Okay, so... this is an Original Canon I'm working on for
srwug_alpha_rp. It's a mecha-based Tales of title. This is very much a work in progress, so feel free to give input.
The Story
Info in bold still needs to be figured out. Info in italics is notes not relating to the ToM story specifically (like UGA details).
Tales of Mehanske takes place on the planet [insert name here] (for UG@, it will take place on Earth). In this world, a popular video game (totally not based on Angelic Layer... ^^;) called Mekalibitka is played. Mekalibitka is played with Mekalib, baseball-sized spheres that hold the information for a virtual mecha called Duha inside them. Mekalib are placed in special gauntlets called Spopad, which, along with a visor, allow the player to control their Mekalib in battle against another player.
The main character Edrom, lives in a bungalow in the village of Vasi. His friends, [insert name here] and [insert name here] grew up with him, and the three of them are inseparable. Edrom is the previous year's Mekalibitka champion, barely edged out in this year's recent finals by a surprise attack in the final battle.
His friends, to cheer him up (he doesn't really need it, but it's appreciated) find him a new Mekalib for his birthday. However, when he activates it to find out what the sleeping Duha inside, it is not a virtual mecha, it is an actual machine. However, before they can do much more than stare in shock, a mysterious older figure grabbed the Spopad on Edrom's arm and deactivated it.
Calling them all idiots, he urges them to follow him, quickly, and run. They pack a few items (clothes, food, supplies, and their Mekalibitka equipment, at the figure's insistence) and leave Vasi. They left just in time, the following day receiving word via news reports that Vasi had been destroyed.
The figure is revealed them as [insert name here], a man who had been an archaeologist researching the real Duha Mekalib, until, depressed in his lack of findings, he settled down, married, and became the father of two. However, he never forgot the lore of the Duha, and reveals to Edrom and the others what was happening.
There are 10 total Duha Mekalib. Of these, two are known as the 'most powerful'. One of these, Origin, is said to be the Spirit of All Things. The second, Maxwell, is said to be the lord of all of the Elemental Duha. If the stories are to be believed, only Origin and Maxwell are powerful enough to stand up to each other. Origin is currently in the hands of [insert name here], who seeks either to procure Maxwell for his own use, or to destroy it so that no one can use it against him. The only problem, being that no one knows how to find Maxwell. The only clue [insert name here, older character] has, is that, since Maxwell is the lord of the Elemental Duha, you need to find them, first. And the only clue to those are Rem and Shadow, each the master over three.
While exploring Rem and its abilities, Edrom discovers that Rem carries within its systems a map with three locations marked on it. Believing these locations to be where they can find Rem's three Elemental Duha (Sylph, Undine, and Efreet), the four set out, with Origin's forces on their tails.
The Basics: Plot Structure
Opening Scene(s): (First UG@ mission/intro)
• End of the recent Championships, with Edrom losing (turns out that this is a dream)
• His two friends try to surprise him by sneaking Rem into his bungalow before he wakes up, but he's already awake.
• Upon activation of Rem, [insert name here] shows up, deactivates Rem, and urges them to escape.
• The next day, the group receives word that Vasi has been destroyed, discover the map in Rem, and start on their quest.
Act One:
• Search for Sylph (Battle, Second UG@ mission)
• Search for Undine (Battle, Third UG@ mission)
• Search for Efreet (Battle, Fourth UG@ mission)
• Battle against first of Origin's Generals (group learns about the Elemental Duha powering up their leader's abilities) (Battle, Fifth UG@ mission)
Act Two:
• Group learns that Shadow (and Elementals) are in the hands of a rival team
• Battle against [insert name here] for Gnome (Battle, Sixth UG@ mission)
• Battle against [insert name here] for Volt (Battle, Seventh UG@ mission)
• Battle against [insert name here] for Celcius (Battle, Eighth UG@ mission)
• Battle against [insert name here] for Shadow (Battle, Ninth UG@ mission)
Note: Shadow's pilot is optionally recruitable as a "sixth ranger", but can be passed on.
Act Three:
• Battle against second of Origin's Generals (group learns they can combine similar-Element Duha) (Battle, Tenth UG@ mission)
• Battle against third of Origin's Generals (group learns how to combine Rem and Shadow) (Battle, Eleventh UG@ mission)
• Battle against fourth of Origin's Generals (group learns how to power the combined Rem/Shadow into Maxwell) (Battle, Twelfth UG@ mission)
• Final battle, Maxwell vs. Origin (Battle, Thirteenth UG@ mission)
The Basics: Characters
• Name Origin: "light" in Irish (éadrom)
• Age: 18-25
• Gender: Male
• PB: Guy (Tales of the Abyss)
• Three Amigos role: Hero
• Five-Man Band role: Hero
• Four Philosophy Ensemble role: Realist
• Personal Duha: Rem
"BFF #1" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "light" or "fire" in [to be determined by player]
• Age: 18-25
• Gender: Male
• PB: [to be determined by player] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Three Amigos role: Best friend of same gender
• Five-Man Band role: The Big Guy
• Four Philosophy Ensemble role: Optimist or Conflicted or Apathetic (if below is Conflicted or Apathetic, must be Optimist)
• Personal Duha: Efreet
"BFF #2" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "light" or "water" in [to be determined by player]
• Age: 18-25
• Gender: Female
• PB: [to be determined by player] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Three Amigos role: Best friend of opposing gender
• Five-Man Band role: The Chick/The Lancer
• Four Philosophy Ensemble: Optimist or Conflicted or Apathetic (if above is Conflicted or Apathetic, must be Optimist)
• Personal Duha: Undine
"Older Mentor" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "light" or "air" in [to be determined by player]
• Age: 40ish
• Gender: Male
• PB: Jade (Tales of the Abyss)
• Three Amigos role: N/A
• Five-Man Band role: Smart Guy/Mentor/Team Dad
• Four Philosophy Ensemble: Cynical or Cynical/Apathetic (latter only if neither of the above two are Apathetic)
• Personal Duha: Sylph
"Rival" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "shadow" in [to be determined by player/Edrom's player (if NPC'd)]
• Rival of: Edrom
• Age: 18-25
• Gender: Female
• PB: [to be determined by player/Edrom's player (if NPC'd)] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Personal Duha: Shadow
• Optionally Recruitable
"Rival 2" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "shadow" or "earth" in [to be determined by BFF #1 or Edrom's player]
• Rival of: BFF #1
• Age: any
• Gender: any
• PB: [to be determined by BFF #1 or Edrom's player] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Personal Duha: Gnome
"Rival 3" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "shadow" or "ice" in [to be determined by BFF #2 or Edrom's player]
• Rival of: BFF #2
• Age: 18-25
• Gender: Female
• PB: [to be determined by BFF #2 or Edrom's player] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Personal Duha: Celcius
"Rival 4" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: "shadow" or "lightning" in [to be determined by Older Mentor or Edrom's player]
• Rival of: Older Mentor
• Age: young
• Gender: Female
• PB: [to be determined by Older Mentor or Edrom's player] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Personal Duha: Volt
"Big Bad" [insert name here]
• Name Origin: [to be determined by Edrom's player or mods]
• Role: Big Bad
• Age: Unknown (until later)
• Gender: Unknown (until later)
• PB: [to be determined by Edrom's player or mods] (must be from a Tales of game)
• Personal Duha: Origin
I've got some more stuff worked out, but I need to organize it more. Feel free to comment on things, just remember two notes:
Names of places/things in the world: Slovakian words
Character names: Their "team element" (light/dark) or personal element in a random language (chosen by player). The naming schemes should be the same, however, for all characters, or at least all of a team.
PBs: Tales of characters