Fic: The Personal Touch, NC-17, Dean/Castiel

Jun 26, 2011 20:59

An AU that takes place during Season Four. Thanks to sisterofdream and ifreet for support and sharp suggestions!

The Personal TouchDean works hard, okay? He's on the road a lot-or, well, always. He spends most of his time either hunting down leads or deliberately putting himself in physical danger. The nearest thing he has to friends are a cantankerous old scrap ( Read more... )

fic: spn, dean/castiel, fic

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Comments 54

meresy June 27 2011, 02:59:24 UTC
OH MAN. Dude. This started off SO AWKWARDLY HILARE and then hot and then the ENDING. ♥

I love it.


dessert_first June 27 2011, 11:12:11 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, Meres! Hee, your icon could not be more appropriate.


meresy June 27 2011, 15:23:16 UTC
It's a skill of mine, appropriate icons for all occasions! And I feel like Dean would appreciate Literal Music Videos.

I ♥ this fic. You faked me out: I thought for a moment it was going to be hooker!Cas AU and then it wasn't but IT KINDA WAS and it was greatness. :D


dessert_first June 28 2011, 00:45:38 UTC
Aw, it makes me all kinds of happy you heart the fic. IT KINDA WAS. :)


nos4a2no9 June 27 2011, 12:56:23 UTC
Hon, what a fabulous fic! I loved it! Your Dean voice was great - spot-on characterization, what with the mix between jokey inner monologue and pathos (oh, Dean!). Your descriptions of Castiel were perfect, too. I particularly loved the bit where he's just listening to the sounds of everyday life. Beautiful ( ... )


dessert_first June 28 2011, 01:08:08 UTC
Wow, Nos, your feedback is such a treat! Thank you. I'm so glad the story worked for you, and I love hearing which parts you enjoyed most. As a compulsive fiddler, I must admit I messed with the ending again since you read it. *hands*

I wish you posted more

You and me both! :)


stainedhart June 27 2011, 16:49:02 UTC
Wow! That's one hell of an intro I never even thought of! :D:D:D Thanks for the enlightenment, now I have so many images in my head that I'm gonna be smiling like a moron for the rest of the day! Amazing! :D


dessert_first June 28 2011, 01:09:09 UTC
now I have so many images in my head that I'm gonna be smiling like a moron for the rest of the day!

That is such an awesome thing to hear! I love knowing the story made you smile. Thanks for letting me know!


ivesia19 June 27 2011, 16:50:24 UTC
I was grinning the whole time, waiting for the big reveal - oh, if only you had shown it to us!
But this was wonderful and hot and funny.
Thank you for sharing :D


dessert_first June 28 2011, 01:11:11 UTC
Glad you liked it! Yeah, that reveal is gonna be... big. Poor boys.

Or, poor boy and poor angel, I guess. :)

I'm glad the humor came through, and the sex worked out. Thanks for letting know!


(The comment has been removed)

dessert_first June 28 2011, 01:12:01 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it. :)

Your icon is awesome, by the way! Who made it?


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