Title: Sorrow Floats, Chapter 6
Despina_MoonPairing: Gojyo/Kanan
Summary: Gojyo has a surprising secret from his past he can no longer hide. Will it change everything in the present? Saiyuki AU. Mostly.
Many, many thanks to my beta readers, the amazing
moshesque and the fabulous
whymzycal. Those two have humored me and put up with months of whining and crying
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Comments 11
I like the part on how Gojyo came to learn his gambling skills...
Thanks. :)
The furtune teller is awesome and an interesting asset. I hope Griff changes, I really like him...
And just because it needs to be said? I like the casual sexyness of the Kanan/Gojyo interaction as well as the... not-so-casual sexyness :P
Other tidbits I really liked were the drug-induced retr-sight... I am not even sure what to call, it but his visions of his past life; his vision of Banri with a skull as a head. I like that you did that, because Gojyo in canon seems to have some sort of psychic abilities (at least in regards to Hakkai), even though he doesn't seem to realize that's what it is, or that he has that ability. So it's neat that you expanded on that.
But you are really tearing out my heart with this story so far, and that's a good thing. :D
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