Leon (
meanjoevoodoo) is mystified by concepts which are common sense to the rest of us.
If you love someone and you don't want to lose them, you don't deliberately do things to hurt them. I mean, duh. Who would possibly do that?
I've told him how much it hurts me when he goes on drinking binges. I've told him many times. He must get it by now. There is no way he could possibly think his drinking binges are a positive thing at this point. There is no way.
If you want to make me lose interest, get drunk and act stupid as often as possible. If you're trying to make sure I won't ever have any interest in sleeping with you, slur when you speak. If you want a happy, smooth relationship with me, don't knowingly do the exact opposite of the thing that would make our relationship happy and smooth. You know nothing good ever happens when you're sloppy drunk. You know how happy I'd be if you would choose to remain sober, even just for the amount of time it takes you to get from your house to mine. You know I'm going to be hurt when I find out you're drunk again. You know I always hear it in your voice. It doesn't matter how much you've had or not had to drink, what matters is that it's obvious in the way you talk. This is unattractive to me and you KNOW it, yet you KNOWINGLY choose to do it anyway.
You'd rather be a drunk than risk the possibility that we might actually be happy if you'd stay sober just a little longer. Just long enough to humor me. Just be sober when you arrive at my house, and then get as fucked up as you want. Please, just let my first impression of you not be disgusting. All you have to do is wait a bit before you start chugging the alcohol. Is this impossible for you? Or are you really trying to hurt me by doing the exact opposite of everything you know would make me happy? Is it possible that you don't understand the difference between the things that make me happy and the things that make me unhappy?
I know he isn't strong enough to stop drinking completely, but he must have enough strength to hold off for a few hours if it will make me happy. Doesn't he? Don't we all have free will where that sort of thing is concerned? Or does he not understand the difference between making his woman happy and making her miserable? Happy=good, miserable=bad. It really is that simple. Just do the thing that will make me happy instead of the thing that will make me miserable, and I will be your slave. Do the things that make me happy on a regular basis, and I will be your slave for life. Do the things that make me unhappy, and I'll start spending my time elsewhere. He must understand how it works by now.