Title: Death's Second Self, Part 2 of 3
Setting: BtVS S5, post-The Gift
Word count: 2003 (this part)
Rating: R
Written for
Disclaimer: Joss likes fanfic.
He said so. Massive hugs and smooches to
flurblewig for holding my hand through this.
Part 2: My first attempt at smut. )
Comments 4
As for a title, how about "What you wish for"?
As for a title, how about "What you wish for"?
Ooo, that's not bad. It's certainly better than anything I've come up with so far--I'm terrible at titles.
And the smut? Very nice!
It really won't. *evil grin*
I love how it is clear that Spike does not see Buffy for what she is now.
You know Spike--he's a fool for love. Also, Buffy's addled his mind with sex.
Thanks for reading!
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