Fics are in reading order...
One Wish Series:
Summary: Extremely AU. James & Lily had a girl, said GWL grew up with her parents, but is now in love with her daddy's best friend! Plus, the war with Voldemort is going strong...and getting very dangerous. Warning: Implied DubCon
- OW: The Truth Comes Out - PG13 (Warning: DubCon) (SB/girl!Harry, OotP, LM, DEs)
- OW: Games of Circles - PG13 (Warning: Implied DubCon) (SB/girl!Harry, JP)
- OW: Half Cracked - PG (SB/girl!Harry, RW/DM, DG)
- OW: I'm Not Jealous - PG (SB/girl!Harry, RW/DM)
- OW: Lingerie - PG13 (SB/girl!Harry)
- OW: Dropped - PG (SB/girl!Harry)
- OW: Dating and Exams, part the first - R (SB/girl!Harry, OB, Marauders, LEP)
- OW: Dating and Exams, part the second - R (SB/girl!Harry) - WIP
One Wish - Prequel:
Summary: Stories dealing with what happened in the One Wishverse priot to the events of OW: The Truth Comes Out.
- OW: Tattoo - PG (SB, girl!Harry, JP, LEP)
- OW: Piercing - G (SB, girl!Harry, JP, LEP)
- OW: Strange Sortings - PG13 (SB, girl!Harry, JP/LEP, JP/Other, RL/LE, RL/LP, LE/SS)
One Wish: Ides of March
Summary: Collection of short stories set during various points in the One Wishverse. NOT IN ORDER.
- OW: IoM - Cranky - PG (SB, girl!Harry, JP/LEP)
- OW: IoM - First Kiss - PG (SB, girl!Harry, LP/RL)
- OW: IoM - First Date - PG (SB, girl!Harry, JP, Slytherin Quidditch Team)
- OW: IoM - Innocent - G (SB, girl!Harry)
- OW: IoM - Earth - PG (SB, girl!Harry)
- OW: IoM - Elements - PG (SB, girl!Harry)
Live To Be A Hundred Series:
Summary: An AU of the One Wish AU. Trelawney missed her appointment with Dumbledore in 1979. Contains a female!Harry Potter, live Marauders, and ONLY canon characters...but updates will be very slow.
Other Drabbles, Drabblets, Ficlets, and One-Shots:
Summary: Some of these may eventually fit into OW or LTBAH but as of right now they stand alone.
Femme Fatale - NC17 (SB/girl!Harry, LV/girl!Harry) *NEW*
Sirry Drabble Series: Naughty - PG (SB, girl!Harry, JP)
Sirry Drabble Series: Breakfast - PG (SB/girl!Harry, JP, LEP, RL, AL, FL, SS) *NEW*
Sirius100 Drabble Series: Ice Cream - G (SB, girl!Harry, LEP, Marauders)
Sirius100 Drabble Series: Guilty - PG (SB, girl!Harry)
Sirius100 Drabble Series: Injured - PG (SB/girl!Harry)
Sirius100 Drabble Series: Dead - PG (Warning: major character death) (SB/girl!Harry)
Knowledge - G (SB, HP, JP)
Perfidious - G (SB/girl!Harry, HG, MW, Dobby)
Butterfly Secrets, part one - R (Warning: incest, major character death) (JP/HP, SB/HP, JP/LEP, LEP/SS)
Butterfly Secrets, part two - NC17 (Warning: incest, major character death) (JP/HP, SB/HP, JP/LEP, LEP/SS)
Blind: Chapter 1 - R (Warning: implied non-con and torture, potential character death) (JP, LEP, SB, girl!Harry, OC, RL, PP) *NEW*