
Dec 03, 2006 11:47

Our little Angel came to visit us for a few days - it was lovely to see her. And I hear she hit the town a lot - Vesper told me she's been causing a stir ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

learntocrucify December 3 2006, 11:51:20 UTC
Hey, I'm not gone yet. Quit with the past tenses, Ash.

Luca and I have still got Business to Do.


desiredbynight December 3 2006, 12:03:26 UTC
Sorry - I was under the impression that you were returning with Chloe.

Business to Do? I'm intrigued! Need an extra person?


Screened learntocrucify December 3 2006, 12:11:44 UTC
Nope, I'm going back when Luc does. Until there he and I have our good old crime to do.

We've got a couple cars to hotwire and get to Elliot. He's gonna pay good money for them this time. Fuck, I've totally missed this.

Do you realise I've barely broken a single law since moving to LDN? I've gotton soft.


Screened desiredbynight December 3 2006, 12:37:30 UTC
Thought as much. Seriously? Not done anything wrong? You really must have been going soft.

Come out with us tonight?


takemeslowly December 3 2006, 11:53:42 UTC
London rocks!! But no, you're right, Manchester doesn't suck either. You have one of these now tooooo!! *clings*


milestogobefore December 3 2006, 11:58:07 UTC
How long do you think until Marilyn caves? You know she must be dying to have so many little pictures of herself ::amused smile::


desiredbynight December 3 2006, 12:05:09 UTC
Marilyn does love things like that. And that's why we love her.


takemeslowly December 4 2006, 01:25:50 UTC
I dunno, she never was much one for following trends. Now if, on the other hand, she had been the first to start these... *grins*


dont_jinx_it December 4 2006, 03:58:51 UTC
People need to learn to listen to your music taste, darlin.


desiredbynight December 4 2006, 15:31:34 UTC
Because then the world would be a better place, yeah?


dont_jinx_it December 5 2006, 01:09:09 UTC

How's Manchester?


desiredbynight December 5 2006, 07:16:44 UTC
Cold but great. London?


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