(no subject)

May 19, 2005 20:45

"Oil and Blood for the wheel which is your government" - Exerpt from The Seed

I know I haven't written in a while. Infact it's been far too long, but here we go again. I've got a new rant and I'm hoping that some of you will agree with me on this one.
Is anyone else sick of all the capitalist extremist culture we seem to have developed here in North America? Green is the color of our Gods today, and we have gone from Prophets to Profits. Only in such an age as this could we consider a film that is 3 hours of a man getting tortured, basically a smut film, to be a religious testmanet, without conveying hardly a single teaching of Christ. All the while we surpress the true teachings of Jesus, hiding the scrolls of St. Thomas and the Dead Sea scrolls, for the Churches fear a loss of followersm, control, and power. Israel recieves $1.8 BILLION from the US a year. None of this money goes into social programs or economic support. $600 million of it goes into funding the military. Israel is one of the only countires in the world that recieves money from the US to fund military programs without being required to spend it in the US or on US technology. Could this money not be put to better use? Well, of course it could, but then America would lose the resources of the Israeli and the Isralies would lack the funding and ability to go to war for what they want. What ever happened to the days of valour, when people helped Kin and Countrymen and strangers alike? Maybe I am wishing for a heaven, but could we not strive for a world thats less perfect, and more free? More equal? A world that doesn't put the bottom line on the quarterly report before the finances and lives of the people who work for it, where the rich don't solve the problem of poverty by turning a blind eye, expecting the middle class to share the burden of the poor. In the world of senile elites hoarding the riches of the world, leaving the masses to fend for themselves as they may, is it any surprize that we see the civil wars of the world as they occur? To me the real surprize is that day in and day out the many which create the lower class struggle to live, while the upper class struggle to truly know life. The real surprize is that good triumphs over evil and the poor do not pillage, rob, and brutalize the wealthy. The real surprize is that the rich can sleep at night, knowing all this goes on in the world and they do nothing. Strike that, they do something, they contribute to the problem.
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