I was thinking about just getting a new CPU until my old one is fixed. Its been almost over a month and I have left 2 messages for the tech and he hasnt called me back. So I think a cheap alternative cpu would be best. I will probably go and buy one friday.
Well cpu had a expired hard drive with bad sectors, so Im getting a new Hard Drive.
My parents want me to get a new Car, maybe I can get a small little sports car <.< but i have to pay for some of the car and my parents will match me for how much money I put into it. But I dont think I can get a decent car under $10k
My new schedule at work, 1:30pm start times and static fridays and saturdays off, will begin April 2nd. I also applied for some school courses for the U of M. So in May, I will be going back to school once again. It might be hard to balance school AND working full-time. -- Side note, my cpu is at the tech's house, soon to have XP re-installed.