So. I've got a day in January on which I get 10% off everything at Border's, plus a gift card, and some random other stuff, which basically means that some night prior to Thursday, I'm probably stopping by Borders and buying some books. While there are a few things I'm leaning towards probably purchasing, I would appreciate some recommendations as
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Comments 3
_The Dragon Waiting_ is arguably his greatest work. It /may/ be in print.
Others that you can snag used off Amazon for a pittance include: _Web of Angels_, a very early cyberpunk novel; _Growing Up Weightless_, a young adult SF novel set on the moon (with a plot that is practically guaranteed to confuse you in the last thirty pages); _The Scholars of Night_, which I've not read; and two Star Trek novels.
I'd recommend _Heat of Fusion_ over _Last Hot Time_ on the simple grounds that you get a wider range of stuff that way. But really, you can't go wrong with any of it.
Other than that, read more Gene Wolfe. Of course.
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