“People are constantly moving forward. The Frontier is changing, and soon there will be no frontier anymore. People will come and go, but once, we were here”
Everybody knows that there are at least three dimensions. The first dimension is back and forth, horizontally. A Line is one dimensional. The second dimension is up and down, like the game Pong. The third dimension is back and forth, creating depth. But people usually forget about the fourth dimension. People don't live in a 3D world, it's 4D. As well as moving in the three primary directions we are always moving in the fourth dimension, Time. What I want to talk about is the end of our time, the inevitable, Death.
What I don’t understand about death is this, how come we cry about it? What is it that makes me real? The fact that I’m here now. But every second we make the past, now is just a flicker before it leaves. So should it not be more important that we have a past, rather than a future? The future is just a past that hasn’t come yet. When a body dies, they still exist in the past, say nothing of an after-life. Nobody exists in the future. We all exist now, in this very moment, which has just passed. So our life is not a future, it’s a past. If we have a memory of someone, are they not still then just as much alive as they were at the time? People are made by what they’ve done, not what they will do.
I know that when I have children, I will tell them of my father who died when I was not 6 years old. He will live on in my memory until I too die, and he and I will live on in the memories of my children, who will pass it to their children, down and down the line. Maybe things will change, maybe my children will grow and blend the memories I share with them of my father with me, crediting me for things he did, but the memory will remain, and my father with it, because it is a recollection of the past, the unchangeable happenings that once were. I refuse to accept that all there is now will disappear into the air as nothing ever happened. We are here now, we will always be here now in this moment. No matter what happens in the universe, at 16:03 Eastern Standard time on Saturday, December18, I will be at my computer, typing the conclusion to an article. That moment is untouchable, I will always be there, jus as all those who have died before me will always be in their respective places in time.