Title: Little Bit of Heaven
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
desastreparfait Warnings: Frottage.
Rating: PG-15
Word count: 167
Summary: Reita finds out that dancing isn't as bad as he thinks it is.
Comments: I was pretty free this week in comparison to the previous few where I was completely loaded, so I decided to produce this little drabble in my free time. Hopefully it'
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Comments 10
Short but good.
And I love your Author's Note.
That had me laughing.
Yes, I know what you mean about Ruki and the dancing thing.
You see, I was listening to 'Darkwave Surfer' and 'Vampire Ecstasy' by Aural Vampire and I just imagined Ruki dancing on Satoshi (lead singer of Girugamesh).
And there was some bumping and grinding and little bit of making out and teasing.
I tried to get my friend, Warumonogirl (I think it has girl at the end << I don't usually call her that. I call her either Waru, or Chris. XD), to write it for me.
She did.
That pairing at least.
And Satoshi was uke. o_____.;
But it was nothing like what I told her to write.
I said "NO SMUT D:<"
But the whole story was smut anyway.
Yeah, agreed. Ruki does seem like the naughty teasing type, doesn't he?
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Perversion on the dance floor! Perversion on the dance floor!
That made me ROFL. XD Ruki...hates dancing? LIAR. XD Who wouldn't like dancing after something like this? ^^;;
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Yeah! Those hips of his...Wow. XD He really can shake it, can't he?
And the fic! That was really hot. I could totally see those two getting it down on the dance floor, haha. XD
Thanks! I'm really flattered. -blushes- And yes, agreed. Those two can't keep their hands off each other. XD
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