hello i have no willpower [intro]

Jun 20, 2009 22:49

"--The door!"

Elia is screaming. She can hear them, they're nearly here, and she's never been so afraid for anything in her life as she is now. Clegane will hurt her, she knows, but she does not even want to think of what may happen to her children. He is a mountain, yes, but moreso, he is a monster ( Read more... )

puck, rice!pandora, introduction

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Comments 557

dontcallmeser June 22 2009, 02:56:14 UTC
Sandor was sitting outside, working his shoulder, and jerks to his feet when there is suddenly a woman on the front lawn, dishevelled and he half starts toward her frowning but then she says the names and he stops. Short.



queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:04:24 UTC
Elia doesn't notice Sandor at first. She's shaking, trying to work up the calm to stand, when she does.

Any bit of calm she'd gathered up disappears. All the panic she'd managed to repress comes in to replace it. She stands, though it's horribly unsteady, and doesn't scream, but it's a near thing. She runs as best she can, which isn't very good because her mind keeps wandering back to a man bigger than this one pounding at the door and her little girl asking her what was happening and-

And Elia falls, and cries out, and scrambles. "Please- I don't- Please."


dontcallmeser June 22 2009, 03:09:59 UTC
Oh, godsfucking dammit. Sandor realizes that he's holding the sword still - loosely at his side, but holding it nonetheless and that can hardly be helpful - and slams it back into the scabbard at his hip, looking irritated, which is also less than helpful, especially because on Sandor irritated translates to 'more imposing than usual' and that's, you know, great.

He half starts toward her, decides that wouldn't help, and facepalms. "...I'm not my fucking brother." Audibly. Aarrgh.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:14:35 UTC
On the list of things Elia didn't need to hear, profanities is, while not high on the list, worth mentioning. See also: brusque manner, and references to the infamous older Clegane.

Elia puts her arms up in front of her face and lets out something approaching a whine of panic. In 'fgsdgdsfgPANIC', this translates to 'but you're still really scary and angry please at least duck to my eye level augh help'.


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 03:04:51 UTC
On the much more relieving side, Oberyn is standing in the doorway, and expression of obvious shock on his face, because holycrap.

..."...Elia?" Disbelieving, a little; after all, the last person he thought was Elia wasn't, despite how much she acted like her at times.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:08:38 UTC
Elia's head perks up. She stops crying, a bit, and looks around-- "O- Oberyn?"

She begins the shaky progress of, well, scrambling towards her brother because oh god oh gods brother, please say it's him. It can only be a good thing.


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 03:12:38 UTC
---that's all it takes, really, for Oberyn to cover the distance between them in two bounds and scoop her up, holding her as close as he possibly can and already taking her back toward the house. "It's me - Elia, gods, it's all right," It isn't, "It's me, I hoped..."


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:18:33 UTC
Elia just cries for a bit. She's shaking, sobbing, and just trying to catch her breath before the attempt to get some coherent words out is made.

When she thinks she can talk without making a tit of herself, they're already inside. "Oberyn." Looong sigh. Saying it without exclamation points of italics, good job, girl. "Where are- Oberyn, where are my-?" She can't quite bring herself to say it, where are my children, but she realizes that even though a bit of her mind already knows, she has to ask.


pandora_antioch June 22 2009, 14:23:54 UTC
Because we like to be helpful (!), shortly after sundown, a vampire will be scanning the area, looking for the anguished soul she heard in her daily sleep.

This may be news to everyone, but here is one of Gregor's most ferocious sworn ennemies. Even if they never met.

Pandora will never forgive the man who broke Sandor. Brotherly treason hits home hard, for her.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 14:42:17 UTC
Because you can never have enough people who hate Gregor Clegane.

Elia needs time to think. After sundown, when the grass is cool and the world is more at calm, she wanders out onto the lawn. Having grown up in the arid heat of Dorne, she is more accustomed to moving by night, when it's less, well, aridly hot, even if she's no longer in desert climates, and has not been in some time.


pandora_antioch June 22 2009, 15:30:11 UTC
Ah, there she is. Pandora makes a point not to appear as she does sometimes with Sandor - but she loves toying with him so, can we blame her?

She will be ahead, a female figure in dark garments with a colorful shawl on her shoulder, merely taking a walk. "Good evening," she offers, in her soothing, rich, low voice that carries millenia of pain and months of renewed hope.


queenofbeauty June 23 2009, 02:03:04 UTC
Oh, this is rather queer. Elia wanted to be alone on this walk, but now... well, she will not turn away a companion. It's impolite, if anything.

"And you." She says, with the dignity of the princess she is.


doctor_pascal June 22 2009, 14:27:45 UTC
If at one point or another Elia is able to notice, a man is around somewhere, reading a book - he's too far to have heard the commotion, but he will gladly assist her if she neds medical assistance.

Pascal Rougon (yes, Angelique's unwitting uncle) is a trained doctor, gentle and somewhat misanthropic, but deep down, quite gentle and kind. He's also as sane as you will get, on this typist's roster.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 14:43:35 UTC
Sanity is overrated, psh.

Elia isn't in need of medical assistance, no, thankfully not yet. She is a little woozy, however, and panicked, taking deep breaths to calm herself as she can.


doctor_pascal June 22 2009, 15:33:13 UTC
He might eventually tire from his reading (really, what could be more tedious than heredity rules in the 19th century?), and wander her way, though he is admiring the growth of summer, more than paying attention to anything.

The breathing, however, gets his attention and he wanders over, hands in his pockets. He is tall, somewhat lanky, and dressed in a white shirt with rolles sleeves, pants and suspenders. His book is under his arm - he is the living picture of harmlessness.

"Madame? Are you alright?"


queenofbeauty June 23 2009, 02:12:27 UTC
The heredity rules of Dorne are much more interesting! Come to Dorne; we have equal primogeniture and lots of sex! Sometimes, at the same time. (See also, sand, snakes, and Sand Snakes.)


To Elia, Pascall is the perfect picture of a stableboy. But why would a stableboy be 1) that clean, and 2) holding a book. Elia is confused, but then again, that would just be par the course, wouldn't it.

"I-I'm..." and then, reigning her voice in because she refuses to speak when she isn't in control of her own voice, "Well enough, perhaps."


rob_fellows June 22 2009, 14:31:21 UTC
Here is someone who has never met any westerosis, believe it or not. Robin Goodfellow will jump from the first floor in response to the screaming. He's still the living picture of a fashion magazine, in faded jeans and a couture polo, but a flash on his vulpine features indicates that the superficiality is only appearant.

He kneels by the young woman, and says, "Miss, it's alright. There's no-one that will hurt you, here."

Assuming, perhaps that this is a bit before she's taken in, because we haven't had chivalrous Robin in a while.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 14:45:57 UTC
Elia's first response is a squeak. Which is, tch, decidedly undignified, and she tries to reign in her emotions enough to, well, do less undignified things, urgh.

"I sincerely d-doubt that, ser." Because Elia is a realist, when it comes right down to it, "But I a-appreviate the sentiment."

I'm game. Heee, playing off a Robin will be so surreal XD


rob_fellows June 22 2009, 15:08:04 UTC
"Oh, no, I mean it, very seriously," he replies, firm and reassuring in that tone he uses with Cassandra, sometimes. "It's only you and me, Lady, and I will not let harm come your way. Can you stand, M'am ?"

I think our characterizations are different, though, and at least his PB isn't Kyle Schmidt?


queenofbeauty June 23 2009, 02:15:01 UTC
Elia decides a different approach is needed with this one. Just nod and smile, nod and smile. "Of course, ser." She holds out an arm, asking, "I-if you could help me to it, I would- would be grateful."

Exactly! Surreal in a good way, of course. LIKE A LIFE SEXPERIENCE.


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