To be a part of this game, you must submit an application and have it approved by the administration.
Before you apply, be sure you've read through and understand
our rules.
We ask that you please be at least 16 years old to apply for this game.
Here's a reminder on the kind of characters we are looking for in this game:
Characters arriving in the city must fit the following requirements:
- Be from an already established, professional created fandom (no original characters) and not be real people.
- Be human.
- Be represented by a live human.
- Have lived on Earth where history up until 1986 was, as far as appearances go, the same as we know it.
- Be able to speak English -- either canonically or can be reasonably assumed to possibly know it.
They can be from any time, alive or dead.
Characters with any kind of supernatural abilities (such as magic, shapeshifting, etc.) will find those abilities gone. Characters will arrive in what they consider to be everyday clothing and regular health for themselves.
If you aren't sure if or how your character fits with the above restrictions or you think your canon is close enough to get an exception, feel free to inquire in comments below.
You should create an LJ account for your character before you apply. You are welcome to use the same account you use for another game if you play this same character elsewhere. If your character appears to fit with the above restrictions, fill out the form below, post it in your character's LJ, and link to it it in a comment on this post. Please keep this entry in your character's LJ so we can link to it in the Taken Characters post for others' reference.
ABOUT YOUWhat you prefer to be called:Gender pronouns you prefer (he/she/etc.):Personal LJ (if any):Are you over 16?:Are there any contact methods (IM, e-mail, etc.) you'd like listed for yourself in the Player Contact info post?Do you have a couple good samples of your writing already posted online that you'd like to share? (optional): ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER(if you must invent any major pieces of information regarding your character, please make a note explaining which)Canon and canon type (TV, novel, etc.):Name:Age:Backstory (include the events of canon):Description of personality: Any special skills, particularly ones useful in a survival situation?At what point in their canon does your character land in the city?Just prior to their appearance in the city, is your character alive or dead?:What kind of clothing/small items might your character reasonably have on their person when they arrive?: PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHARACTER'S ENTRANCE POST FOR THIS GAME (at least 200 words) -- check the OOC community for the latest weather report for the city: URL to a 100x100 photo of the person you'd like to represent your character's appearance for use on the character listing page: The administration will let you know if your application is accepted in a reply to your comment.