oh my goodness ryan mcmorrow wrote the word Fuck in a chat today well there was a little bit of peer pressure from me and kyle but anyways im proud of u ryan
GaMeRjOe1: dO IT RyMMc: PSH descendentofgrew: fuck fuck fuck RyMMc: FUCK
ok im bored so im going to make a poll and it will be a poll for all 10th graders in wcs who do u dislike the most in our grade if you want to answer it will be secret and you can email me your answer at dannygoten@aol.com or im me my sn if you don't know allready is descendentofgrew hopefully i'll win
if you haven't gone to http://danandkyestalkshow.tripod.com/ yet then you havent heard my rap well if you haven't and ur wondering what it is or if you have heard it and want the lyrics here they are
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