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Comments 7

alexoyola May 18 2006, 01:10:45 UTC
i mean, its not illegal immigrants' faults that people hire them, so i think his anger is a little misplaced


designated_dave May 18 2006, 09:35:27 UTC
illegal immigrants are the reason you only have an suv and not a hummer


anonymous May 18 2006, 07:21:26 UTC
old ppl will die soon pwn


asian_lovin May 18 2006, 09:53:08 UTC
i wish you grandpa was the type of grandpa that sent us cookies and treats, instead of anrgy racial pictures pertaining to immigrants.


AGAGAHAHAGAGAHAHAGA anonymous May 23 2006, 20:09:11 UTC


immigration anonymous May 29 2006, 13:00:33 UTC
Actually the main probelm with immigration stems from then illegals not seeking a legal means to be in this country. there are immigrants who all go through proper channels to get a legal residency here in USA. Also in the states that are overrun with illegals, Texas, Azirona, Clifornia, funny mostly Red states, they lose tons of money, millions, if not billions, in free health care becasue this country will not turn an injured person away at an emergency room. The economic jargon is cool, but remember, when an american company sets up a company over seas, it gives back to the community in jobs and benefits tht it would not otherwise get. with illegals its mostly good white salsa and clean dishes.


Re: immigration designated_dave June 30 2006, 18:39:36 UTC
the reason that an american company can give benefits and jobs to developing countries is because the world bank and wto took all those jobs away by demanding export led growth. This doesn't allow then to create there own economy. thus they can only offer raw materials or agricultural produicts. those markets are unstable as far as the world economy so the only other thing they can offer is CHEAP LABOR. so before you praise an american company for giving jobs and benefits remeber that part of the reason there are no jobs is because of export led growth, which helps developed countries but basically cripples developing countries into only being able to produce raw materials and offer cheap labor.

also you would turned away injured people so you can save money... grow a heart


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