Fanfiction continued...
Title: Kill All Your Friends
POV: Gerard's
Disclaimer: I own nothing, None of this ever actually happened, just pure imagination. etc.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Bbb-rrrring! Bbb-rrring! I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing loudly in my ear. I pulled my pillow out from under my head and hit the alarm clock with it, but it was no good. I was already awake now, and I wasn’t going to get back to sleep.
I stretched and yawned for a moment before sitting up slowly in bed. I instantly shivered, realizing I still didn’t have a shirt on. I got out of bed and headed to my closet, pulling out my Misfits hoodie and slipping it on over my bare chest. Better.
I made my way groggily into the kitchen, reaching out until I found the coffee maker sitting out for me. Thank you, Mikey. I ran through the everyday routine of making my coffee, sitting down at the kitchen table while I waited for the coffee maker to finish its job. I yawned again, trying to think only of the day ahead and not about the talk Mikey had promised for this morning. He didn’t appear to be anywhere in the house, but he could pop out of nowhere and start questioning me again, so I stayed on edge.
I finished the coffee off quickly and went back to my room to ready myself for the 10th day of my senior year of high school. Only 170 days to go. I pulled on my gray skinny jeans and smeared eyeliner around my eyes before grabbing my backpack and walking out the front door. Still no encounter from Mikey. Maybe he’d had to go to school early, to work on that project he’d talked about last weekend. I hoped silently that that was where he was.
When I arrived at Belleview High I sighed inwardly. It had been a place of silent torture for me for years now. The only positive thing I could think about this school was that I only had one year left here. Everything and everyone else seemed to be against me.
As if reading my mind, a passerby shoved into my shoulder, nearly knocking me down the front stairs as I entered the building. I cursed under my breath and looked by to try and recognize who had shoved me, but they were already gone and the bell was about to ring signaling class to start, so I sped up towards my first period.
I made it into class just as the bell stopped ringing, getting a look from Mrs. Mayhew that said she wished I would’ve walked in a few minutes later. “Just in time. Take a seat, Mr. Way.” She hissed at me, tapping her foot impatiently.
I shuffled towards my normal seat in the back of the classroom, getting several snickers from the jocks around me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. A few steps further and I felt the familiar sensation of falling as I tripped over an outstretched foot. I’m probably the biggest klutz ever. I could probably trip under water. So it wasn’t much of a surprise to me that I wasn’t able to catch myself before I fell. This elicited a chorus of laughter from the rest of the class. I felt my cheeks begin to burn in both embarrassment and fresh pain as I looked up to see whose foot I had tripped over.
Oh, shit. I looked up into a pair of hazel-green eyes I had long loathed. Frank Iero’s eyes. “What are you looking at, faggot?” He shot at me after our eyes met. I glared at him but got up off the floor and continued to walk towards my seat. I heard Frank comment behind me about not being a man, but I ignored it. He was in no way worth my time. He may have been at one point in my life.
From about first grade to our freshman year he had been my best friend. But then the vultures of this school picked him out of the crowd to be their next test dummy. They had made fun of him for about everything, from his height to his wearing eyeliner. They talked about me too, but not nearly as bad as they had mistreated Frank. One day he just broke down after a pep rally. He told me the sick parasites had moved from verbally threatening him to physically hurting him, mainly the jocks, and that he couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t leave him alone for a few days after that. Didn’t want him to get hurt- or to hurt himself- again. But one day, the day before spring break of our freshman year, I had gotten detention and he refused to stay with me. I didn’t see him again for a week, and by then they had already changed him.
I frowned. We hadn’t talked as friends since then. He was too interested in being liked. The first thing he’d said to me after spring break had been “Get out of my reading light, freak. And stop hanging around me. I’m not a fag.” We had been surrounded by about twenty others, all Frank’s new “friends”, but we might as well have been alone because everything around me was muffled by shock.
I shook my head. Frank didn’t deserve a section in my mind anymore. Not that Pre-Calculus did. I sat through the hour and a half in silence, doodling on my hands with sharpie and eventually moving on the doodling on my homework. By the end of class I had about 15 vampires and zombies littering the paper. Not my best work, but more entertaining than anything this school had to offer.
I continued through the day like this, paying very little attention in classes and trying to keep my mind empty of anything potentially heart-wrenching. I was so into my own little world that I nearly jumped out of my seat when the lunch bell rang. It was in the cafeteria that I finally saw Mikey again. He was sitting at a table near the back of the cafeteria with Pete and Bert. I smiled. Mikey knew everyone- literally. I backed out of the cafeteria quickly before he could see me and headed out towards the courtyard near the track. I didn’t know if we were technically allowed to be out there during lunch, but it was the one place I knew I wouldn’t be bothered.
Unfortunately, that required walking through the student parking lot. I frowned. It was more packed than usual today, probably with people enjoying the last few days of warm weather before fall took over for the better part of the rest of the year. I would’ve been more worried, but everyone out here was so preoccupied with their own problems that I doubted anyone would notice me. Still, I stayed pressed against the brick wall of the school as I passed by.
Teenagers are definitely the vampires of modern day society, though not in the cool, blood-sucking creature of the night kind of way. Once they get something into their heads, it doesn’t go away. They contribute almost nothing to society but they take everything, from education to food, away from everyone else. Plus they have the whole youthful thing going on that warns of the ability to conquer anything with their agility and confidence. I laughed quietly at my own thoughts.
So close to the courtyard now, I quickened my pace. Surely I would make it out of the throng of students unscathed this time. Fifteen feet away now. Step, step, step, step-
“Hey, where you going, babe?” Surely I hadn’t been the only one to hear that deep, penetrating voice. It sounded like no high schooler, even a senior, and I shuddered at my sudden recognition of the voice. I tried not to frown as I turned around slowly to face Jared Leto. He was leaning casually against his black motorcycle and I wondered how long he’d been there, watching me.
“J-just going to lunch,” I replied, trying to disguise my stutter by shivering and pulling my jacket closer to me. He didn’t seem to notice anyway. I take it back. It may have been just Jared, but from what I’d seen of him, he was just as self-absorbed as everyone at Belleview High, and he’d already graduated two years before. He was 20 now, trying to nail himself a place in the music industry. Unsuccessfully, I might add.
“Perfect.” He smiled widely, and all the fear inside me melted away. I remembered why I’d first gone out with him. He tossed a black helmet at me and put a army green one on himself. “Hop on.”
I hesitated at first, but decided it’d probably be in my best interest to go. I shoved the helmet on, my black hair sticking out slightly from underneath it, and climbed on the back of the motorcycle, wrapping my arms instinctively around Jared’s waist. This wasn’t the first time I’d rode on Jared’s motorcycle, nearly falling off once or twice before I learned to hold on. He revved up the engine and in minutes we were far away from Belleview High, headed towards a destination I didn’t even think Jared had decided on yet.