep them occupied and that it didn't seem like I was stretching for time (and that I hope the students didn't see that as well).
In the morning we recapped DNA replication by having a short quiz. Had students come to the chalk board. I think it's good to recap, and especially for the students to come up to the board and be active. Makes sure they know what they are doing and makes sure that those who know know accurately.
We covered mitosis and PCR which was covered by my TA who is pretty good. Good articulation, and I know that the material is kind of boring but I think the kids got it.
Afternoon was pretty cool since we simulated a PCR (using very colorful dye). However, I left the gels in the buffer after running the electrophoresis and the dye seemed to disappiate into the buffer and the gel became unreadable, grrr. The kids seemed to really take to the gels and had decent techniques for the first time. Most students were able to get most of the dye in the first time, and next time I am sure it'll be much better.
I also got to do my laundry, which was a lot. It almost didn't fit into the washing machine, luckily it did (whew).
At night, I was able to relax, talk to Ayako (yay) and talked to LCH for a bit. I was worried that I didn't have enough material for the next day. Luckily, I was able to pull something together last minute and still be okay for the day.
It's also very cold at night, it's like 68 degrees...burrrr....