5 Favorite Fics Meme

Mar 08, 2007 21:54

Huh. Wasn't there supposed to be a new SPN tonight? There was a preview last week and everything. Oh, well. Hard to complain about Dean angsting, even on a rerun. Though the crossroads demon still annoys me. I think the actress was confusing SPN for Charmed or something.

In other news, today I got my CA driver's license! Which means I can apply for FT driving jobs and eventually get an apartment, which, just yes. Oh, yes.

smilla02 was evil and tagged me for this meme going around, the five favorite fics meme: Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same. I haven't written very much at all, especially lately, but for what it's worth, here are my favorites:

1. The Party - Without a Trace, Danny/Martin. This one started when I imagined a single scenario (Danny and Martin getting caught making out during a party) and somewhat obsessively began building a lot of plot around that. It may be the most complicated story I've ever written or contemplated writing, simply because it's also team!fic, with every main character getting at least a minor storyline. It's on this list because the experience of writing it was unique in a few ways. WaT fandom was new to me and very exciting, and the writing flowed pretty easily. I worked on it every chance I had until it was done, and then I edited it for a long time, and then I edited what my betas sent back. I wish every story I wrote could have that much momentum.

2. Episodes of the Damned - Gundam Wing. I wrote this parody of the Cartoon Network dub during my senior year of high school, with my little sister hanging over my shoulder laughing at all the zany things I typed. Things like Dorothy getting her hair caught in the sliding doors of the space station and Zechs having to get her loose, or Heero and Zechs fighting over the gum that one of them left in a mobile suit after they switched, or Trowa losing his memory on purpose. Crazy shit like that. Practically every comment we received mentioned poor Relina going at it with the two gardeners who hear her screaming Heero's name. I have no idea if the fic was any good, but it seemed to make people laugh, and I find that that is maybe one of the most satisfying things you can ever do. Bonus points if one of those people is your little sis.

3. The Strongest Man in the World - Without a Trace, Martin and Danny. Ten interlinked drabbles about Martin's recovery between the first two episodes of S3, after the shooting. Sort of a meditation on what it can mean to be alone. I wrote it in one morning and posted without a beta, but somehow it still came out okay. I drew on my own experiences for this more than any other fic, and I think that helped set a tone that felt honest and real (and depressing!).

4. The Favor - Without a Trace, Danny/Martin. Danny makes a deal with Viv so he can have free time with Martin. And it comes back to haunt him. I was just pleased with the way this turned out. I struggled with it for a while, but I think it came out funny and light and had unexpected twists and turns, which is something I try to give most of my writing, left turns where the signs are pointing right. This makes the list because it worked.

5. Cover Your Plans In Sand - Supernatural, Dean and Sam. I wrote it in a hurry for a ficathon and honestly can't remember how the writing process went. A lot of brainstorming, though. I had a job riding along on school bus routes and remember sitting by the bus window before dawn, going up into the country and just letting my mind wander across all these possibilities for the prompts I was given. It's kind of magical, the places you go before you actually begin writing. If I had to write it over again, I'd fix about a million faults that I see now, to the point where it'd be a different story almost--or at least a longer one, better fleshed out, etc. But. It still makes the list.

As smilla02 said, my favorite story is one I haven't written yet. So true. Now, I'm pretty sure many people on my flist have already been tagged for this, so I won't risk being redundant by naming everyone I would. How about random_serious, aesc and le_mot_mo?
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