Title : The Untitled Story of You and Me (part 6/7)
Author : me
Beta :
kissmegreen (Thank You so much, hun ^^)
Pairing : JunDa
Rating : G - PG13 (for some curses)
Genre : AU, Romance, Friendship, FLUFF
Disclaimer : It's obvious that they are belong to each other >w< their own self
Summary : Taguchi has his ears to all of his friends story, including Tatsuya. But
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Comments 22
Anyway, thank you for reading and even commenting. So sorry for my super late reply. RL is really eating my fandom life up >____
I totally understand RL is a pain in the butt. I come here (LJ) to escape. You are fine with the reply. I was just happy that you were continuing!
I will definitely continuing. nothing can stop me for loving JunDa and KAT-TUN!! Not to say my Hyphens and JunDa fellows are soooo lovely <33333
Anyway, thank you for the encouraging words, Jack! *hugs*
*smack Ryo*
u jz create misunderstanding~
*shakes head*
how cute this oblivious couple~
gonna read next~
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