Once again I have neglected my lj for...six months. Almost to the day. FAIL I FAIL SO HARD. In light of recent events, mainly forgetting to read
last_radio's journal for two months since I've spoken to no one in person apart from cashiers in the past three weeks I'm going to try and actually update this. Maybe it'll help me motivate myself.
Because I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED MY RESUME AND EVEN AFTER A SUMMER SLAVING AWAY AS A WAITRESS IN MY DAD'S RESTAURANT I STILL CAN'T GET MY SHIT TOGETHER LONG ENOUGH TO APPLY FOR ANY FUCKING JOBS. *deep breath* I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I don't WANT to go into journalism. I'm not qualified. I'm not qualified to go into magazines, or write blurbs for brochures, or anything else that could possibly make me money while I write novels and wait for someone to publish them. And so, like every other moment like this in my life, I don't really want it and so I can't be fussed to try. *pulls out hair* I hate responsibility.
In other news, I moved to Maryland in May and back to Florida a month ago, by myself, because Hanson played in Orlando on the 9th and I wasn't gonna miss that concert. Incidentally they just played Philly and DC last week, because God hates me. In any case, I've been living by myself with the dog, and my parents are going to be here tomorrow. I'm sort of not looking forward to it. I like having freedom. They bother me, they smother me. Even if my birthday is on Monday and they're surely bringing presents.
My dog is giving me sad looks because I won't play with him, but I just can't motivate myself right now. I feel awful, but. He's a 110-pound lab and there's just no half-assed tugging, you have to chase him around the house in circles and when he tugs it pulls you down onto the floor from standing. He'll be happy to see his mom tomorrow, though, so. S'good.
Also: HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Favorite holiday ever. I wish that I was spending it with someone doing something Halloweeny. I am so sick of living far away from my friends.