Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep 2

Mar 26, 2021 07:41

Holy cow the 2nd episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier left me with a lot of feelings. I sure hope someone else out there is watching this so we can talk about it!

BUCKY. BUCKY WHAT ARE YOU DOING. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO YELL AT STEVE FOR BEING DUMB WHEN YOU ARE JUMPING OUT OF AIRPLANES WITHOUT A CHUTE. I just. That whole scene! "You can't call me that." And the way he just. JUMPED OUT THE DAMN PLANE I can't. Also can we talk about how this man landed flat on his back after jumping out of a damn PLANE and then just got up and walked it off????

Other things I want to talk about:

- Bucky's incandescent anger. On a scale of 1-10, his need to punch that Walker asshole in the face is approximately 9,876. His visceral need to take back that shield.
- Also Bucky's desperation to believe that he can be good, that he's worth it - that Steve was right to believe in him. When he snapped and said that to Sam, it was such a moment, re how tightly Bucky's life and self-esteem has been tied to Steve. And vice versa, for a long time. It made me so mad at Steve all over again. Sigh. Screw you Endgame.
- Also Walker referring to Bucky as an asset. FUCK YOU WALKER. I fucking hate that guy and I barely know him.
- Saaaaammmmm. He's so mission-driven. OMG I am loving everything about him in this show. We are getting so many facets of him here. Soldier, friend, brother, uncle, citizen, government pawn, and they are also leaning into issues of race and class surrounding legacy and life without flinching, and it's painful and so good also.
- Sam's alternating modes as needling Bucky to within an inch of his life, and going into protective mode when people are mean to him, and standing his ground when Bucky is so angry about the shield. Damn.
- ALL THE CAPS! ALL OF THEM!!!!! Holy fuck that scene with Isaiah Bradley, the pain and anger radiating off that man for the wrongs done to him, and the horror on Sam's face. CARL LUMBLY I LOVE YOU. That scene was amazing. And the history it reveals. This show is in the realest of real places.
- Battlestar? Dude. I had to go to the internet to read about problematic Bucky issues after that, which was enlightening, but I hate that guy too. Because he's pals with the other one.
- Grudgingly I am gonna give some respect to Walker for how well he fights. But I still hate him.
- Did I mention that scene yet where Bucky is watching the interview with Walker?? HIS FACE. Yikes.
- The couples therapy. I AM DEAD.
- Sam and Bucky are just not on the same page yet. Sam hasn't come to terms with his worth, and the fact that he is not just Steve's choice, but the RIGHT choice. Bucky is still struggling with who he is, and is going to be - not just 'useful asset' but good man doing right in his own way. I am loving that the show is slowly, slowly leading us to the two of them working together, but that they are realizing on their own that they can work together and it's beautiful.
- Super soldiers UGH WHAT IS HAPPENING this is the worst. (I am Suspicious Of Walker also, did they give him the juice? But I digress.) Where did they get the serum?? WHO ELSE GOT THE SERUM?? Why did Bucky sit on what he knew about Isaiah? Why didn't he tell Steve? Like, did he think Steve would go running over there? I'm so confused about this larger history they are unveiling with ALL THE CAPS. <-- irony in my choice of font
- That episode was amazing, just saying, on the level of feels for all my faves
- Steve's absence continues to be like the "I can still hear his voice/I'm right here" meme. They are all talking about him in the past tense. Including Bucky. "That's what Steve called you." "Steve knew me longer." Are we supposed to think he's dead? Because I can't cope with that at all. At. All. I was okay with Tony's death (no I was not) as long as we didn't lose both Cap and Tony, and now I'm less okay.
- I'm sure I'm missing something. Gosh I'll just have to watch it again later today. The hardship.

falcon and the winter soldier, mcu, captain america, sam wilson, bucky barnes, fatws

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